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View Full Version : TL staff problem

01-01-2008, 07:44 PM
First before I'll start writing/describing what happened.
flaming or useless posts or any wiseguys are NOTwelcome, go spam somewhere else not in my thread.

This is sort of an enlightment to the community rep kingrob.
I've seen you here, you seem very nice and always willing to help.

Here's my problem.

my user at TL anakappa was disabled a couple of days ago, the stats of 9 milion TB upload and download appeared.
even when I used a korean seedbox(the IP is mentioned in my conversation with one of the mods)
With some of the trackers have this bug with israel(theplace, one of mods:JonJon which is israeli too have this bug).
My account got disabled because of suspicion to cheating(which I didn't since TL probably has this stupid bug), the mods at #tlhelp are very unpleasent and accuse me(and probably at lease a dozen of users-some israeli some are not of cheating, that's just wrong, instead of being reasonable and listen to what I have to say they totally ignored me when I tried to explain my self.
I'm hoping it's not related to race since it would be wrong to give the moderator job to anyone which has a grudge against and race.

my conversation in the help channel with a mod called reddevil, my user was anakappa

<anakappa> anyone who can help me please?
<reddevil> nothing to help with
<reddevil> you cheated and were disabled
<anakappa> and i cheated?
<anakappa> =q
<anakappa> I used this IP which is a seedbox
<reddevil> !u anakappa
<anakappa> please explain to me
<TL-Bitch> 0,01 anakappa (Power User04,01 disabled00,01 1 day idle) 03,01D:00,01 8,388,608.41 TB 04,01U:00,01 8,388,608.51 TB - Ratio: 1.000 -14,01 www.torrentleech.org/userdetails.php?id=490882 
<anakappa> And how many users have this problem?
<anakappa> and were disabled
<anakappa> ?
<Mensta> its not a problem
<Mensta> its a ceat
<Mensta> cheat
<Mensta> u got caught
<Mensta> you got banned
<Mensta> end of storry
<anakappa> or better yet, how you think all those people who had those stats were cheates?
<reddevil> the stats speak for themself
<anakappa> with all the respect, that's bullshit!, look at the ip which was used during the seeding
<reddevil> its not bullshit its fact
<anakappa> It's a stupid bug which at least dozen people got banned for no reason!
<Mensta> lol
<reddevil> its not a bug
<reddevil> and the account wont be enabled
<anakappa> then how could i've cheayed if I used that IP the entire time!
<reddevil> there are 36 ip changes on your account
<anakappa> comon guys, be reasonable, that's really not faire, I didn't do anything wrong and I swear I didn't cheat
<anakappa> only 2 I remember, my own (isreali) and the seedbox
<reddevil> nope
<anakappa> enligght me please
<reddevil> with wot?
<reddevil> tracker caught you cheating and you were banned
<anakappa> with the "fact" you said you have
<reddevil> nothing to enlighten
<anakappa> ok, just answer my last question
<reddevil> that 211 ip was hardly used compared to others
<anakappa> how many isrealis were banned because you thought the cheated because this stupid bug of yours
<anakappa> ?
<reddevil> but doesnt change the fact that you wont get enabled
<anakappa> fine, I just want to know the number
<anakappa> how many members had the 8 milion TB bug
<anakappa> please, answer this question and I leave, with nothing else said
<anakappa> as I thought, TL staff hates israelis =/
<reddevil> you will leave either way m8 and no i wont answer any more questions
<reddevil> you cheated
<reddevil> and were banned
<reddevil> and no longer welcome here

I'm hoping I can talk with a reasonable staff which is not like reddevil.

kingrob, I really like TL and get most of my content there, I love it and seeds their until I can't seed anymore.,I'mtrying to get a seedbox to upload more and more importent share moresince I really like TL/ I'm an honest,never did a mistake person buy yet I'm getting disabled for no reason(false one).
I'm speaking in the name of more people(mostly Israeli which had the same problem as mine but can't or don't want to write this kind of formal thread.

I'm asking you in the most respectfull nicest way, please help me correct this incident which happens every single day with another angry user who can't figure out why he has 8TB upload and download amount and a staff member which accuse him out of nowhere of cheating.

Thanks for reading
Best regards
Asafb and more users with the same problem.

01-01-2008, 07:51 PM
Welcome back bro and happy new year..

01-01-2008, 07:56 PM
one of my friends also had that happen to them at S*C, they acted the same way as those tl mods treated you.

Hope you get this straightened out and have a safe holiday!

01-01-2008, 08:12 PM
As asafb already said, many people suffered from this stupid bug of TL, especially Israelis. As far as I know asafb, he is one of the most reliable and fair person i've ever met on the internet. I saw this kind of bug on TP, one of the israeli's moderators had it and it's NOT cheating, it's just a stupid bug. I see TL's moderators behavior very insulting as they didn't even give him a chance to explain.
I hope that one of the more reasonable staff members would read it and will help you to solve your problem.

