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01-15-2008, 06:55 AM
Howdy all,

Im looking for an something...but what can it be?

I have many feathers to help me fly. I have a body and head, but I'm not alive. It is your strength which determines how far I go. You can hold me in your hand, but I'm never thrown. What am I?An Arrow.
A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50."

The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less.

In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet? The man did exactly as he said he would and wrote "your exact weight" on the paper.
Hi! Ma and Pa told me I'd better say that all the two-letter words in this paragraph have something in common ...... or else! What's the common factor here?All the two-letter combinations are abbreviations of U.S. States: Hi:Hawaii, MA:Massachusetts, PA:Pennsylvania, me:Maine, in:Indiana, I'd: Idaho, or:Oregon
A man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and staff and got these alibis: The Wife said she was sleeping. The Cook was cooking breakfast. The Gardener was picking vegetables. The Maid was getting the mail. The Butler was cleaning the closet.
The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it and how did they know?It was the Maid. She said she was getting the mail. There is no mail on Sunday! (next day air and email doesn't count)
Cross out six letters and you'll find a word that we should know. The word must be spelled out in order.

SBAIXNLETATNERSASBananas. The letters you needed to cross out were: (S-I-X-L-E-T-T-E-R-S)
They call me a man, but I'll never have a wife. I was given a body, but not given life. They made me a mouth, but didn't give me breath. Water gives me life and sun brings me death. What am I?A Snow Man
Bruce, the head dog at the north pole, had three sons. One was named mo, the other curly. What is the third dogs name.WHAT "is" the third dogs name.
How can you say - "Robert and Richard Purchased A Rotweiler" without using any R's?Bob and Dick bought a dog! :)
What is so special about this sequence below? 8 5 4 9 1 7 6 10 3 2 0The numbers are in alphabetical order. (eight, five, four, nine, one, seven, six, ten, three, two, zero)
There was once a man who had a very selfish and unkind son. So one day the father sent his son to the market with one coin and said, "I am sick and tired of your selfish ways. Take this coin and buy with it: something to feed the cows, something to plant in the garden, something for us to eat, and something for us to drink. Dont come back until you do this!" He is only allowed to buy one item. What did he buy that fulfilled his father's wish?He bought a watermelon - the juice to drink, the pulp to eat, the seeds to plant in the garden, and the rine to feed the cows!
What Invite Does Fatcat69 want?[spoiler]an invite to AOM



friends: feel free to post away :happy:

Haters: Bring it on...ill bring you around the block more then once...and you know that cause it has happened before and it will happen again.:lol:

Unkowns: Welcome! Hows it going? Enjoy your stay in my request thread.:)

01-15-2008, 06:58 AM
:lol: fatcat , just another spamming thread :D

01-15-2008, 07:13 AM
:lol: fatcat , just another spamming thread :D

Check it out now:D

Dark Archon
01-15-2008, 07:15 AM
have you tried AOMKiller? That's free sign up i think :D

01-15-2008, 07:21 AM
Hahaha the spamer need AOM,you have been banned coz make this thread.

01-15-2008, 07:26 AM
spamidy spam spam time!!! Good luck bro this is going to be quite a quest:D

Dark Archon
01-15-2008, 07:43 AM
HOLY SHIT!...dude I just went through the spoilers things that you did...boy you have so much time on your hands man haha

It was entertaining...good luck with AOM

01-15-2008, 07:45 AM
Hahaha the spamer need AOM,you have been banned coz make this thread.

Wait would you happen to be the same elboymaster who posted this:

Which fatcat?,there many member on fst use name fatcat,i would like to get the advise. in this thread:

Advise...hmm you want advise on how to get into...well...iTS?

