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View Full Version : willing to trade

12-28-2007, 02:57 AM
hey guys, i'm looking to join some new torrent trackers. i'd really appreciate tl, ftn, waffles, bitmetv, or pedro's btmusic. if anyone is willing to give me invites that would be great, and i can trade what.cd, tvtorrents, and stmusic invites. i can also give you proof of my share stats if you need. thanks!

12-28-2007, 03:05 AM
your offer is not compare with the tracker that you looking for,read wtaw thread first before you make a thread,very funny thread

12-28-2007, 03:15 AM
your insult is weak--i could tell you to take grade school english "first before you make a thread." i posted mine hoping that someone generous would invite me to a more elite tracker, and if you aren't that someone, please don't spam my threads. and i did read the what trackers are worth thread. i think at least what.cd and waffles.fm are comparable.

12-28-2007, 03:19 AM
i dont care,the trader like you will never survive here,we dont like to trade,and your offer isnt compare with the tracker that you want.