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View Full Version : Does this crap even work...TCP/IP patch windows xp sp2?

12-14-2007, 03:07 AM
Does this make a diff on my upload speed, and will i be able to seed more torrents at the same time?

12-14-2007, 03:16 AM
The only thing you are really doing, IMHO, is making sure your MTU is set at about 1500

12-14-2007, 03:18 AM
I believe so since the amounts of allowed connections made to your pc would increase see LVlLords site and get his patch if you need it.


12-14-2007, 03:20 AM
So it's pointless, it's just a myth?
Why hell do they even advertise this crap....if it really doesn't work!

I believe so since the amounts of allowed connections made to your pc would increase see LVlLords site and get his patch if you need it.


Ya i tried it but don't see any diff.
And the english version has a virus in it!!!

12-14-2007, 03:29 AM
Also if I remember correctly in the past if you didn't apply the patch and you would look under computer management-> system tools-> event viewer-> system you would constantly get connections limit exceeded warnings if there were alot leechers trying to connect to you.

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, since its been a while since I seen that warning and I have had my xp patched for a long time.

12-14-2007, 03:37 AM
Also if I remember correctly in the past if you didn't apply the patch and you would look under computer management-> system tools-> event viewer-> system you would constantly get connections limit exceeded warnings if there were alot leechers trying to connect to you.

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, since its been a while since I seen that warning and I have had my xp patched for a long time.

Sorry bro...i don't know about that, but what was ur settings with the patch?
Maybe I'm setting it up wrong.

I need to ask u something, is there a way to get more peers when seeding? I only get like 1 or 2 if I'm lucky, i don't understand how i get sooo few, from such amazing sites like scc,ftn & TT Wtf...lol I need help

12-14-2007, 03:50 AM
Well I did the default setting that the patch applies which I believe is 50 connections which I think is more then enough for torrents. As for not being able to get more peers when you are seeding could it be maybe that you are not connectible because of your ports?

Or maybe there just aren't that many peers leeching. :unsure: you might want to test the utorrent connection to see if you have your ports forwarded correctly under options-> speed guide on your utorrent client.

12-14-2007, 04:06 AM
Well for starters my peer guardian 2 was blocking my utorrent port, so i shut it down and it now says OK in green. Btw does this pg2 crap even work, and is it necessary?
I wish u where at my house to show me if every thing in config right...lol I learn fn quick though, I'm a pc technician, i pick things up quickly when explained properly.
P.S Should i even use that patch crap?

12-14-2007, 04:15 AM
It works and it is not a virus. It technically allows you to establish as many outbound tcp connections as you configure it to. There is a limit in windows xp by default for that and this patch is basically to remove it. You will connect to more peers quickly with it :yup:

12-14-2007, 04:19 AM
It works and it is not a virus. It technically allows you to establish as many outbound tcp connections as you configure it to. There is a limit in windows xp by default for that and this patch is basically to remove it. You will connect to more peers quickly with it :yup:

Try to open up the english version, & u will see that nothing opens, then use nod32 and do a full scan.
U will then see what I'm talking about, i just remove it like 20mins ago!

BTW...whats the best way to setup the patch????

12-14-2007, 04:21 AM
Yes it works and it helps a lot.Windows only allows 10 half open connections but with this you can change it to anything.But 50 is suggested.Then you go into Utorrent advanced options and change the net.max_halfopen to the same as you did with the patch.Nod32 only says something because you have report potentially dangerous programs on and this is "potentially dangerous" to them because it changes a windows setting.

12-14-2007, 04:24 AM
Ya i did that...i see no diff!!!

12-14-2007, 04:26 AM
Well it's not going to make your speed faster if thats what you mean.It just helps you connect to peers.

Here maybe this will help because i can't really explain it myself.Just remember that the higher you have this set to the faster worms and viruses can spread..

What's this EventID 4226?
The EventID 4226 means, that there are to many concurrent TCP connection attempts. A connection attemp is a query to a computer, if it accept the TCP connection or not. If the computer is for example no more existent, it will be waited for a few seconds, until a timeout occurs and the connection attemp get canceled.
Since XP SP2 there are only 10 concurrent TCP connection attempts possible, while in SP1 it has not been limited.

Which effects does this limit have?
Applications with many connection attemps may work bad or not at all. Even web browsers, eMail clients or antivir programs can be affected and might bring a long time of waiting.
Also administrative diagnosticprograms in companies make problem. In short, there seems to be more problems than there is an advantage.

How can I find out, if I'm affected?
Just have a look at Start/Maintenance/Control Panel/Administration Management/Eventview/System if there are entries with the event id 4226. If yes, minimum one time the limit has been reached

I read something, that it's possible to change limit via registry (TcpNumConnections). Is that true?
Unfortunately not. Because the concurrent connection attemp limit has nothing to with concurrent connections, this registry-key is useless. Unfortunately there is no registry-key, which would allow the user to change the concurrent connection attemps.

50 concurrent, half-open connections is to less for me. Is it possible to get more?
Yes! Just use as a Parameter /L=limit, where limit describes the new limit.
For example a 100 limit can be set with the command:
EvID4226Patch /L=100

Which other parameters does exist?
Not entered yet ...

Which languages are supported?
Theoretical every lange is supported. If not, please contact me!

I have Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP SP1. Will these get supported soon, too?
Because the limit got introducted in XP SP2, the other operating systems are currently unlimited.
Exception: Windows 2003 Server seems to be limited as well since SP1 beta. An update will follow ...

12-14-2007, 04:28 AM
Well it's not going to make your speed faster if thats what you mean.It just helps you connect to peers.
Ya my peers suck ass, i have fn 2 at the bloody most.
I'm so sick of this!:frusty:

12-14-2007, 04:32 AM
What torrent you trying to get anyway?

12-14-2007, 04:34 AM
:hmmm: well when I scan the patch with my nod 32 I don't get a warning and when I run it a command prompt window opens and it give me the info below:

Intelligent TCPIP.SYS patcher / EventID 4226 patch Version 2.23d
(c) 2004-05 LvlLord (www.LvlLord.de) use parameter /? for more options

This program is in development. Visit http://www.LvlLord.de for a new version

- Windows mode
- Recognised Windows-directory: C:\WINDOWS

- 'Windows XP SP2 or newer' TCPIP.SYS detected ...

- Build of TCPIP.SYS : 5.1.2600.2892 (I386)
- Build of safety copy: 5.1.2600.2892 (I386)

Found limit position : 0x4F7C6
Current maximum concurrent half-open connections: 50

If you continue, please press 'Abort' and 'Yes' on the popup from Windows
File Protection. Because we change system files, Windows tries to restore the
original one. So it's normal.

Do you really want to change the limit to 10?
(Y=Yes / N=No / C=Change limit / U=Uninstall)

As you can see my connection have been set to 50 already so I think it wants change the connections back to the default settings which I don't want to do. :)

12-14-2007, 04:36 AM
That's because you don't have your nod32 set up to detect potentially dangerous applications.

12-14-2007, 04:37 AM
What torrent you trying to get anyway?

Any new and popular movies or music!

This how bad things are, take a look how shitty my peers are.


That's because you don't have your nod32 set up to detect potentially dangerous applications.

Thank u for proving it to every body.
U are 100% correct, it has a bloody virus!
I use the german one, and just memorize it...;)

12-14-2007, 04:43 AM
These are all obvious things you should do and probably have but it can't hurt to ask i guess.Do you protocol encryption enabled in utorrent?
My settings are global max number of connections=130.
Max connect peers per torrent=70

Also you are connectable right?

I just noticed that all the torrents you are downloading have only 1 or 0 seeds also.Which is most likely the problem :)

And no it doesn't have a bloody virus lol!I been using it for years with no problems.

12-14-2007, 04:54 AM
These are all obvious things you should do and probably have but it can't hurt to ask i guess.Do you protocol encryption enabled in utorrent?
My settings are global max number of connections=130.
Max connect peers per torrent=70

Also you are connectable right?

I just noticed that all the torrents you are downloading have only 1 or 0 seeds also.Which is most likely the problem :)

And no it doesn't have a bloody virus lol!I been using it for years with no problems.

I tried ur settings, yes I'm connectable, & if u go and download the patch from the site, u will see, don't use ur old patch from ur hard drive, get the new one from the site.
I used the old one, and it was fine, but now it's not!
Trust me...

12-14-2007, 04:56 AM
That's because you don't have your nod32 set up to detect potentially dangerous applications.

But do you agree with me that this patch is not a virus correct or did I misunderstand you post before this one?

I mean this patch has been used many times and I never heard anyone claiming that it installs a virus. :unsure:

I just ran it with the setting located under Imon-> setup-> Miscellaneous-> scanner-> setup and check off "potentially dangerous applications" and it still didn't raise any flags.

12-14-2007, 04:57 AM
I'm positive that there is no virus.But if you go to AMON-Setup-Options and check potentially unwanted and potentially dangerous it will go off.But it's only because it changes windows settings.

12-14-2007, 05:00 AM
Go and download the new one from the site, english version
Don't use the one that u already have!
I sure got it, u must get it...

Maybe u guys need a screen shot!!!

12-14-2007, 05:19 AM
Go and download the new one from the site, english version
Don't use the one that u already have!
I sure got it, u must get it...

Maybe u guys need a screen shot!!!

That is the one I was scanning since I didn't have it on my pc. ;)
But I guess a screen shot of the warning you get wouldn't hurt to get a better idea of what you get.

I get the following:

http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/1389/nod32ps8.th.jpg (http://img292.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nod32ps8.jpg)

12-14-2007, 05:22 AM
Go and download the new one from the site, english version
Don't use the one that u already have!
I sure got it, u must get it...

Maybe u guys need a screen shot!!!

That is the one I was scanning since I didn't have it on my pc. ;)
But I guess a screen shot of the warning you get wouldn't hurt to get a better idea of what you get.

I get the following:

http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/1389/nod32ps8.th.jpg (http://img292.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nod32ps8.jpg)

On the way...it will take a bit though...:yup:

BTW...when i go and download it from the site, it doesn't even fuckin open,,,there is no nothing!
I will prove it 2 u guys

These r the settings u need to put in order to find it!


Yup...i found them..there on the way!

12-14-2007, 05:22 AM
Did you go into the AMON section under options and checkmark the two that start with potentially?Because it will definitely go off if you do.But i'll say it again there is no virus.I have used this for at least 5 years and had no problems.

12-14-2007, 05:29 AM
Did you go into the AMON section under options and checkmark the two that start with potentially?Because it will definitely go off if you do.But i'll say it again there is no virus.I have used this for at least 5 years and had no problems.

Did u go and download it from the site?
Don't tell that, when u didn't do as i asked!
The fuckin app wont even open, try it

12-14-2007, 05:29 AM
It helps, from experience

just don't over do it, 50 - 100 open connections would be enough

12-14-2007, 05:32 AM
Did you go into the AMON section under options and checkmark the two that start with potentially?Because it will definitely go off if you do.But i'll say it again there is no virus.I have used this for at least 5 years and had no problems.

Did u go and download it from the site?
Don't tell that, when u didn't do as i asked!
The fuckin app wont even open, try it

I just did and it opens fine you do know that it is in a zip file right?I wasn't even talking to you anyway..

12-14-2007, 05:32 AM
Ok i hope ur happy?
I don't know if it means virus..but it means something bad coz it's in RED!


WTF >..how come it don't work for me?

Did u go and download it from the site?
Don't tell that, when u didn't do as i asked!
The fuckin app wont even open, try it

I just did and it opens fine you do know that it is in a zip file right?I wasn't even talking to you anyway..

Of course i know it's zip!
Winrar is all i use...;)

12-14-2007, 05:38 AM
If you want it to open then all you have to do is go to AMON/Setup/Options and uncheck the potentially unwanted options.

Dude it says this right on the download site....

Recent false virus-notifications
Some AntiVir Software vendors added the patcher into their virus-definitions. The patcher is often detected as 'Tool/EvID'. But as a first info:
The patcher ist NO VIRUS.
Some virus and trojanwriter uses the same technique to increase the limit. After that its easier for them to spread to other computers in the internet. This runs without knowledge of the user. So he is not informed about what's going on.
With the patcher here, every user can decide on his own if he wants to change the file and if yes how high the limit should be. Also the user will be warned if he chooses to high limits, as already infected machines will spread existent viruses and trojans easier to the net. So everybody can choose on its own and is not forced to. The patcher itself does not contain malware.
The virus-notification therefore should be seen as an information that this program contains the functionality to increase the limit. If that program is not known or has not been installed you can delete it.
I hope I have answered some questions.

Why is it so hard for you to believe.Virus scanners regularly flag cracks for games too but we still use them don't we.

12-14-2007, 05:42 AM
Well why can't i see the app when i try to open it?
Now thats fn strange!!!!

