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View Full Version : Sceners Threaten to Destroy BitTorrent, "One Step at a Time"

01-07-2008, 06:25 PM
"SuperTorrents recently fell victim to an attack by alleged ‘Scene’ members who revealed the site owner’s identity. Further action was promised against torrent sites and today another tracker admin’s life has been turned upside down. The attacker’s message: "Destroying The P2P’s, One Step at a Time""

"At the end of last year we reported on the unfortunate fate of Ersan, the administrator of SuperTorrents. He suffered multiple security breaches which revealed his identity along with the loss of $2000 in donations. Scene notices (text files carrying news/other info) carried lots of the gory details, with one ending in a threat: "cellkill is next".

It seems that "cellkill" - the administrator of F******.net (also known as FTN) has become the group’s latest BitTorrent victim, exactly as promised. In yet another notice with the header "Destroying The P2Ps, One Step at a Time", part of the justification for the attack reads...[See below]"

:source: Source: Full Article @ TorrentFreak (http://torrentfreak.com/sceners-threaten-to-destroy-bittorrent-080107/)

01-07-2008, 06:35 PM
His Torrent site steals thousands after thousands of releases from the scene, and then he has the nerve to go and say to other P2P’s STOP STEALING RELEASES FROM US?!??!?"
I find it somewhat amusing that people in the scene would be advocating against stealing.

01-07-2008, 07:14 PM
The "scene" really does have a dislike for p2p. It lets the masses in on what they are doing and makes them a much bigger target for law enforcement than in the past.
I don't think those in the "scene" are behind this, but I'm sure it puts a smile on their face.

01-07-2008, 07:43 PM
It doesnt make sense for me his info been leaked to wiki a long time ago they just copy and paste.

Its horrible you may lose your life if his identify been revealed to RIAA/MPAA.

01-07-2008, 09:50 PM
His Torrent site steals thousands after thousands of releases from the scene, and then he has the nerve to go and say to other P2P’s STOP STEALING RELEASES FROM US?!??!?"
I find it somewhat amusing that people in the scene would be advocating against stealing.

Well said.

01-07-2008, 09:57 PM
Its horrible you may lose your life if his identify been revealed to RIAA/MPAA.


01-07-2008, 10:38 PM
No. He's probably not talking about death there, AmpeD.


01-07-2008, 11:03 PM
The "scene" really does have a dislike for p2p. It lets the masses in on what they are doing and makes them a much bigger target for law enforcement than in the past.
I don't think those in the "scene" are behind this, but I'm sure it puts a smile on their face.

Of course it's people in the "scene" , who else would it be?

01-07-2008, 11:10 PM
Lets hack the scene and reveal their names and credit card numbers :wacko:

Who's with me :P

01-07-2008, 11:15 PM
Of course it's people in the "scene" , who else would it be?

there are others who would want to fuck with Brandon...like the people that hacked his accounts a while back.

01-07-2008, 11:28 PM
Of course it's people in the "scene" , who else would it be?

there are others who would want to fuck with Brandon...like the people that hacked his accounts a while back.
also like the sluts who want to fuck with everyone :lol:

01-08-2008, 02:47 AM
hahahahaha^^ good one

01-08-2008, 03:36 AM
Lol, this is an even more pathetic attempt than those made by the MPAA and the RIAA to stop p2p. If they want to get something done, they should team up with the MPAA/RIAA :lol::lol:

01-08-2008, 04:03 AM
Let's not give'em any ideas.


01-08-2008, 05:08 AM
What goes around..
Anyway it looks more personal than they are trying to make it looks like.. if you wanted to take down P2P would you start by ST/FTN ?

01-08-2008, 06:38 AM
Braging and posting notices, that's the realm of script kiddies.
My personal feelings is that the people behind this will tun out to be just a couple of rogue teenies that want to feel like they are hot shit.

A lot of these torrent sites are run by kids also that have almost no real computer skills.
It's a lot easier to take a site down than to keep it up. I think the problems have only started.


01-08-2008, 07:36 AM
A lot of these torrent sites are run by kids also that have almost no real computer skills.
It's a lot easier to take a site down than to keep it up. I think the problems have only started.


I can assure you I'm no kid. I also am educated in many different languages including php, tcl, c/c++, java just to name a few.
I'm also very good at administrating unix, which I use as my main operating system.