Next time, atleast make sure you know who you are talking to when you go post crazy...and attempt to down talk them, please also spell correctly, if you are going to call me a spammer, at least remember there are two m's.


plus you cant ban someone who you have no info about...you would know that if you were staff, the only way you can ban someone is if you have their ip, nick, email....all of which can be faked...very very easily, so in truth you cant ban someone forever, especially if they have friends in high places and the means....so dont dare say im banned or whatever bs you are saying...lol

Damn, haters just never learn do they guys...

You cant win! Chuck norris has my back.:lol:

HOLY SHIT!...dude I just went through the spoilers things that you did...boy you have so much time on your hands man haha

It was entertaining...good luck with AOM

Lol well each riddle was copied and pasted...but I wanted everyone to have fun while they were bored and browsing threads:cool:

01-15-2008, 07:50 AM
Check with google spammy? Type my name there,and than you know who i am.

01-15-2008, 07:59 AM
lol wow....

"google my name...then youll know who i am"


This is what came up:

To everyone who isnt a little mr. bigstuff telling us to google his name, i hope your enjoying the riddles...some of them are pretty good, others are well...copy and paste...i dont have that much free time where i can find the best.:lol:

Im heading to bed, so little mr. hater, youll have to wait till morning for me to show you how chuck norris cant be beat like the past two posts. You know there is a world outside of being able to google a nickname on the internet....plus if you think you are some hacker or whatever you wanted us to goolge your name for (only a kid would ask such a thing)...you're an idiot for using the same nick and posting on a public forum that records your ip as well as trackers that record your ip too....:lol: kids these days!

go ahead and google my name...i have no idea what it will bring up because it is random lol:P BUT GOOGLE it man...google it!


01-15-2008, 08:09 AM
This thread is going to be epic :P, already got 11 users waiting on the next post (which is mine :D)

01-15-2008, 09:13 AM
try AOM killer

there are no invites at AOM u can try get an account if you want

01-15-2008, 09:17 AM
try AOM killer

there are no invites at AOM u can try get an account if you want

wrong, there are! some one have to recommend you and then you have to fill an application..

01-15-2008, 09:20 AM
try AOM killer

there are no invites at AOM u can try get an account if you want

wrong, there are! some one have to recommend you and then you have to fill an application..

i dont think it works anymore...

Dark Archon
01-15-2008, 10:08 AM
try AOM killer

there are no invites at AOM u can try get an account if you want

wrong, there are! some one have to recommend you and then you have to fill an application..

a recommendation AND an application? wow that's so protective.

01-15-2008, 10:11 AM
wrong, there are! some one have to recommend you and then you have to fill an application..

a recommendation AND an application? wow that's so protective.

I do not think that "protective" is the right word! They're just looking for magic fans only!

Dark Archon
01-15-2008, 10:16 AM
a recommendation AND an application? wow that's so protective.

I do not think that "protective" is the right word! They're just looking for magic fans only!

exclusive? cuz it almost like applying for a job or something :huh:

01-15-2008, 10:20 AM
Can't officially say things about invites. But you'll get it if you are a magician. i'm quite sure.. just do the magic :)

01-15-2008, 10:20 AM
I do not think that "protective" is the right word! They're just looking for magic fans only!

exclusive? cuz it almost like applying for a job or something :huh:

ya exclusive is suitable :P if you do not like the job then you do not have to apply :lol:

01-15-2008, 10:59 AM
Can't officially say things about invites. But you'll get it if you are a magician. i'm quite sure.. just do the magic :)

Hmm it is hard to show magic through the internet...

But in regards to illusion by my younger brother who taught me a few card tricks at his birthday a few years back. Since then I usually carry a deck of cards around with me just to play with, I can do pretty much all the classic tricks without being noticed...only when I get into stuff where it involves multiple finger breaks with multiple card lifts in front of people, as normally I practice with my friends and they already know the trick so it is hard to tell if it works perfectly or not since they know whats going on :lol:

I have been using http://www.cardtricksite.com/ mainly as a resource and public torrent sites for videos and what not.

