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View Full Version : Black XP v 6.1 Or Indego Xp

12-21-2007, 07:05 PM
I am Currently Running Indego onmy pc i seen the Black :happy:im woundering Weather i should Format and go to Black Xp Not sure Wa is the best 1 :D Thanx

12-21-2007, 07:07 PM
You will probably have to check for yourself.It's xp either way you look at it so the rest is just program and theme preferences.

peat moss
12-22-2007, 07:27 AM
There both good programs , I'v used both but always liked the newer or " updated versions " myself . If your not having problems with your current install why change ? Just insert the Black dvd and install the theme's or programs to try ?

I'm sure they would work , I found the Indego very unstable or even fucking wonky so thats why I tried the Black . Or as my granny used to say " once you 'v had Black you never go back " . :naughty:

12-22-2007, 12:19 PM
BlackXP by gamerman = 30 minutes work OS with trojans
your decision

peat moss
12-22-2007, 09:01 PM
BlackXP by gamerman = 30 minutes work OS with trojans
your decision

Thats a wee bit harsh as the trojan is a weak two click fix .Black has newer drivers and programs but its a mute point as both pass the WGA and have great programs in the WPI . The newer ver. of Black has slipped a bit in the program selection but as always its a matter or choice .

I still have my Indego disk handy for programs if I need them . :happy:

12-22-2007, 09:06 PM
No, he has actual trojans in some of his releases
gamerman is known for is crappy 10 minutes work XP releases, I won't recommend you using them...

You can find much better releases on the net

peat moss
12-23-2007, 01:19 AM
No, he has actual trojans in some of his releases
gamerman is known for is crappy 10 minutes work XP releases, I won't recommend you using them...

You can find much better releases on the net

Not that I doubt you , can you give some examples ? Any good Security program I'v used has found two, both in a Documents/desktop/keys/folder .I think ? Something not to be ignored but still some key gen get hot flashed as well .

I'm not trying to be a smart ass but your scaring people for no reason . :(

Edit : Have not found one in Black 6 ,with the tools I have .

12-23-2007, 02:24 PM
Well, the reason I say this is because I've been a part of some boards which specialize in modified OS and it's known there that gamerman puts some shit in his OS...

I haven't used any of his OS, I only tell you what I know from some reliable sources...
I heard enough about his releases to know not to get near it

His releases also made in a short period of time, he releases OS so fast he has no chance to really work them out, he just changes the theme and puts some shit in...

I won't recommend using them, you can find plenty more great modified OS out there, no need to use gamerman's junk

post number 400 ^^

peat moss
12-23-2007, 11:19 PM
@Dynast, congrads on the 400 , hope there's many more . Ya with out getting in to a pissing contest as it serves no purpose , is there one you would recommend ?

I did try Windows Crystal , Demoniod Spectacular and a few different lite versions but kept going back to Gamerman's versions .

12-24-2007, 12:22 AM
Well, I don't know if this is an option but have any of you guys tried Last XP v.17?

peat moss
12-24-2007, 01:23 AM
Well, I don't know if this is an option but have any of you guys tried Last XP v.17?

Options are always nice eh ? This one is VLK and fits on a cd ? I 'v heard of Tiny XP as well but hav'nt tried either .

12-24-2007, 01:37 AM
BlackXP by gamerman = 30 minutes work OS with trojans
your decision

Bullshit stop with the false information..

12-24-2007, 12:59 PM
Yea, LastXP is great... (be sure to download v17 with the cumulative fix)

Everything I say is true, but if you prefer not to believe me so... I don't really care, honestly...

12-24-2007, 05:47 PM
I have about 5 or 6 of them and never had a problem once.You can go by your sources if you want but i find that actually checking for yourself usually works out the best.Especially when the sources are pretty much competition with the guy that they are shitting on.

Also that 10 minute thing is obviously wrong if you ever even seen one of his releases you would know that it took a lot more then 10 minutes.So just that makes me disregard everything else you said.

peat moss
12-24-2007, 07:42 PM
I'm pretty much with Deuce and will continue to share with friends , just wondering if Dynast has even tried it ? As I said don't want to start a pissing contest as its easier to try a program or O/S and give my own thoughts than start a flame .

I learnt over 12 years ago not to tell people what to use ( Think Browser Wars ) but can only suggest programs and Black is one of my fav's . :wub: I always try myself first as I may give to over 30 people think soccer team ! :lol:

12-24-2007, 07:51 PM
how bout...

peat moss
12-24-2007, 08:10 PM
how bout...

Good point ! :lol: But most people like the drivers pack , themes, programs to choose, they like me almost use it like a back up .