I think the better statement would be, 99% of humans are more gullible than the remaining 1%. You believed exactly what they wanted you to believe, and you did so without any proof :dry:

01-08-2008, 03:55 PM
A lot of these torrent sites are run by kids also that have almost no real computer skills.
It's a lot easier to take a site down than to keep it up. I think the problems have only started.


I can assure you I'm no kid. I also am educated in many different languages including php, tcl, c/c++, java just to name a few.
I'm also very good at administrating unix, which I use as my main operating system.

I think the better statement would be, 99% of humans are more gullible than the remaining 1%. You believed exactly what they wanted you to believe, and you did so without any proof :dry:

You're right, my whole knowledge of who is running these sites is based upon stories of 15 year old making hundreds of dollars a month (or more). I find there is usually some truth, if not total, in such stories. Not every site is able to pull profits, but it happens.

Then again, I didn't call you out specifically. So relax, I am not questioning your qualifications.

But, I would like to know who "they" are.

Colt Seevers
01-08-2008, 04:06 PM
Glad I use newsgroups and don't give a fuck about all this gay e-drama.

Fuck the scene and all it's pre-pubescent hangers-on and wannabes. Fuck the BT scene as well with it's pay to leech BS, and all the rest of it, reap what you sow, cockfags.

01-08-2008, 04:59 PM
Glad I use newsgroups and don't give a fuck about all this gay e-drama.

Fuck the scene and all it's pre-pubescent hangers-on and wannabes. Fuck the BT scene as well with it's pay to leech BS, and all the rest of it, reap what you sow, cockfags.

Similar to my own feelings, only much, much, less eloquently put.

01-08-2008, 06:03 PM
Glad I use newsgroups and don't give a fuck about all this gay e-drama.

Fuck the scene and all it's pre-pubescent hangers-on and wannabes. Fuck the BT scene as well with it's pay to leech BS, and all the rest of it, reap what you sow, cockfags.

Similar to my own feelings, only much, much, less eloquently put.
I think George W could have phrased it much better :D

01-08-2008, 06:30 PM
Glad I use newsgroups and don't give a fuck about all this gay e-drama.

Fuck the scene and all it's pre-pubescent hangers-on and wannabes. Fuck the BT scene as well with it's pay to leech BS, and all the rest of it, reap what you sow, cockfags.
I thought newsgroups were pay-to-leech?
Wow... stuff has changed a lot since a couple of years ago then. Can you link me?

01-08-2008, 06:38 PM
nope u have to pay for usenet!. fuck the bt bollocks well said. just leech

01-08-2008, 06:55 PM
Similar to my own feelings, only much, much, less eloquently put.
I think George W could have phrased it much better :D

I already get enough hate mail.

01-08-2008, 08:15 PM
Glad I use newsgroups and don't give a fuck about all this gay e-drama.

Fuck the scene and all it's pre-pubescent hangers-on and wannabes. Fuck the BT scene as well with it's pay to leech BS, and all the rest of it, reap what you sow, cockfags.
I thought newsgroups were pay-to-leech?
Wow... stuff has changed a lot since a couple of years ago then. Can you link me?

lmao, had a hard time not busting out laughing after reading that one. It's even funnier considering the site in question (my site) is not only against p2l, but doesn't even have a ratio to even become p2l.. Not to mention my views regarding p2l have gotten me into trouble here many times b4 (i'm highly against it) :rolleyes:

01-08-2008, 09:36 PM
Well said dude.

01-08-2008, 09:54 PM
scener's and p2peer's are the workhorses on the battle for digital freedom, why a civil war on us?

01-08-2008, 10:00 PM
reap what you sow, cockfags.
lulz :happy:

I already get enough hate mail.
double lulz :happy:

scener's and p2peer's are the workhorses on the battle for digital freedom, why a civil war on us?
bah! the anti-lulz! :fear:

01-08-2008, 10:01 PM
scener's and p2peer's are the workhorses on the battle for digital freedom, why a civil war on us?
I dont think the sceners are interested in digital freedom. There only agenda seems to be some sort of weird self preservation. And they like playing silly games. let em play. Its just I cant see the point

01-09-2008, 04:47 AM
scener's and p2peer's are the workhorses on the battle for digital freedom, why a civil war on us?
I dont think the sceners are interested in digital freedom. There only agenda seems to be some sort of weird self preservation. And they like playing silly games. let em play. Its just I cant see the point

fuck them all, masses always prevail

01-09-2008, 08:01 AM
the scene wouldnt bother with these things
they know its a useless battle
especially since they cant do anything to sites like Piratebay where most of the people get their stuff from
its just a bunch of people who want attention

01-09-2008, 08:15 AM
I'm sure they're mark everything with "All rights reserved" and will sue everyone for pirating just like RIAA and MPAA :P

01-09-2008, 09:29 PM
since this is kinda teamed up with stmusic...is that the same owner

01-10-2008, 12:41 AM
I guess I just don't "get it"....so assuming BT is killed-stone-cold-dead, (and then presumbably usenet), and the RIAA/MPAA/ISPs all rejoice...the "scene" is going to do what? Send each other messages on IRC telling each other what hot-shit hackers they are???

01-10-2008, 09:04 PM
since this is kinda teamed up with stmusic...is that the same owner

They are different people, and i'm pretty sure one has far better security measures in place than the other.

In answer to the threat title...

The issue here is not the death of bittorrent, its far to well established, its never gonna happen. The MPAA/RIAA shut down TorrentIt, it never returned, more recently they shut down Oink and Demonoid two other big losses both haven't and sadly i don't see them coming back. However they tried numberous times to shut don't link sites like pirate bay and isohunt without any lasting success and that has given the bittorrent community strength to the point which they know that when sites like oink go down 100 other music trackers spring up.

Not everyone in the scene will have the same ethos about how an when to share digital information, some will be more hard line, fearing the p2p world could reveal the map to thier scene paradise, others could care less and think that releasing media to the general public is part of the process of realigning political policies on digital media - which interestingly has started to happen http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/jan/09/copyrightlaws.

These hackers who would seem to have personal grudges against these two BT site owners have not in any shape or form effected Bittorrent as these sites are still operational as far as i'm aware. What they have done in this instance is caused either major or minor annoyance in terms of personal security using dirty tactics. I don't know what the long term effect of this will be as of yet maybe people will have to hang up thier gloves, maybe they will put on bigger gloves and come back fighting. Either way there will always be more people downloading from or supporting BT sites because of what they do, provide people with more choice about how much the capatalist machine is incharge of their lives. Bringing about changes like this.. http://www.canada.com/topics/technology/story.html?id=3664714e-380e-49e2-8bc2-36c5c8cea906&k=6130.

01-16-2008, 04:47 PM

The Flying Cow
04-06-2008, 11:38 PM
It's pretty obvious this was not done by sceners. They are usually a bit more occupied than idling away with this bollocks. (Real sceners, not minor peons).

And frankly, they have a point. P2p brings much more publicity to the scene, and they are not the culprits for people setting up their own mini-markets using scene-gotten materials.

While p2p won't directly kill the scene, it is spreading it's goods out to the world, and these are at times put in the hands of fools who are unaware of the secrecy/keeping it quiet element. Many of us actually download to boast to others in the real world. Such attitudes are childish and probably at the root of this p2p-hatred.

TBH, I don't consider shut private trackers to be p2p. It is closed, controlled, file sharing. Scene-style. The differences being many, however, like speed (stros are most certainly faster and will usually have more stuff available - good stros I mean, as well as dumps).

And no, closing down BT sites is not the solution. Some "solutions" do work, such as ops that shut down groups (e.g. BHP (most prolific DVDR group in many years) and place their members in prison. But this will only make these characters martyr-like figures, and further entice youths down the paths of free downloading.

04-07-2008, 02:48 AM
I don't consider shut private trackers to be p2p. It is closed, controlled, file sharing. Scene-style.

Closed, meaning has monthly public signups available via mouse click when user registration is under xxxx.

Scene-style since they cap the registration at xxx so they can show the advertisers how many people are looking at page xxx which has their ad per day.

Just because you got in early when the numbers were low doesn't make it Scene-style. It just makes it more luck of the draw.

Private trackers are p2p. why? because they don't produce originals (besides a vhs-rip of some movie or a 2bros movie rip, not a VLK keygenerator for the most used OS in the world)

04-07-2008, 05:21 AM
Private trackers are p2p. why? because they don't produce originals (besides a vhs-rip of some movie or a 2bros movie rip, not a VLK keygenerator for the most used OS in the world)Actually, private trackers are p2p because peers upload and download from each other (p2p = peer to peer). The content being transfered has no bearing on the definition.