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View Full Version : rf extenders

01-12-2008, 01:08 AM
Right now my digital box sits on top of my tv, because my bed is to the left of the way my tv faces, so when when I lie down I can turn the tv and the box turns with it.
I am getting a new tv monday which will be an lcd which emans the digital box won't be able to sit on top anymore. The only choice II have for it is to put it in my cabinet that the tv sits on which will mean it's not facing the bed.
That means my remote won't work from bed anymore. :(

Any suggestions?
I'm thinking mirror, but maybe an electrical RF extender might work better. Any suggestions for one and ideas how much it costs?

01-12-2008, 01:33 AM
Would the box make for an unstable base to set the new TV on top of?

01-12-2008, 01:37 PM
i would just screw shelf on the wall, it would never cross my mind to use mirror or rf extenders idea. that's how technically sophisticated i am :)

01-12-2008, 02:10 PM
Hire an immigrant to sit next to the TV and respond to voice commands.

No batteries to change, so very green.

01-12-2008, 03:05 PM
Would the box make for an unstable base to set the new TV on top of?ya, and it would be too low (when im in my bed the bottom couple inches of the tv is blocked by a speaker).

01-12-2008, 07:09 PM
Do you know for a fact that the controller will not work at the new angle?
With fresh batteries I can point mine in the totally opposite direction and still have it work.

01-13-2008, 01:18 AM
Yes, it's a combination of being far and pointed in the wrong direction.