01-01-2008, 08:16 PM
a bug that only affects israeli users ? weird

01-01-2008, 08:17 PM
seems like a bug only for israelies =/

@Snaidis, TP = The Place ?

01-01-2008, 08:21 PM
I think you have to bear in mind the amount of time someone must have gone to their support channel and claimed "i didn't cheat it was a bug in your tracker"

It must be exasperating work for those staffing the channel.

You also have to remember that the fault could be with your client or your connection and not with the site at all.

Also can you really say that posting irc logs etc in this forum will help you get your account enabled again?

Shouting around in public about it won't help your case i wouldn't have thought.

The best approach would be to privately pm a staff member either on here or on the TL irc to get a better explanation over what happened.

01-01-2008, 08:21 PM
seems like a bug only for israelies =/

@Snaidis, TP = The Place ?

01-01-2008, 08:22 PM
a bug that only affects israeli users ? weird
not only israeli users,
go to the top 10 and you'll see that top 4 has the same upload amount "8,388,608 TB"


guess something wrong there .

01-01-2008, 08:27 PM
a bug that only affects israeli users ? weird
not only israeli users,
go to the top 10 and you'll see that top 4 has the same upload amount "8,388,608 TB"


guess something wrong there .

its still Ellinas and some old members in the list :huh:

01-01-2008, 08:27 PM
they've been deleted..

01-01-2008, 08:28 PM
a bug that only affects israeli users ? weird
not only israeli users,
go to the top 10 and you'll see that top 4 has the same upload amount "8,388,608 TB"


guess something wrong there .
and still the mods there says that there is no bug

01-01-2008, 08:30 PM
I know Asafb and he's one of the honest man I know.

BTW, MoonLight6 8,388,608.06 TB178.38 GB/s8,388,608.05 TB178.38 GB/s1.00

01-01-2008, 08:32 PM
I know Asafb and he's one of the honest man I know.

BTW, MoonLight6 (http://www.torrentleech.org/userdetails.php?id=387548)8,388,608.06 TB178.38 GB/s8,388,608.05 TB178.38 GB/s1.00

thats a bug for sure :blink:

01-01-2008, 08:34 PM
you obviously left your cheating program for too long :D

01-01-2008, 08:34 PM
Sorry to here that man.

01-01-2008, 08:35 PM
what about the amounts of ips they say you used, did you share your account with someone? maybe that someone used a ratiofaker and got caught? that seems like you did something wrong, maybe your client or something, is up to you if you cheated or not, is your bussines, but believe me, of 100 .il cought cheating 1 is innocent so dont blame staff, if you did nothing just call it bad luck

01-01-2008, 08:37 PM
Rpcry (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/rpcry-131329)

nothing wrong, this account didn't get disabled before.I think it's 40 weeks old.
I didn't do anything stupid.NOTHING! just downloaded and uploaded from my seedbox - 4 GB download and 12 upload and then the milions poped up.

Hrvoje (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/hrvoje-142376)
please read again the first line in my first post, no wiseass!!

01-01-2008, 08:39 PM
I know Asafb and he's one of the honest man I know.

BTW, MoonLight6 8,388,608.06 TB178.38 GB/s8,388,608.05 TB178.38 GB/s1.00


how could two users end up with the exact TB's of "cheated" data ?

01-01-2008, 08:40 PM

from TP

obviously, it's a bug

01-01-2008, 08:40 PM

01-01-2008, 08:41 PM
That's a bug for sure.. Or maybe the TL staff do it on purpose to get the Israelis out of their site.. : \

01-01-2008, 08:42 PM

the place :P

That's a bug for sure.. Or maybe the TL staff do it on purpose to get the Israelis out of their site.. : \

TP has it too and as previously stated one of their mod is israeli...so i think it's a bug. perhaps they are havving something with net...over some service provider or something.

01-01-2008, 08:43 PM
i think they have a special cheat script for israeli users which fucked up . lol

01-01-2008, 08:45 PM
i think they have a special cheat script for israeli users which fucked up . lol
wait, let me get up to my chair.
weak man, too weak.


thanks for your support m8 :)

01-01-2008, 08:50 PM
Heard a lot of bad things about the TL staff... Although I've never had any problems there, they seem to hate Israeli users ;\

01-01-2008, 08:52 PM
i think they have a special cheat script for israeli users which fucked up . lol
wait, let me get up to my chair.
weak man, too weak.

i was actually trying to support you :sick:

01-01-2008, 08:54 PM
Good luck Asaf, I hope you get it back. :)

01-01-2008, 08:54 PM
FatBob (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/fatbob-190922)..
what's wrong with you?
KEEP your mouth closed.

01-01-2008, 08:54 PM
Heard a lot of bad things about the TL staff... Although I've never had any problems there, they seem to hate Israeli users ;\

as far as i know every staff is bad when a user cheats or when the user really have cheated. i dont know of anyplace where they act kindly towards them and enable their account in seconds.

good luck in getting your account back asafb

01-01-2008, 08:56 PM
FatBob (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/fatbob-190922)..
what's wrong with you?
KEEP your mouth closed.

i dont get it .. :wacko:

01-01-2008, 08:58 PM
Heard a lot of bad things about the TL staff... Although I've never had any problems there, they seem to hate Israeli users ;\

as far as i know every staff is bad when a user cheats or when the user really have cheated. i dont know of anyplace where they act kindly towards them and enable their account in seconds.

good luck in getting your account back asafb
they have this bug but they cannot acknowledge that
they still claims that for no reason a lot of accounts are getting banned for the same thing and all of those accounts has the same upload/download/ratio
i think that if someone do not see this bug that he is blind

01-01-2008, 09:15 PM
True... and I don't think he would have bothered to open this topic if he really was cheating

I noticed another weird thing, only Israeli users get affected of this bug, but I didn't say anything :X

01-01-2008, 09:16 PM
FatBob (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/fatbob-190922)..
what's wrong with you?
KEEP your mouth closed.

i dont get it .. :wacko:

don't mind them, they missunderstood you :D

anyway this is a bug, and this is not new, it happened
to many users, and i have a feeling they r just using
it as an wxcuse to get rid of member they prefer not to
have... or in other word: SELECTION :whistling

and that, of course, sucks big time :dry:

01-01-2008, 09:18 PM
FatBob (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/fatbob-190922)..
what's wrong with you?
KEEP your mouth closed.

He did not say something bad, I was thinking in the same thing..

There is something wrong with that script when it comes to israeli IP

01-01-2008, 09:25 PM
One has 8,388,608.12 TB
The other has 8,388,608.06 TB

This number represents roughly what would happen if you subtract 1 from 0 on an unsigned 63 bit number, but here's the problem. Neither MySQL nor PHP offer support for an unsigned 63 bit number. The closest you get to 9223372036854775808 is a signed 64 bit number (bigint) which does not have a problem going below 0. Subtract 1 from 0 with a signed bigint, and you get -1.

If you completely fill a signed bigint, you get 8388607.9999999999990905052982271 TB. 8388608.12 requires an unsigned bigint to store the value, and the "bug" just isn't matching what is known.

The well known bug in tbdev is actually 16 million TB, which is what you get when subtracting 1 from 0 on an unsigned bigint.

So, either TL are using some off the wall coding that supports 63bit unsigned ints (which would be very strange), or somebodies client is screwy. The most screwed up clients are the badly written cheat ones. From TLs point of view, there is nothing to be done but assume you are cheating.

Edit: see squirr3ls post. 16,777,216TB, that's the bug. 8 million TB isn't.

01-01-2008, 09:33 PM
FatBob (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/fatbob-190922)..
what's wrong with you?
KEEP your mouth closed.

He did not say something bad, I was thinking in the same thing..

There is something wrong with that script when it comes to israeli IP
But he used a Korean seedbox

Have you changed your country in the user details to Israeli @TL?

01-01-2008, 09:34 PM
i dont get it .. :wacko:

don't mind them, they missunderstood you :D

anyway this is a bug, and this is not new, it happened
to many users, and i have a feeling they r just using
it as an wxcuse to get rid of member they prefer not to
have... or in other word: SELECTION :whistling

and that, of course, sucks big time :dry:

yeah,selection :naughty:

01-01-2008, 09:35 PM
hmmm how exactly does the bug work?

01-01-2008, 09:35 PM
He did not say something bad, I was thinking in the same thing..

There is something wrong with that script when it comes to israeli IP
But he used a Korean seedbox

Have you changed your country in the user details to Israeli @TL?

right :unsure:, then it has something to do with the flag/country!

01-01-2008, 09:36 PM
well, If using utorrent 1.7.5 (which 90% of the users does) why don't they get banned?

weird since israelis and more individuals get's the same 8 milion TB stats and my utorrent is perfectly normal I think it's TL's script problem.

my utorrent(as downloaded from utorrent.com):

01-01-2008, 09:37 PM

a bug that hit mostly israely ips...


PS: what client were you using on the korean "seedbox"?

01-01-2008, 09:37 PM
He did not say something bad, I was thinking in the same thing..

There is something wrong with that script when it comes to israeli IP
But he used a Korean seedbox

Have you changed your country in the user details to Israeli @TL?
the Korean seedbox is not the problem
i used it and nothing happened to my account(yet...)
the problem is not because of asaf
the problem is because of tl

01-01-2008, 09:38 PM
@Adman65: as explained above, when a negative number gets into an unsigned bigint on mysql, you get 16,777,216TB as a result.

This is not the same at all, as it would require an unsigned 63bit (instead of 64bit) integer which nobody on earth uses.

01-01-2008, 09:38 PM
i doubt this will help, and i havnt seen this on blackcats, but we do ban all clients and only allow a few.

but what client was it, maybe thats the common denominator here.

01-01-2008, 09:40 PM
the Korean seedbox is not the problem
i used it and nothing happened to my account(yet...)

sharing it?

which os? which client?

01-01-2008, 09:40 PM
this bug is not related to client

01-01-2008, 09:41 PM
@Adman65: as explained above, when a negative number gets into an unsigned bigint on mysql, you get 16,777,216TB as a result.

This is not the same at all, as it would require an unsigned 63bit (instead of 64bit) integer which nobody on earth uses.

yes, i noobed myself when I realized that the explanation was right in front of me. Thanks.

What is the deal with the "korean seedboxes?"

01-01-2008, 09:43 PM
the Korean seedbox is not the problem
i used it and nothing happened to my account(yet...)
the problem is not because of asaf
the problem is because of tl
That's exactly what I meant... that the problem is with TL
I also asked if he set his country as Israel @his profile to get a better look at this situation

01-01-2008, 09:48 PM

a bug that hit mostly israely ips...


PS: what client were you using on the korean "seedbox"?
it had a regular utorrent 1.7.5

01-01-2008, 09:51 PM
Happy new year israel

01-01-2008, 09:55 PM
well, If using utorrent 1.7.5 (which 90% of the users does) why don't they get banned?

weird since israelis and more individuals get's the same 8 milion TB stats and my utorrent is perfectly normal I think it's TL's script problem.

my utorrent(as downloaded from utorrent.com):

PrejeculationEbook.pdf? :ermm: :whistling

But really that's a pretty weird bug. With the already shady reputation of israeli fileshares this really ought to be looked at thoroughly.

01-01-2008, 09:58 PM
lol, non of your buisness, that's pure spam!

01-01-2008, 10:23 PM
u think they purposely selecting israelis people and before they kick them (u) they add many TB on that acc so that they have reasone to kick u? i that what u think?

maybe this is ISP new tactics how to cut down users that use trackers buy sending some data that cause that problem?

01-01-2008, 10:29 PM
It doesn't have anything to do with Israel. It looks like it's a bug caused by an unsigned integer (bigint?) being wrapped as rvt already pointed out. What bittorrent client are you using on the seedbox?

01-01-2008, 11:09 PM
The problem is you use the same excuse as every other cheater. "Oh its the trackers fault, they has a bug, don't banz me, i do nothings wrong." So even if it is the truth you are going to have a hard time believeing you. Anyway i hope the TL staff see this, and give you a second chance. But another thing is most sites hate admitting they made a mistake on their part, because it opens the door for others to use the excuse tracker bug.

01-01-2008, 11:10 PM
one question about israeli ISP's: do israeli ISP's use proxies for users? meaning that many users would appear with the same IP to the outside world, but with a different ip at the ISPs list?

if that happens, that's probably an explanation for the amount of IP changes registered.

01-01-2008, 11:11 PM
could it be from having DHT status enabled? i remember hearing somewhere that it can wrongly record stats, or send false information..

01-02-2008, 12:18 AM
in the image DHT is disabled...

01-02-2008, 12:34 AM
rvt just rocked my brain with smart man talk ;)

i think the TL staff need to look into it as well as what rvt said and come up with a decision, if the bug is for 16 TB and you got 8 it would appear as if you're cheating to the staff so they wont do anything but obviously the only people that should know for sure are the TL staff. and whats up with all the IP's they said you were using on your account? im not accusing you here just trying to look at it from the staffs POV.

01-02-2008, 01:01 AM
IIt looks like it's a bug caused by an unsigned integer (bigint?) being wrapped as rvt already pointed out.

Nope. The bigint bug is well known but it produces figures of 16 million TB, not 8. For it to be the same bug, someone would have to use an unsigned 63bit integer, which would be plain weird in any programming environment.

01-02-2008, 01:16 AM
well i will once again talk to the coder and ask him to look again but so far we have not seen a bug

as to your account it will stay banned anyway as you have no right to it http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-bittorrent-invites-90/t-looking-tl-account-253433

it was not yours to start with and now we know the name of it it will stay banned anyway

01-02-2008, 01:26 AM
Never mind.

01-02-2008, 03:50 AM
I don't want to pick sides, but, lets assume that they are cheating...with some very, very poor written cheating application.

