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View Full Version : Survey Regarding File-sharing

12-27-2007, 12:36 AM
well.. actually i'm going to have a survey about file-sharing on the internet. this survey is done for my investigation study research. http://www.animea.net/forums/images/smilies/em04.gif
well.. i'm doing this survey to get your opinions and ideas towards this matter. i'm also doing the same survey on different sites and forums though so that i can get respondents as much as possible.
i know this is a file-sharing community.. but still..
Any ideas and comments are most welcomed ^_^
hope that all of you guys can take this survey seriously though. the answers that i suggested there can maybe different from yours but you can always add your own opinion though.

all you need to do is just answer all those easy questions.
(the numbers are the questions and the letters are the suggested answers).
soo.. .here we gooo~


1) Are you practicing file sharing? (download files/materials from the internet)
a) yes
b) no

2)what type of files do you always download?
a) mp3/songs
b) movies/dramas/cartoons/anime
c) games

3) how do you download files from the internet?
a) using P2P networking such as torrents.
b) download from certain websites that hosts the files.
c) send through chatting programme like yahoo messenger.

4) after you download materials from the internet, will you still prefer to buy the original CD or copy at the stores?
a) yes, because i want to support the producers for their hardwork.
b) i do it sometimes when i feel like it.
c) no, not at all since i already have it in my computer.

5) pretend that you do not have internet to download all these materials. do you still buy CDs at the stores?
a) yes, i always does because i want to listen/watch to the songs/movies.
b) i do it sometimes when i found certain songs/movies to be really good.
c) no, because most of CDs nowadays are not worthy for its price.

6) do you think that CDs prices are reasonable enough?
a) yes, they are reasonable and worthy for their contents.
b) No, since they are too expensive and not worthy for their contents.

7) what is the main reason for you to download materials from the internet? (if you are not downloading files from internet, please proceed to the next question)
a) i do it because it is free.
b) i only want a song from the album, not the whole CD. so it is not worthy for me to buy the CD for only a song.
c) the materials available through file-sharing are limitless compare to the materials available at stores.

8) why do you against file-sharing? (if you are not, proceed to the next question)
a) because it is an act of stealing.
b) CDs prices are reasonable enough, so better get the originals.
c) there are also online stores for users to download files/materials.

9) do you think file-sharing will affect the producers?
a) yes, because the sales of CDs drops.
b) yes because it is the same as pirating.
c) no, CD sales drop because of the song itself that is getting worse, not because of file-sharing.
d) no, because file-sharing can actually promote the songs/movies to the viewers.

10) Are you against file-sharing?
a) YES, because it is the same as stealing.
b) YES, because CDs prices are reasonable enough so there's no need to download them from the internet.
c) NO, because i can preview certain songs/movies before buying the originals.
d) NO, because the materials/files available are limitless and costs less.

comments and suggestions.
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well.. thank you very very very much for all your effort in answering all those questions. suggestions even for each of the questions are always welcomed and i'll read all your words thoroughly ^_^.
again.. thank you very much.

12-27-2007, 12:52 AM
2)a AND b.
3)a...if you count newsgroups as p2p.
7)a b and c
9)b. Not that they don't make enough already.

12-27-2007, 03:19 AM
age: 28
occupation: advertising

1 a
2 all of the above and d.) porn
3 none of the above... Usenet (newsgroups)
4 c
5 d no, I'm a cheap SOB and I'd wait until such time as I could get whatever it was for free.
6 b
7 c and mainly because I can.
8 n\a
and that's as far as I got....

It seems like you are trying to touch on two main topics. Do people realize that file sharing is stealing, and do they care or understand the effects.

I believe there is a difference between the non-profit thefts of intellectual property and that of physical property. Would I steal a car out of a parking lot? No.
Would I feel bad about making an exact copy of a car I saw in a parking lot, for myself? No.

I strongly believe that it is the copyright holders' responsibility to protect their intellectual property by means of making it non-copyable, or crackable from the source. If they can not/do not do that I don't feel bad about downloading it at all.

It is in my best interest that they do not. I will boo their efforts to do such. But, if it happens I'll give them a pat on the back for it.

12-27-2007, 03:25 AM

12-27-2007, 03:54 AM
Age: 30
Occupation: None of yo bidness. :sly:

1. A
2. A,B, and sometimes C
3. A? (music is obtained mostly from bittorrent and everything else via newsgroups)
4. B (I buy the CD's of bands I really like, but never at expensive retail prices. Usually in used cd stores or eBay)
5. C
6. B (where is the "hell no" option?)
7. None of the answers apply. The main thing I download is television shows as I typically work until 9pm and miss most popular prime time television.
8. Skipped
9. & 10. (too complicated for simple answers)

12-29-2007, 05:31 PM
I added a few answers :)
Age: 45
Occupation: *

1) Are you practicing file sharing? (download files/materials from the internet)
a) yes

2)what type of files do you always download?
a) mp3/songs
b) movies/dramas/cartoons/anime
c) games

3) how do you download files from the internet?
a) using P2P networking such as torrents.
b) download from certain websites that hosts the files.
c) send through chatting programme like yahoo messenger.

4) after you download materials from the internet, will you still prefer to buy the original CD or copy at the stores?
!! d) If i like it or use it

5) pretend that you do not have internet to download all these materials. do you still buy CDs at the stores?
a) yes, i always does because i want to listen/watch to the songs/movies.

6) do you think that CDs prices are reasonable enough?
b) No, since they are too expensive and not worthy for their contents.

7) what is the main reason for you to download materials from the internet?
c) the materials available through file-sharing are limitless compare to the materials available at stores.
!! d) Because it's better as try before you buy
!! e) It makes it possible to find very rare and old stuff (vinyl LP's and singles never released on cd! Also rare bootleg and live performances)

8) why do you against file-sharing? (if you are not, proceed to the next question)
e) blah...

9) do you think file-sharing will affect the producers?
d) no, because file-sharing can actually promote the songs/movies to the viewers.

10) Are you against file-sharing?
c) NO, because i can preview certain songs/movies before buying the originals.
d) NO, because the materials/files available are limitless and costs less.

peat moss
12-29-2007, 06:13 PM
Age 51 1/2

amature gynocologist

1) a
2) b
3) a
4) d I Buy new and give as gifts , who gives burned as gifts ? Rossco you cheap ....
5) c I'd break out my old cassette deck and copy from the radio
6) b
7) a
9) d
10) c