12-14-2007, 05:44 AM

12-14-2007, 05:47 AM
I fn give up!!!
It works 4 u, but not 4 me.
Btw what os u have?

12-14-2007, 05:50 AM
Windows Xp service pack 2 is the only thing this will work on.I will laugh if we been talking about this the whole time and you have a different operating system hehe

12-14-2007, 05:54 AM
I'm not that dumb...lol


12-14-2007, 05:56 AM
Lol well i hope things work out for you dude.Cya around :)

12-14-2007, 06:01 AM
Lol well i hope things work out for you dude.Cya around :)

Thanx 4 ya time bro!
c/ya man:yup:

12-14-2007, 06:13 AM
anyone got one for vista x64 ultimate?

12-14-2007, 06:15 AM
I know theres 1 or vista...but i don't about x64.

12-14-2007, 06:51 AM
Have you tried and going to your start->run command and entering cmd and then choosing ok to see if the actual command line window opens?

If it opens then try this method listed below but make sure you have the extracted folder in your my documents folder and when the command line window opens type.

cd my documents
Then you will get the following:
C:\Documents and Settings\Lost N Sound\My Documents>
then on that window type cd EvID4226Patch223d-en

Then you will get the following
C:\Documents and Settings\Lost N Sound\My Documents>EvID4226Patch223d-en
Which is the folder containing the EvID4226Patch.exe

and to run it just type the command below:

and then it should give you the option of choose how many connections you want to allow.

Hope this method of running it works for you. :)

12-14-2007, 06:55 AM
I'ts all good..i just use the german one...lol

12-14-2007, 06:56 AM
ok :)

12-14-2007, 07:27 AM
anyone got one for vista x64 ultimate?

I have same version off Vista and i am using this : http://www.securevista.net/2007/05/tcpip-and-uac-autopatch.html

There are some catches though so read carefully everything and first is this : Do not update windows vista KB93897 or this wont work.
I instaled it in safe mode to be sure i get it right .Be sure u run as administrator when u install it . And after install u go to" RUN " there you must type : "regedit" and navigate here : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\
if u succedded u will find this : "TcpNumConnections=70000" if u find it all you have to do is edit this value to whatever amount of connections you need.

12-14-2007, 07:50 AM
So it's pointless, it's just a myth?
Why hell do they even advertise this crap....if it really doesn't work!

I believe so since the amounts of allowed connections made to your pc would increase see LVlLords site and get his patch if you need it.


Ya i tried it but don't see any diff.
And the english version has a virus in it!!!

I have used this patch for ages and There is no virus in the eng version, Im surprised you saw no increase I increased my DL dramatically as it did with a few friends Iv tried it on.

Also and this may sound stupid but I did it myself so it could happen. Did you check the maximum speed in the lower right hand corner maybe it's set capping you off?


Is that the XP Black edition?? I love that one

12-14-2007, 08:36 AM
Actually it's invi pro enhanced for WB.Search for it on Deviantart.

12-14-2007, 08:48 AM
I see I have a modified version with the Black edition on mine right now. Quite stylish yes

12-14-2007, 08:58 AM
Yeah it's great.

12-14-2007, 12:01 PM
ive tried that patch and never noticed a difference. personally i think its bollocks.

12-14-2007, 01:09 PM
it isn't, but depending on your router it may just cause more trouble. I used an SMC 8204BRA and it caused my router to get congested instead, making my while connection drop, because 50 was to high for it. When I set it on 30, everything was fine. On the one I have now, it is set on 80 and working flawlessly :)

And about it being a virus. It's a hacktool, but YOU ARE DOING THE HACKING, so I wouldn't worry too much about that LMAO :D

12-14-2007, 03:28 PM
ive tried that patch and never noticed a difference. personally i think its bollocks.

The only time you will see a difference is if you continually reach the limit. If your not getting an error message in your event viewer stating that your TCP/IP has reached the limit, then the patch will do nothing to increase your speed.

But if your do reach the default limit, applying the patch will DRAMATICALLY increase speed.

12-14-2007, 04:46 PM
tweaks, this may be trivial but you may have overlooked this:

Since when you downloaded that file, it was triggered in Nod32. So maybe all subsequent downloads are also being quarantined. Perhaps download the file again and rename it to some other name and then try running it.

Also save it to a different location as well from before

My $0.02