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View Full Version : Sharelive.com

07-27-2003, 03:35 PM
sharelive.com has been gone and may not come back, one more BT site is down and if supernova goes then i might have to cancel my broadband (lets face we all know kazaa is not that good anymore).

the MSG from the website

A message from ShareLive

One of our servers was suspended, which happened to be the one with all our data on it.

I'll be moving from our current host ServerBeach (which has caused nothing but trouble for us) back to RackShack soon...

Right now i'm trying to convince this serverbeach employee to let me get my data off the server.


The server was suspended for Promoteing piracy. Allowing users to use
p2p through your www site. We can not unsuspend the server.


Of course, I replied explaining why this is rubbish. Ah well. We'll have to see what happens.

To all DownloadParadise users, please accept my apologies, you are in the same boat.

- Intimidated

07-27-2003, 03:56 PM
Read that same notice carefully - It says that it's going to change host ASAP.

That, and the SL has been down for a few days - Unlike other BT sites, Sharelive has been down several times and has re-appeared.

Give it a week or so ;)

07-27-2003, 04:02 PM
dude thats what every closing webiste says that they will be back but they dont really come back.

07-27-2003, 04:08 PM
"Dude", I repeat

Unlike other BT sites, Sharelive has been down several times and has re-appeared.

That was even during the shutdown season for BT sites.

Like I said, give it a week ;)