You know just format reinstall . :happy:

12-25-2007, 03:00 AM
I like to try as many as i can.I am limited though because i need one that comes with sata drivers built in and most of them don't.I don't have a floppy drive either so i can't do it that way.
The 4 i have burnt to dvd right now are Black Xp,Xp Indigo Platinum,Last Xp 16.2.3,and i have a basic one made by amit takin but i can't think of the name off the top of my head.It was "Something" service pack3 i got it back when demonoid was around.I seem to be so use to using the basic one and then just installing all the programs that i use becaue it seems much easier then having to uninstall all the programs that i don't want from other Os's.

12-31-2007, 05:45 AM
Trojans!? you're nuts! I have seen this posted other places too but when I scan with Nod and Norton and whatever else I happen to have handy It always comes up clean. Honestly I think it's propaganda set out by M$ to scare people into not using these great programs. Sometimes they will catch a Crack as a Trojan but it's not it's a crack. Also there is a newer version on Pirate bay of Black (http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3953474/BALCK_XP_7.0_GOLD_USA_FINAL) 7 by Kirk. I am going to try 2 versions in the coming weeks I am currently using Black 6.0 ultimate and I will try the "dark XP" as Peat Moss suggested to me in another thread, but now I want to try this "LastXP" one too.If you still say there are Trojans please by all means provide proof of this. I would really love to see it. Again I have been using Black since version 2.0 and never had a problem with it ever.

peat moss
12-31-2007, 06:12 AM
Trojans are made to be hidden and some are very sneaky , I'm not talking about key generators than a weak security program like Norton or Symantec , AVG crap finds .

I swear like Detale that any Gamerman release I'v tried has never caused me grief . I'm looking for XP Dark by the way . Saw it on 2minus2 but hate rapidshare .

Trojans I don't see no stinking Trojans .

I just reread my post as I always do and thought of darkseekers post .


A lot of problems with this release , not sure if it's just the sp3 as Etho is very good but a lot headaches with this . I shall try to see if I can find the posts as there where a few .

This one :

Windows XP Professional N Corporate SP3 (RC1 Build 3244) Integrated

I'm not sure if its because of the deleted Windows Media player , thanks to the fucking Euor plicks but even the other one that has the Windows player has problems . Just a heads up take it or leave I guess . ;)

12-31-2007, 06:36 AM
I currently have indego xp installed and i love it. I did here about Black XP but always thought its an older version of indego. I guess i am wrong because as i read through this thread, there are many versions out like LastXP, XP DArk, and etc... i may have to find out which other versions are out there besides the Black XP and Indego XP.

If you guys can post all the different kinds that are out there and maybe put it in the first post maybe peeps will appreciate this thread.

peat moss
12-31-2007, 07:09 AM
I currently have indego xp installed and i love it. I did here about Black XP but always thought its an older version of indego. I guess i am wrong because as i read through this thread, there are many versions out like LastXP, XP DArk, and etc... i may have to find out which other versions are out there besides the Black XP and Indego XP.

If you guys can post all the different kinds that are out there and maybe put it in the first post maybe peeps will appreciate this thread.

Would love too but think there's 5 or 6 threads , :lol:

Its fun and a passion or hobby for goof balls like me who don't mind adding a comment to threads if it helps . I'm the type that has no problem formating once a week to try the new and improved one .

Its not for everyone I admit but sure is fun . If I had to recommend one it would Black ver 6 , for what its worth . :)But keep the old disks handy as a lot and I mean a lot of programs are disregarded in later releases . :(

12-31-2007, 08:07 AM
I also am trying to get a Homegrown XP timeline down I assumed Indego was older than Black but who the hell knows, we need to put together a thread for this to describe the many versions and when they were released. I will do some research after new years.

01-01-2008, 09:44 AM
Yea that'd be cool Detale. I'll try to gather some info on some of these XP's as well.

01-03-2008, 03:13 AM
I just use windowsblind and my own knowledge to create something like black xp. But if i was to choose? Black XP hands down.

01-18-2008, 06:17 AM
To kind of add to the beginning of the Homegrown XP thing. I have recently found out that Black XP was based on Last XP so that would make Black newer than Last. Also v8 is out now but... There was a post on the Black XP forum about it.

While disecting Black XP v8... Low and behold, it is a modified version of Last XP.

Also, v8 is not a step up from v7.5, it is a step back to v7.0 with some visual mods.

I have made the following changes and will release it to the pirate bay on Friday:

I've included 3 NEW DVD covers!

Modified Install Background So That Install Dialogue Can Be Seen More Easily!

Put Uniblue & Nero Ultra 8 Back Into The Install!

Changed the Default Theme To VistaVG Ultimate!

Changed The OEM Info!

Works better than the origional!
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/8444/27696588xe%208.jpg M.O.D.Oh and it's friday

This guy still recommends 7.5 over 8 in a later post when someone asks him which is the best version

There are too many versions of black XP.
Whats the ideal Black xp to use for speed and good looking visuals that don't eat up cpu or ram.
7.5? Yes, I would go with v7.5