Questios are:
- Do they cheat *only* on TL, or that weird milions of TB shows up on other trackers ?
- Is that application available *only* to people from Israel or people from other countries can use it also ?

16777216 TB = 2^64, and 8388608 TB = 2^63, so I guess it is some sort of coding error, but, on which side ?

01-02-2008, 04:25 AM
sorry to hear what happend. But i think TL is just going by the evidence, and by that they have to enforce on their law.

01-02-2008, 05:33 AM
well i will once again talk to the coder and ask him to look again but so far we have not seen a bug

as to your account it will stay banned anyway as you have no right to it http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-bittorrent-invites-90/t-looking-tl-account-253433

it was not yours to start with and now we know the name of it it will stay banned anyway
I must say, that the thread you saw kingrob was posted out of desperation. I didn't trade nothing and won't, I'm sorry if you thought I did.

But still, finding other accuse to keep my account disabled doesn't mean that this bug will just vanish like that.
Even if my account won't get enabled and you won't believe me, I think I made my point and as you said you will look into it.

I'm hoping this bug, the staff behavior and the accusesation without and solid hard proof will not happen to anyone ever again.


As said earlier, some old member had the same problem, is he cheating as well? =/
my utorrent(1.7.5) which was installed directly from the official site, can't have this coding error(or maybe it does) but still, I don't think it's my fault that the utorrent + the coding of the site has a problem with some of the ip's and some of the utorrents which were used.

Kingrob, thanks for reading, I'm awaiting your reply. :)

Think from my side for a second, if I were cheating, would I bother posting this thread and exposing myself as a cheater to all fst members?
I'm doing this because I didnt do anything wrong other then just using the site.
The account you saw kingrob wasn't traded,just an old account I recovered by my mail.

01-02-2008, 01:29 PM
good luck assaf

01-02-2008, 09:46 PM
Any news kingrob?

01-02-2008, 10:16 PM
even if he were cheating, he wouldnt be that stupid to but his upload that high. he had that account for so long, and assuming that he cheated the whole time, he wouldnt do such a thing. that stuff happens when he does it with purpose.
oh wait. maybe its a bug in his cheating program?

01-03-2008, 05:08 AM
even if he were cheating, he wouldnt be that stupid to but his upload that high. he had that account for so long, and assuming that he cheated the whole time, he wouldnt do such a thing. that stuff happens when he does it with purpose.
oh wait. maybe its a bug in his cheating program?
Another wiseguy who's just "wanted" to help :pinch::pinch::pinch:
Go spam somewhere else cuz your so called jokes aren't funny.

Or in other words, why do you think this post you made will help in ANY way??:dry:

Do me a favor, don't post here you're useless posts again:shutup::yup:

01-03-2008, 03:24 PM
even if he were cheating, he wouldnt be that stupid to but his upload that high. he had that account for so long, and assuming that he cheated the whole time, he wouldnt do such a thing. that stuff happens when he does it with purpose.
oh wait. maybe its a bug in his cheating program?
Another wiseguy who's just "wanted" to help :pinch::pinch::pinch:
Go spam somewhere else cuz your so called jokes aren't funny.

Or in other words, why do you think this post you made will help in ANY way??:dry:

Do me a favor, don't post here you're useless posts again:shutup::yup:

what? lol. i was trying to help. i should've put a 'lol' after my last sentence, damn.

what im trying to say is that EVEN if you were cheating (which i believe you did not) you would not do that! meaning that THERE IS A bug in the torrentleech system.

if you dont want people here to support you then why the hell are you posting here ha? why? so that kingrob will see?
so that we know that there is a bug in the TL system. what?

you post here and you BASICALLY say fuck off to people who is trying to support you? damn

01-03-2008, 03:40 PM
even if he were cheating, he wouldnt be that stupid to but his upload that high. he had that account for so long, and assuming that he cheated the whole time, he wouldnt do such a thing. that stuff happens when he does it with purpose.
oh wait. maybe its a bug in his cheating program?
Another wiseguy who's just "wanted" to help :pinch::pinch::pinch:
Go spam somewhere else cuz your so called jokes aren't funny.

Or in other words, why do you think this post you made will help in ANY way??:dry:

Do me a favor, don't post here you're useless posts again:shutup::yup:
"I'm not being a wiseguy right now.
I just don't want you to get ur acc especially with an aggressive post like that..
You could have said, "Those who prefer to give advices please don't give them because I know what it takes to get it but I'm too lazy to do it so I'm doing an useless thread like this"

I'm serious,And didn't try to make fun of you/flame you

Take it to your attention..."

