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View Full Version : SCT Invite

01-06-2008, 04:47 PM
Hello guys how can i get an invite to Sct???? I`m here all days in FST but it`s very difficult to me get this invite because i search for this in different foruns and nothing. So if anyone could spare an invite i apreciate very much this. I think the last five days lots of invites here in FST and those days i think is more easy to get this because people spare more invites. I now its hard to get Sct invite, but i will try and i don`t give up until i get this. If you have some time to see my Screens you will see that i`m a good guy in the trackers. I never trade an account and i don`t cheat. So that`s all my friend good 2008 to all. I love be here in FST that`s great.:):):):):)

01-06-2008, 04:55 PM
Yes, you are right about the increase in accesbility of SCT invites, as they gave out invites to all power+ users and increased cap from 17k to 20k.

So i guess you should just keep trying and maybe build up your BT rep, as some in here tend to focuse a lot on that when handing out "better" invites, besides that just be friendly around the forum.

Patience is a virtue - good luck :)

01-06-2008, 04:57 PM
if somebody can invite me to sct plzzz for free .....

01-06-2008, 05:01 PM
if somebody can invite me to sct plzzz for free .....

first this not your thread to request something,if u want then create your own thread and ask there whatever u want..:)

01-06-2008, 05:04 PM
ok SORRY Forumas for what i have done ???

01-06-2008, 05:11 PM
Good Luck m8... i know what you are going through...i m in the same possition ;)