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View Full Version : FTN for the animals

12-21-2007, 03:22 PM
In a shock to the filesharingtalk Community, Up beat all round nice guy and Filesharingtalk.com crusader, Jars, has apparently been identified and was tonight arrested after a lot of blood and feathers were found all over in his hotel room by the cleaning lady. All the Nudist Colony police needed to hear was that Jars had been staying in the room the night before. Well, that was all they needed to know before they found the dead chicken.

Jars likes to paint whiskers on his cheeks and call himself “Kind Cat” said the investigating officer known only as Brandon. But this was a chicken not a cat?” Brandon went on,

"Well Jars apparently doesn’t discriminate. He's known in animal rings as a habitual animal abuser. His animal abuse dates back to 2001 when he was arrested twice, once after being accused of breaking a rooster's neck that had rejected his advances and once after he was found in a neighbour's goose pen apparently attempting to get some of the geese in the mood by molesting them".

Jars was also accused of having sex with and killing a stray fox near the Mallee town of Ouyen, drawing the disgust from the rural farming community in March this year. For that he was convicted of theft and cruelty to an animal, and was imprisoned until last month. Since that release, he hasn't slowed and was arrested in connection with the attempted theft of a baby Koala from a Taiwanese Zoo.

Brandon continued, " Yeah the fukka was skiting that since he was a small child he has ****ed everything from dead animals to a raccoons. He freely admitted that he'd killed the chicken while ****ing it and now faces 5 years in prison and a potential life ban from any future communications with filesharingtalk.com posters who I'll retain overnight for questioning".

Filesharingtalk.com posters were believed to be shocked with the news on Jars who despite his dashing good looks, lovely personality and awesome drinking skills, was a bit of an entertainer. Perhaps animal entertaining is what the filesharingtalkers enjoy!

Filesharingtalk CEOs said the community was in counseling at the moment and while knowing that Jars 'horsed' around a little, had no idea he was into it this much. Fellow animal rights posters threatened to break into Brandon's jail last night and rip Jars' hair off. Other posters were believed to be livid.

Brandon finished off by sating, it's FtN. When he get's it, he'll stop. He assures us.

Guys, I will. I promise :naughty: Anyway, this is my quest for FtN. Let me in, I'm an awesome community member with quality to boot.

I'm a PU at ScT, bittv,bitmeorg, waffles and TL.

Anyway, that's my shot.

Awaiting PM :)

12-21-2007, 03:29 PM
Wtf ?!

12-21-2007, 03:33 PM

12-21-2007, 03:53 PM
When is the movie coming out?

12-21-2007, 03:58 PM
Let me in, I'm an awesome community member with quality to boot.

I'm a XPU at ScT, VIP at bittv, PU at bitmeorg, waffles and TL. I'll send screens.

post # of post you have made in each of the site you listed above.

12-21-2007, 04:01 PM

What the hell is happening at FST..:P

People are going mad after FTN...

Poeme >>> Video Requests >> Movie Story...

Anything else is remaining??

12-21-2007, 04:03 PM
i actually like this news report :D

ops, thought it would merge...but already post in between.

12-21-2007, 04:08 PM
lol squirrel not everyone has stamina like u to spam :P

So making posts at every tracker one owns is out of question..;)

12-21-2007, 04:20 PM
man i will tell you something.....you will not get ftn..no matter what story you have..video..poem .......

12-21-2007, 04:21 PM
This is getting a little bit ridiculous

12-21-2007, 04:35 PM
i have cancer, please give me FTN... FFS !! :pinch:

12-21-2007, 04:42 PM
how much shall i pay for FTN..i wonder what da hell is in there..

12-21-2007, 04:43 PM
how much shall i pay for FTN..i wonder what da hell is in there..

they have FREE whores :lol:

12-21-2007, 04:45 PM
u notice that every time when somebody makes a request for ftn they mention 'community'..some ppl dont know the meaning of it..apart from ftn there r so many communities..even fst is one such..i cant get the difference between these comunities

anywayz good luck..yet another request ..yet another spam too

12-21-2007, 04:54 PM
Thats what i say evertime..they cry about community...

