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View Full Version : popular german tv tracker attacked

01-04-2008, 01:39 AM
the popular german tv tracker TvRecall is gone.

according to the sysop it suffered from a major syn-flood attack and their provider took them offline.
it wouldn't make any sense to bring it back on a new server, because the attack would continue.

tvr was known as the best tracker for german tv releases.

responsible for the attack would be a single banned ex user, who attacked the tracker with several hacked server.


01-04-2008, 02:16 AM
I just read the original post ... and some people still manage to surprise me. Using 70 hacked root servers because he was banned from their IRC channel? That's a scary prospect once you start to think about it - all those badly configured root servers or virtual roots open ways for malicious intentions like it's never been possible before and the average seedbox user who doesn't even know shit about configuring wine and utorrent isn't helping the situation one bit.

01-04-2008, 02:21 AM
Bye TvRecall :( , Bad news for germans

01-04-2008, 04:46 AM
This user had balls and knew how to use 'em :)

01-04-2008, 01:39 PM
Leaving the root open to abuse is like leaving the keys for your car in the ignition and with the engine running.

If a thief steals your car because of your lack of security, you can be held accountable should he decide to drive your car into the playing fields of an infant school and commit carmaggedon with the kiddies.

This should be no different for computer owners. If some hacks your computer because you failed to secure it, and uses it to attack another, you should be held accountable for the attack.

I wouldn't leave a loaded gun on the sidewalk, for any 6 year old to use, so why allow any child access to your PC for the sole intention of causing misery.

People who fail to secure their computers (anti virus and firewall) should be fined for allowing their machines to be used to this effect, and if the trend continues, they should have their machines taken off them, and banned from ever using a machine again.

Actually, thinking about it, we should have internet vigilantes who search out vulnerable systems then take them down, so that children cannot abuse the computers. I'm sure that this would persuade many to decide to install security software. After all, a dead system is a useless system, and it either stays dead, of gets a kevlar vest as protection.

01-04-2008, 03:21 PM
I just read the original post ... and some people still manage to surprise me. Using 70 hacked root servers because he was banned from their IRC channel? That's a scary prospect once you start to think about it - all those badly configured root servers or virtual roots open ways for malicious intentions like it's never been possible before and the average seedbox user who doesn't even know shit about configuring wine and utorrent isn't helping the situation one bit.

he was banned for using hacked servers on tvr.. and because those users werent welcome there, we also banned him from irc ;)
then he tried to hack tvr.. but he failed..
then he built a botnet in 2 weeks bc of a lack of rl..
nobody knows how many servers he used for this attack, so it could have been way more -.-

i hope no other good site will get attacked like this..

@ceasar: do you like retarded criminal assholes?

01-04-2008, 03:49 PM
sokrates, yeah I assumed that it went this way but the blog made it sound like his irc ban was the catalyst for this behavior.

i hope no other good site will get attacked like this..

No tracker deserves an attack like that, it doesn't even have to be a good one.

01-04-2008, 03:56 PM
i didn't use it but that's sad ;(

01-06-2008, 08:23 AM
@ceasar: do you like retarded criminal assholes?
No, does it change anything?

If the tracker was not secure enough that a single hacker, maybe talented one, was able to put it down, then better it happened now, than if officials do it later. This way admins will have time to think about improvements and make a better site.

01-06-2008, 08:26 AM
oh no