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View Full Version : Corrupt files

12-19-2007, 01:18 AM
Hey guys, am fairly new to the whole newsgroups thing but have been loving it so far.

I hae just downloaded a large dvd
The problem is winrar is reporting 4 of the 167 rar files to be corrupt. Usually when this happens i download those individual files again and all is fine. I have done this 4 times and they are still corrupt. I ran an sfv checker which also tells me that they are corrupt. I tried running advanced rar recovery which didn't help either.

When i run winrar at the moment upon completion all i get is the mds file along with the errors.

Basicly was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way i can get good versions of these 4 rar files or if i can watch the content in any way ie. missing the corrupt files out etc etc

Is there a way for me to watch the content on the other 163 rar files which are ok?
This is the release so you guys know and my errors are stating that parts 155, 158, 159, and 167 are corrupt


Cheers in advance

sorry forgot to mention about the whole par2 thing. Am i right in thinking that just a few extra par2 files could solve this problem. If so how do i request these. Do i just email (and how do i get the email address, i tired this and got a delivery fialure [email protected]) the poster or is there another way i am supposed to do it.


12-19-2007, 02:42 AM
Part 155 is missing one block here and 274 recovery blocks were posted, so I don't understand why you are looking for extra par2 files.

12-19-2007, 03:28 AM
Part 155 is missing one block here and 274 recovery blocks were posted, so I don't understand why you are looking for extra par2 files.
Errr ok i am a little confused. Please be patient with me as i am new to all of this.

At present if iwant to download i search at binsearch.info.

I downloaded the 24 season 2 disk 4 collection and had 3 corrupt rar files. The par2's in this collection didn't help this.

You state 274 recovery blocks were posted. where do you see these? Are you just refering to the ones in the initial collection??

12-19-2007, 05:28 AM
Download and install quickpar (http://www.quickpar.org.uk/)

Double click on one of the pars, if you need to tell windows to open the par with quickpar. The program will then repair the rar file set.

12-19-2007, 01:21 PM
Download and install quickpar (http://www.quickpar.org.uk/)

Double click on one of the pars, if you need to tell windows to open the par with quickpar. The program will then repair the rar file set.

Yes i have been doing his the whole time. You can see the results of this below

12-19-2007, 04:21 PM
Download and install quickpar (http://www.quickpar.org.uk/)

Double click on one of the pars, if you need to tell windows to open the par with quickpar. The program will then repair the rar file set.

Yes i have been doing his the whole time. You can see the results of this below
http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/6054/quickparib2.th.jpg (http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/6054/quickparib2.jpg)

Your Search using Binsearch (http://www.binsearch.info/?b=ents+REQ+%2313186%3A+24.Season.2.Disk.4.Untouched.NTSC.DVD9+-+24S2D4&g=alt.binaries.dvdrs&p=Yenc%40power-post.org+%28Yenc-PP-GB%26L8%29&max=250) didn't yield any par sets. Going by request id (13186) also didn't yield any par sets (http://www.binsearch.info/?q=13186&max=250&adv_age=). But if you had searched by request id (13186) on Newzleech, you'd get a result with a par set (http://www.newzleech.com/?group=&minage=&age=&min=min&max=max&q=13186&mode=usenet&adv=. Specifically it's http://www.newzleech.com/?p=2994722, which is the 2nd result from the request id search.

The lesson I learned from my use of bin search engines is not to rely on just one search engine but to utilize at least 2 engines when searching for a release. Another tip is to search by request ids or filenames (i.e 13186 <request id> or 24S2D4 <common filename>)

Edit/Add: You're didn't post your image link right so I corrected the image link in the quote in my reply.

12-19-2007, 04:59 PM


12-19-2007, 07:56 PM
Thanks to Jibber for calling attention to a corruption issue that I didn't already know about. Turns out to be a problem with NewsHosting that they should be able to solve.

12-20-2007, 03:31 AM
NNTP (news-news transport protocol) is an electronic bucket brigade; the possibility of the files being corrupted throughout the process is ripe!

Original Poster transmit to news-server.

News-server to News-server

News-server to ultimate downloader

Things are MUCH better these days than even a couple years ago. But 'stuff' still happens, which is why parity (PAR/PAR2) files exist. But the number of huge transfers (4.5 to 9GB) without any need to repair is kinda stunning, once you realize things.

i.e., look at the 'path' in the downloaded parts for a clue to this; how many 'hops' did the files take....? I get things with > 10 jumps all the time, it's rare to get no hops at all.

12-20-2007, 05:02 AM

LOL wtf can people be this dense? What the hell...wow just wow.
Also check out Auto Repair above it, just incase you forget how to repair again :rolleyes:

12-20-2007, 10:50 AM

LOL wtf can people be this dense? What the hell...wow just wow.
Also check out Auto Repair above it, just incase you forget how to repair again :rolleyes:

Ok easy now, im not that dense, just new. Are you dense for stalling a car the first time you drove one????

Thanks alot for pointing this out above. When i was intoduced to newsgroups, the way i was shown to do it would be to just run one of the par files which would always solve any problems. This is the first time i have had to do anything else.

Thanks for all your help on something that is clearly quite trivial.

Once again no need for the criticism, we all gotta start somewhere.

Cheers guys

..:: c.R ::..
12-20-2007, 02:11 PM

That's fuckin' rude man. He's a n00b, he stated he was sorry asking those reptative, simple questions. There is no reason why a member of this forum needs to flame him.

Cut the guy some slack. This is forum about "how-to" mainly and your negative comments are disruptive to the tossing of ideas and suggestions.

Like my grandmother use to say, "If you have nothing good to say, then refrain from something saying anything at all."

And to jibber, hope we were able to help you out and that you haven't turned your back on the Usenet community.

12-20-2007, 02:46 PM
Without the easy questions my Post count would be about 3. lol.

12-20-2007, 05:39 PM

That's fuckin' rude man. He's a n00b, he stated he was sorry asking those reptative, simple questions. There is no reason why a member of this forum needs to flame him.

Cut the guy some slack. This is forum about "how-to" mainly and your negative comments are disruptive to the tossing of ideas and suggestions.

Like my grandmother use to say, "If you have nothing good to say, then refrain from something saying anything at all."

And to jibber, hope we were able to help you out and that you haven't turned your back on the Usenet community.

Not at all mate. Every forums got a few idiots that just need to be ignored.

Once again cheers all for solving my (very simple) problem, lol.

12-20-2007, 05:56 PM
NNTP (news-news transport protocol) is an electronic bucket brigade; the possibility of the files being corrupted throughout the process is rife!

Original Poster transmit to news-server.

News-server to News-server

News-server to ultimate downloader

Things are MUCH better these days than even a couple years ago. But 'stuff' still happens, which is why parity (PAR/PAR2) files exist. But the number of huge transfers (4.5 to 9GB) without any need to repair is kinda stunning, once you realize things.

i.e., look at the 'path' in the downloaded parts for a clue to this; how many 'hops' did the files take....? I get things with > 10 jumps all the time, it's rare to get no hops at all.

During 2007, if a multipart was corrupted but not missing, then 99% of the time it was due to one particular bug with Diablo news server software. This nasty bug was finally killed in November, but some providers haven't upgraded their software yet.

As for the post that is in this topic, the cause of the problem with parts 155, 158 and 159 is in the remaining 1% of issues; in this case, Newshosting's American & European servers were assigning identical Message-ID's to two posts made at the same time to each location. The left half of the Message-ID is generated by the time of posting, and Newshosting uses the same string for the right half for both US and Europe.