FST has 120,385 Members..!!

Its large enough community..

Ever checked anything apart form Bittorrent Invites..??

12-21-2007, 04:59 PM
You're right, simrack. TBPF, FST users always mention community when FtN comes up, so is it stereotypical? Just curious. I spend most of my time at expat, apple mac and fantasy sports communities. Yet FtN and 'communty' are heard more than most. That's why posters mention it. That's not a dig at you eirther, Champ. I was merely curious.

To others offended by the post, sorry, just expressing my creativity. I'm writing a short novel and that was a chapter. Obviously feedback here suggests reach to a different market :D. Getting a FtN was just a bonus.

Cheers, and thanks for the PMs from those with no invtes but got a giggle.

12-21-2007, 05:11 PM
You're right, simrack. TBPF, FST users always mention community when FtN comes up, so is it stereotypical? Just curious. I spend most of my time at expat, apple mac and fantasy sports communities. Yet FtN and 'communty' are heard more than most. That's why posters mention it. That's not a dig at you eirther, Champ. I was merely curious.

To others offended by the post, sorry, just expressing my creativity. I'm writing a short novel and that was a chapter. Obviously feedback here suggests reach to a different market :D. Getting a FtN was just a bonus.

Cheers, and thanks for the PMs from those with no invtes but got a giggle.

well..i aint a champ and i hav no intentions to bring down ur request.
tell me what bonus of a community u r getting by joining ftn :blink:
..what change the community at ftn is going to face by adding u:naughty:
what r u losing here that is there at small community like ftn:wacko:

if ur answers r satisfying somebody may hook u with an invite..if not i will:)

12-21-2007, 05:34 PM
Thanks for the shot, SIMRACK.

Ok, from the start; tell me what bonus of a community u r getting by joining ftn?

Well, to be honest, not a great deal. The biggest communities that I'm a member of are ones that I love being involved in, whether it be like I mentioned earlier, my fantasy sports site, mac site or expat site. I've got an equal love for torrenting as I do of those, that's why I want their community. Kinda addicted which sucks but I love it. Problem there is, out of all the torrenting communities I'm involved in, I'm yet to fine 'mine'. FST (flames coming) and waffles have too many kids and while their community is larger, well FST anyway, it's not what I enjoy at some others. While there are some quality posters, there's too much flaming for my liking.

next; ..what change the community at ftn is going to face by adding u?

Mate (can I call you that :), I'm an Aussie so it's natural), if I get in, I'll look around, assess things, and make some friends quickly. I'm big on mac, so I'll offer advice. I'll also crack the odd gag, obviously there'll be no neck breaking :noes: as we all know it's too much. That was only an eye opener to get some members to give me a shot.

next, what r u losing here that is there at small community like ftn?

I sort've addrsssed that above but any more on it might see hate mail pesonally delivered to my ISP :noes:

Finally; if ur answers r satisfying somebody may hook u with an invite..if not i will-

Cheers for the shot.

12-21-2007, 05:52 PM

What the hell is happening at FST..:P

People are going mad after FTN...

Poeme >>> Video Requests >> Movie Story...

Anything else is remaining??

Im working on a porno, I just have to keep redoing this one scene because I want the light to be just right...atleast thats what I keep telling the two girls lol

12-21-2007, 05:56 PM
I guess changing the focus mite help :P

12-21-2007, 06:25 PM
wats next? a nymphomaniac confession?

12-21-2007, 08:13 PM
These are freaking ridiculous, when are people who don't actually deserve to be in a great site like Ftn stop, or a better question, where. Nobody is going to invite a person just because he per say wrote a "pseudo-creative" short story. Especially with 55 posts, saying he wants to be part of a great community, if you are looking for community there are more than enough forums out there, FST being one. Furthermore, if i was an invite holding Ftn member these kinds of posts would decrease said users chance at an invite. Lastly, let the flames come.