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View Full Version : how to create a new tracker

12-24-2007, 04:21 AM
can any body help me out that how to create a my own private tracker with complete tmeplate and software whatever required if u can give me details about what is required then plzzz give me the details so that i can create a new private trackers plll help me out to create a new tracker:whistling:yup::fst:

12-24-2007, 04:28 AM
http://www.tbdev.net ;)

12-24-2007, 04:45 AM

12-24-2007, 04:48 AM
but i want to know details about every step to create the private tracke with coders software required everything if anybody can help me out plzzzz

but i want to create a tracker like other famous tracker i can host this on private servers so that's not the problem but how to create template and everything else plzzz help me out and if u can have a conversion the plzzz give me ur email id because i required people to create a nice famous tracker

12-24-2007, 04:51 AM
but i want to know details about every step to create the private tracke with coders software required everything if anybody can help me out plzzzz

but i want to create a tracker like other famous tracker i can host this on private servers so that's not the problem but how to create template and everything else plzzz help me out and if u can have a conversion the plzzz give me ur email id because i required people to create a nice famous tracker

sarges and raj's links pretty much gives you the basics...i would guess that there is another forum that gets into the specifics more then we could here

12-24-2007, 04:54 AM
If you want to create a tracker you are going to have to have the patience to learn the steps involved.

Good luck.

12-24-2007, 04:57 AM
but i want to know details about every step to create the private tracke with coders software required everything if anybody can help me out plzzzz

but i want to create a tracker like other famous tracker i can host this on private servers so that's not the problem but how to create template and everything else plzzz help me out and if u can have a conversion the plzzz give me ur email id because i required people to create a nice famous tracker

Then it wouldn't be /your/ tracker would it?

Read, read & lastly read up on your subject matter. Start it off first & foremost yourself.

Then, when you have an understanding of what you are actually looking for, then you might, just might, also know the right places to ask your questions, and before you ask, no, here is not the right place.

And finally, with such eloquent requests such as yours, who would refuse to help you out? /sarcasm off.

12-24-2007, 05:02 AM
"famous" trackers are not built in a day and definitely not by asking for help in public forums. ill just list the basic requirements for you :
1) excellent coders
2) uploaders with fast connections/seedboxes
3) scene axx
that is just the basics. you need to assemble the core team 1st. its not a piece of cake and takes a lot of hard work and dedication. besides none of those 3 things are easy to find. so unless you are exceptionally talented or have amazing contacts, both of which i doubt, my advice would be to drop the idea :)

12-24-2007, 05:05 AM
"famous" trackers are not built in a day and definitely not by asking for help in public forums. ill just list the basic requirements for you :
1) excellent coders
2) uploaders with fast connections/seedboxes
3) scene axx
all of which fatcat69 is known to have :)

aww you are so nice. :happy:

12-24-2007, 05:17 AM
You have to know PHP & a little SQL if u want to create a good one lol, and then the resource. Resource & Knowloged is all.

12-24-2007, 05:31 AM
i think i know something about programming in sql and php but any one from here if they can code plzzz contact me out

plzzz help me out for a little if anybody can ????

12-24-2007, 05:56 AM
i think i know something about programming in sql and php but any one from here if they can code plzzz contact me out

plzzz help me out for a little if anybody can ????

Are you offering a job? Generally I'm paid to do programming work.

12-24-2007, 05:59 AM
"famous" trackers are not built in a day and definitely not by asking for help in public forums. ill just list the basic requirements for you :
1) excellent coders
2) uploaders with fast connections/seedboxes
3) scene axx
all of which fatcat69 is known to have :)

aww you are so nice. :happy:


i think i know something about programming in sql and php but any one from here if they can code plzzz contact me out

plzzz help me out for a little if anybody can ????

i said "exceptionally talented" not "knows lil' bit"

12-24-2007, 06:04 AM
i will hire then i am looking for person to create best team if u or any body acan help me out then plzzz pm me soon

12-24-2007, 06:32 AM
i will hire then i am looking for person to create best team if u or any body acan help me out then plzzz pm me soon
I didn't mean to get you excited. I'm not looking to help start a tracker.

All the help you need in coding PHP is on the internet. So if you're serious...start it out yourself.

12-24-2007, 06:37 AM
ya i can pay u if u help me out

12-24-2007, 08:02 AM
Only thing is if you don't know a thing about coding and you use a tbdev base, you will get exploited to bits in days :/

12-24-2007, 08:18 AM
In tbdev web site is all explained, even a noob can run a tracker, but if u want a good one, u have to code ur mods, security scripts, anti cheater mods, etc.

Try searching in their forum and try doing it, if you feel that u need help feel free to PM me, i will help you.


