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View Full Version : Eve-Online: Trinity 2.0

12-12-2007, 09:18 AM
Eve is getting is brand new graphics engine this winter and a full trailer was released last night, thought it might tempt some of the people who've never given it a try.

Stream : http://www.evetube.com/fs.php?playid=86 (http://www.torrentbytes.net/redir.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.evetube.com%2Ffs.php%3Fplayid%3D86)
H.264 : http://eve-files.com/dl/135329 (http://www.torrentbytes.net/redir.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Feve-files.com%2Fdl%2F135329)

How amazingly beautiful...

If not for the graphics, it's definitely worth a watch for the music. :P

By the way, if anybody know whether the song used in the trailer is commercial or not (made specifically for the trailer), I'll appreciate it if you can just give me a heads up. :P