View Full Version : Mp3 Splitting

07-24-2003, 07:14 AM
I have just recently d/l Vols I, II & III of UB40's Platinum Collection (so I have a
backup of my original CDs at work, of course... ;) ) and am quite satisfied.
Apart from one little niggle...

Vols I & II arrived in separate tracks, (perfect, as I wish to put all three volumes on
one CD, so that my DVD player can read the ID3 info on each track.)

Vol III, however, arrived as a single large track of the whole album... damn!
So, given that the d/l took forever anyway and I therefore do not wish to repeat
the experience, and given that I have the track duration noted to the 1/100th of a

Can the forum members recommend the BEST software for outputting (preferably
in one go) all the relevent tracks as separate MP3's given the correct splitting points
as times/frames.....?

Have already d/l and tried a few splitters but with varying degrees of failure due to
limitations of software (selecting tracks by dragging handles for instance... ugggh. :x )

Thx . . .

07-24-2003, 07:35 AM
I use cool Edit Pro best there is, however it isn't very user friendly for newbies becasue it can be very scary theres alot of options :o

07-24-2003, 09:24 AM
There is Albumwrap app out in kazaa too,
i didnt like it that much tho.
I use Steinberg WaveLab.

...and just dont DL wraps, its too much work to split them,
amongst other stuff. ;)

Who was the braniac to start doing wraps anyways? :blink:


07-24-2003, 03:30 PM
:lol: Thanks Hogster, CEPro is just the ticket. It allowed me to select my chunks
to the third decimal place and save as straight MP3 or, if I felt so inclined, as MP3Pro
files... wtg! :lol:

BTW Slinger, it wasn't an ALBW file. Some 'Dubbya' wannabe had MP3'd the whole
disk, as one file! Crazy, I know! Thx for the tip, though. Will probably try out the
Steinberg prog in due course... ;)