12-24-2007, 08:56 AM
ask rvt for help .

pm bombs plz :D

12-24-2007, 09:21 AM
who is rvt fatbob

12-25-2007, 04:51 AM
can anybody give me any more sugesstion or any body who wants to joinor help me out can pm me or contact me plzzz

12-25-2007, 05:09 AM
but i want to know details about every step to create the private tracke with coders software required everything if anybody can help me out plzzzz

but i want to create a tracker like other famous tracker i can host this on private servers so that's not the problem but how to create template and everything else plzzz help me out and if u can have a conversion the plzzz give me ur email id because i required people to create a nice famous tracker

ur just goin top start ...how could it become famous all of a sudden ,it will take time,money,knowledge

so better drop ur idea

12-25-2007, 05:34 AM
why to drop an idea i have not asked u lol

12-25-2007, 09:22 AM
this is a public forum and members are allowed to post wat ever they want (as long as its within the rules).

12-25-2007, 09:29 AM
You asked an he is giving u an advice, a good one btw.

12-25-2007, 10:12 AM
Only thing is if you don't know a thing about coding and you use a tbdev base, you will get exploited to bits in days :/

It's ironic that all the holes have been identified and a whole stickied topic exists covering all the latest security issues, yet there are some people who consider reading that sticky a waste of time, or just can't be bothered.

As with everything, patience and a bit of hard work always pays off.

12-25-2007, 10:36 AM
why to drop an idea i have not asked u lol

then who asked you to create the f topic in the forum

it's a public forum everyone can post reply

12-25-2007, 11:53 AM
go to tbdev.net get some source code edit it get a domain,cute ftp program,phpmyadmin database edit it all to your site after all that add your sites url in browser and your off,get some good torrents,staff and bingo but its a struggle with so many torrents sites out there but good luck :)

12-26-2007, 07:23 PM
who is rvt fatbob

Not me.


12-26-2007, 07:32 PM
who is rvt fatbob

Not me.


Looks for PM button :P

(I hope your box is full or turned off:lol:)

12-26-2007, 08:49 PM
http://www.tbdev.net ;)

+1 solves everything for you.

12-26-2007, 08:52 PM
http://www.tbdev.net ;)

You were given this link join and make some friends its takes months if not a year to plan a tracker correctly if you want to last.

12-26-2007, 09:08 PM
Tracker Recipe.

You need a combo of good coding, decent design, great upload sources, lots of uploaders, and speed.

Mix that all up for 2 minutes then add an overly hyped active forum, with closed invites and a overall site theme and BOOOM!!!! you got yourself a better than average tracker.

BTW RvT that's a misleading nick, I almost thought it was for revolt.

12-28-2007, 02:27 AM
It is for revolt.
I'm in disguise :P

12-28-2007, 04:38 AM
BTW RvT that's a misleading nick, I almost thought it was for revolt.

lol. rvt for revolt.......thats so insane it may just work........nahhh.

12-28-2007, 08:23 AM
Use DR Dource for Best performance and Security

Also PM me i have one source Fully Modified

Using Cache, Less Load on server, Template System and More

12-28-2007, 05:33 PM
You wouldn't give a car to someone who didn't know how to drive, or ask your friend to do an engine strip if he didn't know one end of a screwdriver from the other.

The only people who should be tinkering with sources and SQL are those who have a background in programming and databases, or those willing to learn as an apprentice to a master coder (rvt).

All these wannabe coders are ruining the whole torrent scene. Look at the leaks of recent times. How many email addresses and IPs are floating about the internet, because some sad hat didn't secure their site properly.

How many plain text passwords are associated with respected usernames, because some clever dick thought it would be a good idea to see what his members' passwords were, then got hacked by a script embryo.

If you cannot service your own car, then leave it to the professionals, or learn mechanics. There are too many SysOps who have no idea what that title even means. They bandy it around like to oversized badge, to impress the young ladies with. It's like the chinless wonder who drives a Porche, even though his brains are in his arse.

And as for offering a source to someone who doesn't know what they are doing, it is like giving someone a hand gun, then laughing as you watch them looking down the barrel as they gently depress the trigger.

12-28-2007, 06:02 PM
"script embryo" :w00t::D

i nearly swallowed my cigarrette :glag:

most amusing post i read in weeks, retro!!!!

if you weren't a sysop you could earn money with writing a weekly column for wired magazine.

12-28-2007, 06:24 PM
You know when your feeling (no pun intended) old, and that is when your competition is being run by SysOps who haven't yet reached puberty.

When we say, 'Script Kiddies' we are being more than truthful. When a site gets hacked by someone still in nappies, you know your getting old.

