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View Full Version : Who uploads to public trackers?

12-20-2007, 08:06 PM
public trackers manage to have a very large number of torrents being uploaded everyday. i was wondering if they have dedicated teams of uploaders or just mainly rely on the millions on random users that use them. if its the users who are uploading then what incentive do they have? in private trackers theres the incentive of having a good ratio and earning tags. how do they still manage to have so many seeders on popular torrents especially. i know there are many people who seed back there also but im pretty sure theres plenty there who hit n run

12-20-2007, 08:12 PM
i upload to isohunt on weekends :)

12-20-2007, 08:16 PM
interesting thread, never thought of it b4, yes I also really want to know

12-20-2007, 08:17 PM
There are plenty that hit and run, but just like back in the days of kazaa and napster, people share because they want to help others. I don't upload to public trackers because of where I live, but I used to share everything with everyone just because I could, no thanks needed.
It just feels good to help, and thats enough insentive for some.

12-20-2007, 08:20 PM
yes tokeman as i mentioned earlier there are people who share. i happen to be one of them. but considering the fact that even after enforcing hit n run rules, people still do it on private trackers. so i cant imagine there being so many faithful users on public trackers

12-20-2007, 08:34 PM
yeah i did from before


12-20-2007, 08:37 PM
Uploading on Demonoid was as close as uploading to a public tracker I've ever gotten.

I mean Demonoid was basically public for a long time,
and its not like ratio rules were truly in effect.

But, I usually filled requests in the forums to help people out.

12-20-2007, 08:37 PM
ermm wat was the point in posting that link??

12-20-2007, 09:03 PM
There are a mix of both that upload to public trackers. Users like yourself and I, and some dedicated groups who like to help others and be noticed. I wouldn't upload to a public tracker. But to each it's own.

12-20-2007, 09:17 PM
the tracker i upped most was demonoid (pretty much all my stuff were there)...but now it's gone =/

12-20-2007, 09:57 PM
I did upload on DA & mininova, each once, makes me a bit confuse how to do it since it's a bit different to make a .torrent on public tracker compare to private one :P

12-20-2007, 10:03 PM
I have uploaded a few albums to public trackers. Only really rare stuff or albums that were already there in bad quality.

12-20-2007, 11:00 PM
yes, public trackers are good to upload to, if you wanna test uploading a torrent

12-21-2007, 03:22 PM
i have to admit i have great respect for people who upload to public trackers.

the only reason why they do it is they wanna share their files.

not ratio, buffer, invites, e-penis etc.

the majority of bt users download from public trackers.

people who upload there are real filesharer.

12-21-2007, 04:40 PM
I used to upload to the piratebay and other "private" sites that allow user uploads but i stopped when i realized how ungrateful the leechers were.

Sometimes i'd get thousands of snatches with only a handful of comments :cry:

12-21-2007, 04:46 PM
i do upload old movies to public trackers :)

12-21-2007, 04:57 PM
i have to admit i have great respect for people who upload to public trackers.

the only reason why they do it is they wanna share their files.

not ratio, buffer, invites, e-penis etc.

the majority of bt users download from public trackers.

people who upload there are real filesharer.

Rightly said..

Most of the times it happens that i dont find what i want on any trackers..but just search at piratebay/isohunt/btjunkie/scrapetorrent and one can find almost anything.

Although seeds are like 1-2 but it doesnt matter people do share without expecting anything back :D

12-21-2007, 05:25 PM
Yeah, I think if this ppl who uploaded to the public trackers happen to have a chance to become members of a high level private trackers, he/she would make a great number of uploads :)
Is it possible this ppl on public trackers also use seedbox ?

12-21-2007, 05:32 PM
I up on isohunt once in a while, to bad they all are in love with "axxo* releases

12-21-2007, 06:14 PM
I used to upload to the piratebay and other "private" sites that allow user uploads but i stopped when i realized how ungrateful the leechers were.

Sometimes i'd get thousands of snatches with only a handful of comments :cry:

Lol see you needed those comments to grow your e-penis.

I drop to private sites and I dont give a flying **** whether they comment or not. I just do it because the other people who upload there take forever to drop releases and thats where I started so I give back. They aren't public but they aren't "high level"

I don't need people thanking me or kissing my *** to feel that I have contributed. I even upload anonymously so no one even knows its me and I don't get any credit lol.

Real uploaders dont look for anything in return, we just do it to do it to help. Who do you think drops to the trackers you are on? Why do you think they remain anonymous?

All I ask in return is that people seed so I can stop seeding after the first 10-20 minutes so I can upload something else lol

12-21-2007, 06:54 PM
I used to upload to the piratebay and other "private" sites that allow user uploads but i stopped when i realized how ungrateful the leechers were.

Sometimes i'd get thousands of snatches with only a handful of comments :cry:

Lol see you needed those comments to grow your e-penis.

I drop to private sites and I dont give a flying **** whether they comment or not. I just do it because the other people who upload there take forever to drop releases and thats where I started so I give back. They aren't public but they aren't "high level"

I don't need people thanking me or kissing my *** to feel that I have contributed. I even upload anonymously so no one even knows its me and I don't get any credit lol.

Real uploaders dont look for anything in return, we just do it to do it to help. Who do you think drops to the trackers you are on? Why do you think they remain anonymous?

All I ask in return is that people seed so I can stop seeding after the first 10-20 minutes so I can upload something else lol
What it has to do with e-penis?
You upload a torrent to help others and no one even bothers to thank you... that's frustrating

12-21-2007, 07:21 PM
Why is it frustrating? Seriously Thank you is a insignificant word that people just say as a formality.
Do you think that the person is truly thanking you? Is happy that you are a member?
I am not trying to be negative but if you doesnt drop it, someone else will; the average user doesn't care one bit who drops it as long as it gets dropped.

Most uploaders that I know don't want our names to be known, saying thanks is nice and all but it means nothing to me and to alot of other people because they just log into their account every day and download whatever is new, they really don't care who its from one bit as long as it is there for them to download in the morning.

However the people who do know what I do, dont need to say thank you because I know they have done alot for me.

Essentially, don't get frustrated or spiteful if someone doesn't say thank you...I mean its not like you are giving them the winning lotto numbers or paying for their college...

12-21-2007, 07:36 PM
I uploaded to public tracker/ftp because I think the contents(movie/book/music etc ) nice, I should share the nice contents with others. And I downloaded many from public tracker. I used to be anymous, I don't want anyone know I'm who upload it because I'm not the owner of the contents.

12-21-2007, 10:27 PM
i uploaded things to demonoid occassionally.

12-21-2007, 10:35 PM
Why is it frustrating? Seriously Thank you is a insignificant word that people just say as a formality.
Do you think that the person is truly thanking you? Is happy that you are a member?
I am not trying to be negative but if you doesnt drop it, someone else will; the average user doesn't care one bit who drops it as long as it gets dropped.

Most uploaders that I know don't want our names to be known, saying thanks is nice and all but it means nothing to me and to alot of other people because they just log into their account every day and download whatever is new, they really don't care who its from one bit as long as it is there for them to download in the morning.

However the people who do know what I do, dont need to say thank you because I know they have done alot for me.

Essentially, don't get frustrated or spiteful if someone doesn't say thank you...I mean its not like you are giving them the winning lotto numbers or paying for their college...

Once you understand the effort it takes to bring you the releases then you can speak.

I always comment on something i download i know i will watch/play because i KNOW what it takes to get the release out from start to finish ;)

12-21-2007, 10:46 PM
used to upload on demonoid :) and the only time i would upload to public trackers if i had used it to download a file beforehand

12-22-2007, 04:45 PM
Once you understand the effort it takes to bring you the releases then you can speak.

I always comment on something i download i know i will watch/play because i KNOW what it takes to get the release out from start to finish ;)

The only person you should be thanking is the uploader, and all they did was grab it off their ftp, make a torrent and upload it. Some sites even have a script that makes the torrent foryou. The rest of the process that you might consider hard is all done by the scene, and scene is very anti-p2p and would immediately anally rape the person they caught uploading to a tracker. So thanking a scene group on a torrent tracker would be like rubbing your sweaty stinky ass all over their face.

