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View Full Version : Johnny English

07-26-2003, 05:45 PM
Hello all,
I am looking for a good D/L link or a vcd /xz t7, or erm a hash brown, or what ever the better connections are. Sorry I will be up to speed a bit more when I am able to understand what these links do. My son wants to watch it. I have D/L a couple of files before but "Johnny" became invisible and others had people eating and laughing so you could not hear. Can you assist :(



07-26-2003, 09:00 PM
I couldn't agree more. The last version I had was shot with a fisheye lens and looked rediculous. Now it's been released in the States a good version must be forthcoming. Please post here when you find one

07-26-2003, 09:09 PM
Thanks for replying. Maybe now there will be a lot of interest in this post, and some results