The other day, I was chatting with the a SysOp of a well known tracker, and he told me that he was considering retiring from the torrent scene, because he felt ancient. When I asked his age, he responded that he was twelve.

Damn... When I told him my age, he told me that I should be in a casket...

A few years back, the SysOp of a well known UK torrent tracker was arrested by the FBI (the silly kid had hosted the server in the US). The FBI used the usual threats, which didn't sway him one bit. He gave them the finger. It was only after a change of tact, and a years supply of lollipops, that he gave up the details of other members.

When you read some of the posts in this forum, you honestly think that they were written by someone who does not have English as their primary tongue, yet the sad truth is that the reason so many posts are poorly written, is that those writing them have not yet learned to read and write properly, since they are at infant school (not even primary school).

Next time you see a post that looks like it was written by an Israeli or Egyptian, bare in mind that it was probably written by a four year old English child, not yet out of nappies.

12-28-2007, 06:36 PM
You know when your feeling (no pun intended) old, and that is when your competition is being run by SysOps who haven't yet reached puberty.

When we say, 'Script Kiddies' we are being more than truthful. When a site gets hacked by someone still in nappies, you know your getting old.

The other day, I was chatting with the a SysOp of a well known tracker, and he told me that he was considering retiring from the torrent scene, because he felt ancient. When I asked his age, he responded that he was twelve.

Damn... When I told him my age, he told me that I should be in a casket...

A few years back, the SysOp of a well known UK torrent tracker was arrested by the FBI (the silly kid had hosted the server in the US). The FBI used the usual threats, which didn't sway him one bit. He gave them the finger. It was only after a change of tact, and a years supply of lollipops, that he gave up the details of other members.

When you read some of the posts in this forum, you honestly think that they were written by someone who does not have English as their primary tongue, yet the sad truth is that the reason so many posts are poorly written, is that those writing them have not yet learned to read and write properly, since they are at infant school (not even primary school).

Next time you see a post that looks like it was written by an Israeli or Egyptian, bare in mind that it was probably written by a four year old English child, not yet out of nappies.

i do know what you are talking about and i feel privileged to be a member of some mature communities (including yours).

despite their disability of running a site properly, thank god that most of the time they're not responsible for the content and just take what the scene offers them.

imagine the content of a tracker was based on a pubescent teenager's taste - horrible.

12-28-2007, 07:50 PM
master coder (rvt)

Don't start this again. If we start praising each other sear and detale will get ideas :P

Regarding age though, I think I'm due for a watch and pension soon.
Something like 10 years in PHP now. It's getting harder and harder to write bad code :lol:
The second release of sysdev was rushed and crappy, but I'm working on the new releases.

12-28-2007, 08:16 PM
I find it really hard to believe that the majority of users are younger than 10. And believe it or not a lot of this poorly written english you talk of is written by twenty somethings, who just can't seem to produce basic english skills.

12-28-2007, 08:36 PM
master coder (rvt)

The second release of sysdev was rushed and crappy, but I'm working on the new releases.

i tried it on about 50 free webhosts, it only worked on
one of them fully(X10hosting), but they blocked the site
within a week, probably because it was genrating way too
much trafic. on other servers it didn't completly work, either
a problem with email confirmation after registering that never
arived (possible to confirm it manually via mysql though), others
made database errors, in others the torrents were uploaded
but wouldnt work ("too many redirects" maybe caused by the
fact that the "home" directory is situated in a sub-sub folder)
and others didn't let torrents to be uploaded (torrent not found).

i know you'l probably make it work next time, but i doubt
how it could work for a long term, cause all free webhosts
will eventually block your site/account once they realise
how much resources you are taking from them.
i'm not optimistic but i pray for the best, cause it's the best
idea i'v heard in a long time conserning torrent sharing.

12-28-2007, 09:23 PM
to the op : no offense but, Your an absolute IDIOT! go learn english! and if you want to start a tracker go learn php and mysql and w3schools! Go to TBDev try to.. LEARN!

12-29-2007, 01:31 AM
Wrong thread

12-29-2007, 03:10 AM
to the op : no offense but, Your an absolute IDIOT! go learn english! and if you want to start a tracker go learn php and mysql and w3schools! Go to TBDev try to.. LEARN!

Now why would he take offense to that?

12-29-2007, 04:36 AM
The other day, I was chatting with the a SysOp of a well known tracker, and he told me that he was considering retiring from the torrent scene, because he felt ancient. When I asked his age, he responded that he was twelve.


Damn... When I told him my age, he told me that I should be in a casket...


12-29-2007, 04:43 AM
don,t fight atleast here