I still remember your compliment which you said to me, in a very nice,ease way...:frusty::frusty:

01-03-2008, 03:46 PM
i don't think that asafb has read carefully kingrob's post.
he said that u can forget about your account. period.
he just said that he would talk to the coder to investigate possible code bugs, but getting your account back is out of question.

someone lock this thread please.

01-03-2008, 03:49 PM
Maybe politically motivated by someone with a different opinion on Israelis?
The Admins there could of analyzed his sayings, especially if he has a lot to contribute to the community on TL, but they turned him down easily because (Israel).

01-03-2008, 04:39 PM
Sina and Allexandar (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/allexandar-170264) I'm sorry, I guessed I misunderstood you, lol
Maybe I wasn't awake enough to fully inderstood your post
So, again my apologizes, I thought something else, So i'm really sorry for my post.

Cabalo (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/cabalo-158277)
I don't think you read my post, Did I mention anything about my account?
I meant this bug which this thread were written in the first place.

And no, I will not lock this thread until I'll get a clear answer that it's TL's bug or not :ermm:

01-03-2008, 04:53 PM
i also got disabled thanks to 2nd grade staff at TL who are really really SMART !

what is their irc channel so i can talk to someone ?

01-03-2008, 04:54 PM

01-03-2008, 07:16 PM
And no, I will not lock this thread until I'll get a clear answer that it's TL's bug or not :ermm:

may i ask why would they come here and publicly announce they have a bug at the tracker (in case should that be true) ?
do you still really think you will get a deeper answer?

sorry mate, but i try to open your eyes, don't be naïve.

01-16-2008, 04:19 PM
I lost my account in the same way.
I had 700GB DL 1.32TB UL legit and then somehow I got message that say: "Your account has been disabled"
I went to ask them in the IRC "why?"
answer was

same like you. too bad.
I was registered about 1 year in torrentleech, I never get a warning or annoy anyone and I lost my account because a bug.

And yes I am Israeli too and I dont understand why it happen only to Israelis.
btw I used uTorrent 1.7.5.

01-16-2008, 08:58 PM
First before I'll start writing/describing what happened.
flaming or useless posts or any wiseguys are NOTwelcome, go spam somewhere else not in my thread.

This is sort of an enlightment to the community rep kingrob.
I've seen you here, you seem very nice and always willing to help.

Here's my problem.

my user at TL anakappa was disabled a couple of days ago, the stats of 9 milion TB upload and download appeared.
even when I used a korean seedbox(the IP is mentioned in my conversation with one of the mods)
With some of the trackers have this bug with israel(theplace, one of mods:JonJon which is israeli too have this bug).
My account got disabled because of suspicion to cheating(which I didn't since TL probably has this stupid bug), the mods at #tlhelp are very unpleasent and accuse me(and probably at lease a dozen of users-some israeli some are not of cheating, that's just wrong, instead of being reasonable and listen to what I have to say they totally ignored me when I tried to explain my self.
I'm hoping it's not related to race since it would be wrong to give the moderator job to anyone which has a grudge against and race.

my conversation in the help channel with a mod called reddevil, my user was anakappa

<anakappa> anyone who can help me please?
<reddevil> nothing to help with
<reddevil> you cheated and were disabled
<anakappa> and i cheated?
<anakappa> =q
<anakappa> I used this IP which is a seedbox
<reddevil> !u anakappa
<anakappa> please explain to me
<TL-Bitch> 0,01 anakappa (Power User04,01 disabled00,01 1 day idle) 03,01D:00,01 8,388,608.41 TB 04,01U:00,01 8,388,608.51 TB - Ratio: 1.000 -14,01 www.torrentleech.org/userdetails.php?id=490882 (http://www.torrentleech.org/userdetails.php?id=490882) 
<anakappa> And how many users have this problem?
<anakappa> and were disabled
<anakappa> ?
<Mensta> its not a problem
<Mensta> its a ceat
<Mensta> cheat
<Mensta> u got caught
<Mensta> you got banned
<Mensta> end of storry
<anakappa> or better yet, how you think all those people who had those stats were cheates?
<reddevil> the stats speak for themself
<anakappa> with all the respect, that's bullshit!, look at the ip which was used during the seeding
<reddevil> its not bullshit its fact
<anakappa> It's a stupid bug which at least dozen people got banned for no reason!
<Mensta> lol
<reddevil> its not a bug
<reddevil> and the account wont be enabled
<anakappa> then how could i've cheayed if I used that IP the entire time!
<reddevil> there are 36 ip changes on your account
<anakappa> comon guys, be reasonable, that's really not faire, I didn't do anything wrong and I swear I didn't cheat
<anakappa> only 2 I remember, my own (isreali) and the seedbox
<reddevil> nope
<anakappa> enligght me please
<reddevil> with wot?
<reddevil> tracker caught you cheating and you were banned
<anakappa> with the "fact" you said you have
<reddevil> nothing to enlighten
<anakappa> ok, just answer my last question
<reddevil> that 211 ip was hardly used compared to others
<anakappa> how many isrealis were banned because you thought the cheated because this stupid bug of yours
<anakappa> ?
<reddevil> but doesnt change the fact that you wont get enabled
<anakappa> fine, I just want to know the number
<anakappa> how many members had the 8 milion TB bug
<anakappa> please, answer this question and I leave, with nothing else said
<anakappa> as I thought, TL staff hates israelis =/
<reddevil> you will leave either way m8 and no i wont answer any more questions
<reddevil> you cheated
<reddevil> and were banned
<reddevil> and no longer welcome here

I'm hoping I can talk with a reasonable staff which is not like reddevil.

kingrob, I really like TL and get most of my content there, I love it and seeds their until I can't seed anymore.,I'mtrying to get a seedbox to upload more and more importent share moresince I really like TL/ I'm an honest,never did a mistake person buy yet I'm getting disabled for no reason(false one).
I'm speaking in the name of more people(mostly Israeli which had the same problem as mine but can't or don't want to write this kind of formal thread.

I'm asking you in the most respectfull nicest way, please help me correct this incident which happens every single day with another angry user who can't figure out why he has 8TB upload and download amount and a staff member which accuse him out of nowhere of cheating.

Thanks for reading
Best regards
Asafb and more users with the same problem.

Didn't really read the conversation, as it would be easy for you to edit it to make the staff look like the bad guy. I'm sure they had good reason to ban you, they're not as dumb as you think they are.

01-16-2008, 09:18 PM
well i will once again talk to the coder and ask him to look again but so far we have not seen a bug

as to your account it will stay banned anyway as you have no right to it http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-bittorrent-invites-90/t-looking-tl-account-253433

it was not yours to start with and now we know the name of it it will stay banned anyway

Kingrob (TL staffer) made it clear that the account won't be back and they will look into the bug, so why is this thread still alive again? :unsure:

If you are waiting for reply on the bug issue so as to help your friends i think they will know it themself by trying to log in after about week or so and checking whether there acct. is still disabled or enabled back. I doubt you will get a reply....not so soon at least. So, it appears that the thread is still alive for my l33t spam :naughty:

01-17-2008, 07:32 PM
First before I'll start writing/describing what happened.
flaming or useless posts or any wiseguys are NOTwelcome, go spam somewhere else not in my thread.

This is sort of an enlightment to the community rep kingrob.
I've seen you here, you seem very nice and always willing to help.

Here's my problem.

my user at TL anakappa was disabled a couple of days ago, the stats of 9 milion TB upload and download appeared.
even when I used a korean seedbox(the IP is mentioned in my conversation with one of the mods)
With some of the trackers have this bug with israel(theplace, one of mods:JonJon which is israeli too have this bug).
My account got disabled because of suspicion to cheating(which I didn't since TL probably has this stupid bug), the mods at #tlhelp are very unpleasent and accuse me(and probably at lease a dozen of users-some israeli some are not of cheating, that's just wrong, instead of being reasonable and listen to what I have to say they totally ignored me when I tried to explain my self.
I'm hoping it's not related to race since it would be wrong to give the moderator job to anyone which has a grudge against and race.

my conversation in the help channel with a mod called reddevil, my user was anakappa

<anakappa> anyone who can help me please?
<reddevil> nothing to help with
<reddevil> you cheated and were disabled
<anakappa> and i cheated?
<anakappa> =q
<anakappa> I used this IP which is a seedbox
<reddevil> !u anakappa
<anakappa> please explain to me
<TL-Bitch> 0,01 anakappa (Power User04,01 disabled00,01 1 day idle) 03,01D:00,01 8,388,608.41 TB 04,01U:00,01 8,388,608.51 TB - Ratio: 1.000 -14,01 www.torrentleech.org/userdetails.php?id=490882 (http://www.torrentleech.org/userdetails.php?id=490882) 
<anakappa> And how many users have this problem?
<anakappa> and were disabled
<anakappa> ?
<Mensta> its not a problem
<Mensta> its a ceat
<Mensta> cheat
<Mensta> u got caught
<Mensta> you got banned
<Mensta> end of storry
<anakappa> or better yet, how you think all those people who had those stats were cheates?
<reddevil> the stats speak for themself
<anakappa> with all the respect, that's bullshit!, look at the ip which was used during the seeding
<reddevil> its not bullshit its fact
<anakappa> It's a stupid bug which at least dozen people got banned for no reason!
<Mensta> lol
<reddevil> its not a bug
<reddevil> and the account wont be enabled
<anakappa> then how could i've cheayed if I used that IP the entire time!
<reddevil> there are 36 ip changes on your account
<anakappa> comon guys, be reasonable, that's really not faire, I didn't do anything wrong and I swear I didn't cheat
<anakappa> only 2 I remember, my own (isreali) and the seedbox
<reddevil> nope
<anakappa> enligght me please
<reddevil> with wot?
<reddevil> tracker caught you cheating and you were banned
<anakappa> with the "fact" you said you have
<reddevil> nothing to enlighten
<anakappa> ok, just answer my last question
<reddevil> that 211 ip was hardly used compared to others
<anakappa> how many isrealis were banned because you thought the cheated because this stupid bug of yours
<anakappa> ?
<reddevil> but doesnt change the fact that you wont get enabled
<anakappa> fine, I just want to know the number
<anakappa> how many members had the 8 milion TB bug
<anakappa> please, answer this question and I leave, with nothing else said
<anakappa> as I thought, TL staff hates israelis =/
<reddevil> you will leave either way m8 and no i wont answer any more questions
<reddevil> you cheated
<reddevil> and were banned
<reddevil> and no longer welcome here