The only reason I am asking for AOM now, is because I was unaware of its existence until when I was browsing the tracker review section looking for a review I posted a few months ago...and was like...no way. :happy:

The bad thing about my friends knowing I can do card tricks...is they dont let me shuffle when we play poker

01-15-2008, 11:06 AM
The bad thing about my friends knowing I can do card tricks...is they dont let me shuffle when we play poker
Hehe been in that situation, got a buddy that can rig shuffle and we didn't really even notice until his hands started getting ridiculously good:lol:

01-15-2008, 11:18 AM
The bad thing about my friends knowing I can do card tricks...is they dont let me shuffle when we play poker
Hehe been in that situation, got a buddy that can rig shuffle and we didn't really even notice until his hands started getting ridiculously good:lol:

The crazy part is how easy it is, once you realize how to do it, you just get in the habit of it. One time I was playing cards with my grandmother a few years back and I kept doing a false shuffle after I put all our cards at the top of the deck, so we kept getting the same 10 or so cards...then she caught.

I lost a dollar :ermm:


One of my favorite tricks that is very easy but still tricks people multiple times is the four kings or four jacks or four aces (in the hotel, forest) where 4 of one kind of card are put in random places in the deck, but by the end of the trick...they all find eachother. Personally, I use the 4 kings in the forest story, as the story is what keeps the people into the trick. My 10 year old brother taught me it and thats what sparked my interest in illusion.

I mean it is one of the easiest tricks on the planet, but it is by far one of the best ones to start off with as it really gets people interested on how 4 cards that were spread out across the deck...appear all together in the middle of the forest.

I am only now getting into other forms of magic...but I still like cards the most as you can do it pretty much anywhere and people see everything, they just dont realize what they are seeing :huh:

01-15-2008, 11:25 AM
away from the fact that fatcat like to post too much , we have to admit that he has his own style in all his replies and it's a joy to read his posts.
fatcat is genuine person and a trusted member and i think he deserves this invite .
wish him the best luck :)

01-15-2008, 11:49 AM
The crazy part is how easy it is, once you realize how to do it, you just get in the habit of it. One time I was playing cards with my grandmother a few years back and I kept doing a false shuffle after I put all our cards at the top of the deck, so we kept getting the same 10 or so cards...then she caught.

I lost a dollar :ermm:


I am only now getting into other forms of magic...but I still like cards the most as you can do it pretty much anywhere and people see everything, they just dont realize what they are seeing :huh:

Caught out by your grandma?! You definitely need a little ALOT of help with your illusions:lol:

Stick with card tricks bro, they are the most amazing, mostly because its so simple yet there are so many variations and even tho its done right before you its really the skill of the magician that pulls the trick off, unlike other slightly "grander" tricks where you know there is already a gimmick in place.;)

01-15-2008, 11:57 AM
i have AOM invite i need iTS account with huge buffer in return :P

any way i wish i had AOM i could give it to u u relly nice guy :)

good luck though

01-15-2008, 12:32 PM
The crazy part is how easy it is, once you realize how to do it, you just get in the habit of it. One time I was playing cards with my grandmother a few years back and I kept doing a false shuffle after I put all our cards at the top of the deck, so we kept getting the same 10 or so cards...then she caught.

I lost a dollar :ermm:


I am only now getting into other forms of magic...but I still like cards the most as you can do it pretty much anywhere and people see everything, they just dont realize what they are seeing :huh:

Caught out by your grandma?! You definitely need a little ALOT of help with your illusions:lol:

Stick with card tricks bro, they are the most amazing, mostly because its so simple yet there are so many variations and even tho its done right before you its really the skill of the magician that pulls the trick off, unlike other slightly "grander" tricks where you know there is already a gimmick in place.;)

lol it was 3 years ago...

I mean I would love to learn how to make a Ferrari f50 disappear off the showroom floor...and make it reappear in my garage lol:cool:
but we gotta be realistic here...

a mclaren f1 will fit nicer in my garage :lol: