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View Full Version : Need TT or TranceBooster or UK-Torrents

12-26-2007, 07:02 AM
i need invites for TranceTraffic or TranceBooster or any other good dance / house / trance music site.

Also, looking for a good demonoid (RIP) replacement site, someone talked to me about UK-T , but if you guyz know any better ones?

I know i'm not active on these forums, even thought i'm usualy a HUGE forum lurker, but anyways, i'd like to trade if anyone is interested

i have:
2x waffle
2x what
1x STMusic
2x SCC
2x IPtorrents
and had couple TL but invites are closed :\


12-26-2007, 07:05 AM
Not gonna happend for TT and U-** look at this :


Trancebooster: http://trancebooster.net/signup.php

Good luck.

12-26-2007, 07:25 AM
wait holy shit, is that a lvl10 site o.O! cuz my friend has it, but im pretty sure it's not that rare :\, i think we arn't talking about the same site. would there be any other site name uktorrent?

oh and thanks for trancebooster

12-26-2007, 07:32 AM
wait holy shit, is that a lvl10 site o.O! cuz my friend has it, but im pretty sure it's not that rare :\, i think we arn't talking about the same site. would there be any other site name uktorrent?

oh and thanks for trancebooster

Oh yes , maybe you are right , i read something about another tracker with a similar name.

But there is no need to trade for that , its open for signups.


Mister Moo
12-26-2007, 07:33 AM

different sites

opp someone posted before me

12-26-2007, 08:08 AM
the site im talking about has wheels on the frontpage (hidden frontpage) also, the sitename finishes with .org

12-26-2007, 08:11 AM
the site im talking about has wheels on the frontpage (hidden frontpage) also, the sitename finishes with .org

So yes ... is that lvl 10 tracker

Really hard to get.

Mister Moo
12-26-2007, 08:30 AM
whoever told you uk-t is a good replacement for demonoid is an idiot. its a small 0day site with ordinary content and closed doors (you will never get in), quite unlike demonoid's vast array of torrents. good alternatives would be , bitsoup , TL , or usenet.

12-26-2007, 08:33 AM
well, i have TL, and its pretty much 0day?? like, max stuff ive seen is 1-2month old :\, i need something that is more like 2000-2006

and for bitsoup / usenet, anyone want to trade those?

EDIT: and i really think we arn't talking about the same site, because i just asked him again for 3 random old stuff and he said all 3 where there (quake 3 / photoshop 7.0 / jurassic park)

Mister Moo
12-26-2007, 06:43 PM
well, i have TL, and its pretty much 0day?? like, max stuff ive seen is 1-2month old :\, i need something that is more like 2000-2006

and for bitsoup / usenet, anyone want to trade those?

EDIT: and i really think we arn't talking about the same site, because i just asked him again for 3 random old stuff and he said all 3 where there (quake 3 / photoshop 7.0 / jurassic park)

then ask him for an invite;)

12-26-2007, 11:12 PM
hmm, so anyone has any site that could replace demonoid (older games / movies / apps)

also, i subscribed to trancebooster, and no email for 24hour :\, there's a problem with that site?? tried searching the forum abit, didnt find any news.

also, looking for trancerout invites now =D

throwing it 2 x hdbits invites in my list