I'm hoping I can talk with a reasonable staff which is not like reddevil.

kingrob, I really like TL and get most of my content there, I love it and seeds their until I can't seed anymore.,I'mtrying to get a seedbox to upload more and more importent share moresince I really like TL/ I'm an honest,never did a mistake person buy yet I'm getting disabled for no reason(false one).
I'm speaking in the name of more people(mostly Israeli which had the same problem as mine but can't or don't want to write this kind of formal thread.

I'm asking you in the most respectfull nicest way, please help me correct this incident which happens every single day with another angry user who can't figure out why he has 8TB upload and download amount and a staff member which accuse him out of nowhere of cheating.

Thanks for reading
Best regards
Asafb and more users with the same problem.

Didn't really read the conversation, as it would be easy for you to edit it to make the staff look like the bad guy. I'm sure they had good reason to ban you, they're not as dumb as you think they are.
Before you said anything you should have read and convo + the rest of the thread.
I didn't edit nothing, and I'm not complaining about the staff(you could have known that by know of you weren't too lazy to actually read:dry:) it's about the bug that is still affects israelis(my friend god disabled yesterday because the same bug, at least the staffer was actually nice and kind, although he wasn't able to help him.

01-19-2008, 05:10 PM
http://xs223.xs.to/xs223/08036/capture954.jpg (http://xs.to)

that IS a bug for sure. staff you should unban him!

01-19-2008, 05:50 PM
I think something's wrong there. I've checked the top 10 feature a few days ago and that didn't show, and i don't think all of those guys cheated at once.
(Just a thought)
I'm with asafb.

01-20-2008, 07:36 AM
well i got banned to.
they think ive cheated 8 terabytes on a 2 mb file(crack)..
that really makes sense.

01-20-2008, 12:17 PM
they won't admit it so he will never get his account back :ٍS

01-21-2008, 03:04 PM
ok we have now finshed looking in to this matter

the tracker is fine there are no bugs ect on it

but il isp's are sending fake data to trackers on tl this causes your stats to bug out making you look like cheats

the staff have been informed of this if this was the reason your were banned you can email [email protected] and we will look in to your case

as i have posted before asafb will not get his account back as it is linked to trading ect and bans for other reasons will be left in place


01-22-2008, 06:06 PM
kingrob (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/kingrob-163028) thaks for your answer and patience :)
although my account won't be enabled I'm sure that alot if israeli users can know get their accounts back.

thank you.

this thread served it's purpose.

01-23-2008, 12:36 AM

Rip The Jacker
01-23-2008, 01:28 AM
No... it's still open. =/

01-23-2008, 02:16 AM
shit, why would the ISP's do such a thing? as i asked before, do ISPs in israel use some kind of proxy that caches for example contents to avoid duped international traffic? this could be an explanation, so that the proxy caches its content and send duped data to the trackers, resulting in invalid data transfers.

i used to have such a problem, but those were the 56k times.

01-23-2008, 02:23 AM
No... it's still open. =/

lol but of course - just thought the problem of the OP was solved :happy:

peat moss
01-23-2008, 02:30 AM
No... it's still open. =/

lol but of course - just thought the problem of the OP was solved :happy:

In a round about way think he wanted it closed ? :lol:

"this thread served it's purpose."

01-23-2008, 07:14 AM
ok we have now finshed looking in to this matter

the tracker is fine there are no bugs ect on it

but il isp's are sending fake data to trackers on tl this causes your stats to bug out making you look like cheats

the staff have been informed of this if this was the reason your were banned you can email [email protected] and we will look in to your case

as i have posted before asafb will not get his account back as it is linked to trading ect and bans for other reasons will be left in place


thanks for your response :)
i think it does make sense now