12-23-2007, 04:21 AM
hmm.. i think the public tracker themselves uploaded many of the torrents. what i would guessed is they have some sort of BOT that would screen through new torrents in other public tracker or demonoid and instantly "uploaded" in their own public tracker. That is why if you would enable DHT, you will see some similar "tracker" in these torrent.

just a wild guess. after seeing the similarity files in all the public tracker.

12-23-2007, 04:45 AM
Once you understand the effort it takes to bring you the releases then you can speak.

I always comment on something i download i know i will watch/play because i KNOW what it takes to get the release out from start to finish ;)

Dude seriously, dont assume the person you talk to doesnt upload, that is the worst mistake you can ever make.

All I was saying is that dont make such a big deal about comments on torrent files, it means nothing. If someone doesn't comment its not the end of the world, it is just a torrent on the internet, its not like you gave them an xbox 360 for free.

Just take it easy and puff your horn somewhere else cause nothing you brag about will impress me, seriously lol. You are just uping user uploads on what waffles? You got the file from somewhere else, clicked the create torrent button, and bingo its done. Or you just ripped a dvd or cd, again pressing 3 buttons. If you think this takes alot of effort and is hard, you are in for a big surprise. You have no idea what truly goes into uploading...you just are one of many kids on the internet that thinks bragging in a forum is going to make you cool. :rolleyes:

Just dont flip out on users if they dont comment on your torrents, its just a file...and you dont own it. :lol::lol:

12-23-2007, 09:47 AM
used to upload to demonoid , but now i'm uploading on isohunt :D

12-23-2007, 12:44 PM
Uploading to public trackers is the best way to get a letter from your ISP...

12-23-2007, 04:38 PM
Once you understand the effort it takes to bring you the releases then you can speak.

I always comment on something i download i know i will watch/play because i KNOW what it takes to get the release out from start to finish ;)

Dude seriously, dont assume the person you talk to doesnt upload, that is the worst mistake you can ever make.

All I was saying is that dont make such a big deal about comments on torrent files, it means nothing. If someone doesn't comment its not the end of the world, it is just a torrent on the internet, its not like you gave them an xbox 360 for free.

Just take it easy and puff your horn somewhere else cause nothing you brag about will impress me, seriously lol. You are just uping user uploads on what waffles? You got the file from somewhere else, clicked the create torrent button, and bingo its done. Or you just ripped a dvd or cd, again pressing 3 buttons. If you think this takes alot of effort and is hard, you are in for a big surprise. You have no idea what truly goes into uploading...you just are one of many kids on the internet that thinks bragging in a forum is going to make you cool. :rolleyes:

Just dont flip out on users if they dont comment on your torrents, its just a file...and you dont own it. :lol::lol:

I guess you didn't understand me.

I was referring to sites such as empornium for example.

I find it unfortunate that on such sites where everyone can contribute with their own uploads and leave comments almost nobody contributes. Less than 1% do anyways. :wacko:

So less than 1% of the crowd provides the goods for the remaining 99% of the crowd :sick:

I get frustrated when i see thousands of snatches on my DVD rip (that i had to go rent/rip/encode and create a torrent with proper description and screenshots for) getting a handful of comments of appreciation. :angry:

This is not the same effort needed as just downloading something from a private ftp and uploading to the tracker or downloading something from site A and seeding it to site B.

It takes way more time and effort to do it from A to Z. I have ripped and shared over 200 rips of my stuff but the lack of appreciation made me stop and from reading the forums on those sites i saw i am not the only uploader feeling this way.

I would not expect any comments if i were uploading to emule or to newsgroups but the comments section is there for a reason on BT sites. :yup:

So for me it's simple, the snatchers are too lazy to comment on my torrents, i'll get lazy in turn uploading for them ;)

Now i share privately with some select friends i met on those sites :)

Also i want to add if everyone contributed, BT sites with user uploads would be infinitely better i assure you :yup: