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View Full Version : Why scene trackers are all alike?

01-16-2008, 03:56 PM
I'm only asking cause I wonder why most of the releases I'm interested in do not ever show up on any scene trackers. They are scene trackers fine, but the scene offer so much more than what those trackers put out.

All that is there are the newest 2007 movies... In general, they ignore everything else. Why is groups like FRAGMENT or SAPHiRE not getting their releases spread on the 0day sites, even if several hours after pre.

Don't those people that post the 0day have scene access if they can post it a few seconds/minutes after it's out? If they do, why not bring the movies from yesteryears as well if they just been released.

I know, some of them get released. Like you can be sure if James Bond or Star Wars get a new edition, it will show up to 0day sites very quick... but what about small releases like this one Murder.In.Mississippi.1990.DVDRip.XviD-FRAGMENT that was released just a few hours ago. Sure, it's not an amazing movie and won't get 500 snatches. But so what, some people may want it... Actually, this being a 16/01/08 release, I challenge you to find it anywhere.

Does low interest automatically mean it is not necessary to upload?

01-16-2008, 04:12 PM
idk, i think tl does a good enough job getting a lot of the releases...

01-16-2008, 04:17 PM
I think it's almost impossible uploading all releases... But it would be great ,no doubt! They only need to learn uploading flemish content ;-)

01-16-2008, 04:59 PM
I got access old but don't upload it, it's not my thing lol me i only upload new stuff..ect.. that hit the ftp less than 10sec

01-16-2008, 05:11 PM
idk, i think tl does a good enough job getting a lot of the releases...
yup, they usually show up at TL.

01-16-2008, 05:16 PM
idk, i think tl does a good enough job getting a lot of the releases...
yup, they usually show up at TL.

yeh they do good job getting a lot of the releases frm other site's
That's the quality TL :whistling:whistling

01-16-2008, 05:17 PM
Thats what I've been looking for lately, scene releases a LOT, all the sites are providing only rambo collections, or will smith collections, or the usual 0day stuff, isnt there need for the other releases, like magazines, or new movies from europe, or the rarer stuff which has been released, but never sees p2p? I definitely think that there are plenty of ppl out there who would like to see these, who dont get erection if they see the new star wars or a rambo collection.

I can hardly say a few sites which are different from the others, either cos the community makes it different by uploading rarer stuff for each other, or cos it has its own collections. And those communities are understandable hard to get, at least for me.

I think there is no sense making just another scene****** named tracker which is trying to be the same

01-16-2008, 05:21 PM
I agree with you ScreaminJay (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/screaminjay-192121).
I think only the mainstream movies are uploaded what is a shame. Sometimes i see those kind of releases you talking about uploaded in FTN, TL and TD, not many tho. ;(

Trackers use to upload what their users want, and everybody knows that majority of people download mainstream stuff.

01-16-2008, 05:22 PM
Maybe a new tracker is the key, but one specifically uploading the scene stuff others do not. The only downside would be lack of leechers, since there would be signifigantly less demand (I think...). A site setup like ftn or its only counting upload with seeding rules should help with that problem though.

Is there really that much scene content not being released? I know there could be, but I am not aware of what it is.

01-16-2008, 05:24 PM
I can hardly believe that with the spreading of internet so fast and you don't even have to sacrifice too much effort, to look around and get to know real values (I dont say I don't like mainstream movies, but its not all), you just demand these rambo shit. I think there is a bigger demand for these than it used to be 5 years ago

Tokeman, for example iNTENSiTY releases tons of the magazines monthly, but you can hardly find them via p2p

01-16-2008, 05:26 PM
yup, they usually show up at TL.

yeh they do good job getting a lot of the releases frm other site's
That's the quality TL :whistling:whistling

This make no sense...

We are talking about new scene releases that are not on scene trackers. People say TL have more of them than the others... than you accuse them of stealing those movies which are not on other sites.

I love your logic son.

01-16-2008, 05:33 PM
yeh they do good job getting a lot of the releases frm other site's
That's the quality TL :whistling:whistling

This make no sense...

We are talking about new scene releases that are not on scene trackers. People say TL have more of them than the others... than you accuse them of stealing those movies which are not on other sites.

I love your logic son.

few of the uploaders may got access old that's why you see old scene uploaded .
well am not a member there far as i knw that p2l site takes off other site's and that is the quality TL

01-16-2008, 05:36 PM
This make no sense...

We are talking about new scene releases that are not on scene trackers. People say TL have more of them than the others... than you accuse them of stealing those movies which are not on other sites.

I love your logic son.

few of the uploaders may got access old that's why you see old scene uploaded .
well am not a member there far as i knw that p2l site takes off other site's and that is the quality TL

weather or not a site has p2l has nothing to do with where they get their releases. TL has scene access same as the rest. Where did you get this information that p2l sites just dl from other sites?

01-16-2008, 05:37 PM
I'm not a member there either...

I didn't even mean "old scene releases"... I mean the 0day rips, but of older movies. Why not share those too?

01-16-2008, 05:39 PM
Am not giveing any more information out on that tl ok thats for you people to find out ;)

01-16-2008, 05:51 PM
Is there really that much scene content not being released? I know there could be, but I am not aware of what it is.

Of course... there is a crapload scene releases that do not make their way to scene trackers.

Have you ever been on a PRE IRC channel? A few trackers have them, like the two that been attacked by the scene lately, they both have prebots channels.

There is several releases per minute ;) So of course, not all can make it's way to the trackers. But I would say, all DVDRip should.

01-16-2008, 06:02 PM
Come on..TL uploaders steal releases from another site...thats old new.
Alot of ppl has been banned from sct/scc being caught uploading releases to TL.

01-16-2008, 06:08 PM
Just one example. Did anyone saw "Se, jie (2007)" (new ang lee movie) uploaded in a private 0day tracker? Not me, its not a mainstream movie, i had to grab that film at TPB.

What about "La vi en Rose (2007)"?

And many others...

Private trackers only upload Hollywwod BS. :(

Long live to KG, CO, SnowTigers, FSS and FILEHEAVEN!

01-16-2008, 06:14 PM
Come on..TL uploaders steal releases from another site...thats old new.
Alot of ppl has been banned from sct/scc being caught uploading releases to TL.
Thats for packs, not scene releases. The scene release pretimes on TL are way too low for them to be dling them from another tracker. Think about it for a minute, your wrong. There may have been a few, but for the most part this isn't true, just go compare some pretimes to the release times.

01-16-2008, 06:19 PM
Come on..TL uploaders steal releases from another site...thats old new.
Alot of ppl has been banned from sct/scc being caught uploading releases to TL.
Thats for packs, not scene releases. The scene release pretimes on TL are way too low for them to be dling them from another tracker. Think about it for a minute, your wrong. There may have been a few, but for the most part this isn't true, just go compare some pretimes to the release times.

well it is kind off easy with a fast conection to dowload from other sites and upload it so it is actualy true but people like you dont noitce it its not the packs its everything you should do a research and find out 4 ur self then come and post it here then ull know :whistling my mate is on there and i get alot of feed backs

01-16-2008, 06:22 PM
well am not a member there far as i knw that p2l site takes off other site's and that is the quality TL

you should do a research and find out 4 ur self then come and post it here then ull know :whistling my mate is on there and i get alot of feed backs

Nice research you've been doing.

01-16-2008, 06:24 PM
gosh, i dont know a lot about torrent but, the scene, i know scene trackers but what do u mean when u say the scene, is it a special tracker or website or newsgroup or what?

01-16-2008, 06:25 PM
Well, seriously, I don't give a shit about that... and that's not the point I am making. I don't care about scene trackers "stealing" from others... Don't you remember that's why the owners of those trackers keep being attacked? Cause they consider it is stealing if someone reupload their releases elsewhere. They might want to reconsider this position, before you see the owners of ScT and SCC in the next nfo file.

All I am saying is that the uploaders are doing a poor job bringing scene releases to scene trackers. As you said yourself, you could, but you don't.

01-16-2008, 06:27 PM
Thats for packs, not scene releases. The scene release pretimes on TL are way too low for them to be dling them from another tracker. Think about it for a minute, your wrong. There may have been a few, but for the most part this isn't true, just go compare some pretimes to the release times.

well it is kind off easy with a fast conection to dowload from other sites and upload it so it is actualy true but people like you dont noitce it its not the packs its everything you should do a research and find out 4 ur self then come and post it here then ull know :whistling my mate is on there and i get alot of feed backs

let me try once more to explain. When something pre's, and the upload time is the same, or sooner on TL as other sites such as sct, ftn, scc, etc, then there is NO way that you can dl it and up it that fast. Creating a torrent takes time, plus as I stated, TL beats the other sites up time frequently. This makes stealing impossible. I'm not saying it never happens, i'm saying its not the norm there, and since your not a member, I could really care less about hearsay from your 'friend'

01-16-2008, 06:27 PM
you should do a research and find out 4 ur self then come and post it here then ull know :whistling my mate is on there and i get alot of feed backs

Nice research you've been doing.

aww thanks i just wanted to find out whats the big fuss about tl and thats what i come up with regarding this matter, and about tl i cant give anymore info thats all i know

01-16-2008, 06:32 PM
Ops sorry for posting offtopic, ye I agree with you.

I think that uploaders should try and bring these old things to the tracker as well.

01-16-2008, 06:33 PM
well it is kind off easy with a fast conection to dowload from other sites and upload it so it is actualy true but people like you dont noitce it its not the packs its everything you should do a research and find out 4 ur self then come and post it here then ull know :whistling my mate is on there and i get alot of feed backs

let me try once more to explain. When something pre's, and the upload time is the same, or sooner on TL as other sites such as sct, ftn, scc, etc, then there is NO way that you can dl it and up it that fast. Creating a torrent takes time, plus as I stated, TL beats the other sites up time frequently. This makes stealing impossible. I'm not saying it never happens, i'm saying its not the norm there, and since your not a member, I could really care less about hearsay from your 'friend'

yes you can do it if you use your brains lol

01-16-2008, 06:36 PM
well it is kind off easy with a fast conection to dowload from other sites and upload it so it is actualy true but people like you dont noitce it its not the packs its everything you should do a research and find out 4 ur self then come and post it here then ull know :whistling my mate is on there and i get alot of feed backs

let me try once more to explain. When something pre's, and the upload time is the same, or sooner on TL as other sites such as sct, ftn, scc, etc, then there is NO way that you can dl it and up it that fast. Creating a torrent takes time, plus as I stated, TL beats the other sites up time frequently. This makes stealing impossible. I'm not saying it never happens, i'm saying its not the norm there, and since your not a member, I could really care less about hearsay from your 'friend'

Well im member of SCT, SCC and TL.
And yes i have done my research, Im not say that all TL uploaders steal, but most of em do.
And if u watch ~Tracer, u will see TL is slowest and usually SCC or SCT taking 1 and 2 place.

01-16-2008, 07:01 PM
stop derailing the topic.

I don't give a fuck who can get it at 31 secs pre instead of 62 secs.

You guys are exactly the reason why there is no diversity in each sites. You keep on talking about this silly ass competition of who's got fastest pre-times. Who care, no one is waiting by his keyboard refreshing each trackers to see which one will get it the fastest... or do they.

Anyway, back on topic... why are scene trackers not uploading the less mainstream scene releases. Less mainstream or not 2007-08. Only person who answered seem to be an uploader and as he puts it, he could but he don't...

01-16-2008, 07:30 PM
You've answered yourself... they are scene releases trackers, so they upload releases made by the scene, and the scene release only NEW stuff, they usually not going back to 1988 to upload an unknown Asian movie, you got specialized trackers for that (Asian DVD club, for example ^^)

01-16-2008, 07:45 PM
You've answered yourself... they are scene releases trackers, so they upload releases made by the scene, and the scene release only NEW stuff, they usually not going back to 1988 to upload an unknown Asian movie, you got specialized trackers for that (Asian DVD club, for example ^^)

Nope, you are absolutely wrong on all counts.

NEW stuff can mean a new CRITERION! Or a new MoC... the scene release those too... As I said, groups like VoMIT, FRAGMENT, SAPHiRE, etc... they are scene and their releases are on the topsites. There is frequently old movies being released by the scene. Why then are none of the trackers carrying scene releases have them.

I even gave you a clear example in my first post of a 0day release that won't show up anywhere.

01-16-2008, 07:56 PM
And when those scene releases were released? you can also request scene releases in some trackers, and it would probably get filled...

Anyway, I think those tracker release what there's demand for, and there's not a lot of demand for old movies, so there are tracker the specialize in this kind of movies in order to answer the needs of whom that can't find what they're searching for

There are also NEW scene releases of, for example, less familiar TV shows that you can find in one 0 day tracker and not in the other, although they are brand new releases

01-16-2008, 08:03 PM
ScreaminJay (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/screaminjay-192121) use KG they have old movies ect... ;)

01-16-2008, 08:12 PM
wow.. has no one actually been reading what ScreaminJay (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/screaminjay-192121) wrote

01-16-2008, 08:13 PM
I dont to be offtopic but most of the big Race sites they don't allow movie older than 2006. Only by request and you hav one request per week you lose credit and in the same time if u leak it on p2p or race it to insecure box they may start watching u.

01-16-2008, 08:17 PM
ScreaminJay (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/screaminjay-192121) use KG they have old movies ect... ;)

KG has basically homerips, hes talking about new scene releases. Groups like FRAGMENT, SAPHiRE, iNCiTE, VH-PROD and others make new releases based in older movies, and we cant see them in 0day trackers.

New scene releases are not all about recent movies. Even recent movies called "Indie Movies" mostly are not uploaded to 0day private trackers. As i said only mainstream movies are uploaded. What was the last time that you saw a French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Brazilian, Japanese, etc... movies uploaded in a generalist oday tracker? Europe and Asia have great films, released by scene, we just can see hollywood movies in private 0day trackers.

What a shame...

01-16-2008, 08:37 PM
ScreaminJay (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/screaminjay-192121) use KG they have old movies ect... ;)

KG has basically homerips, hes talking about new scene releases. Groups like FRAGMENT, SAPHiRE, iNCiTE, VH-PROD and others make new releases based in older movies, and we cant see them in 0day trackers.

for this i think bittorrent tracker's can get it but they don't like 2 upload old movies. I knw there are people on the scene can get the rels and upload it but they don't like to they stay away frm torrent site's

01-16-2008, 10:06 PM
Yes, I am using KG. It use to be the only tracker I was a member of, cause the rest is of minor interest.

01-16-2008, 10:08 PM
you will find any movie scene release.

-look on your usual scene trackers
-look on tl (you will find it there in 95% of all cases)
-request it on a good tracker (most scene requests do get filled)

i've never had any problems with finding a new scene movie release.

browse through the tl xvid section. they have loads of old, independent, foreign, art movies - whatever you want.

so scene movies - easy to get.

i really don't have a mainstream taste when it comes to movies or music.

music is sometimes hard to find, but i always found the scene movie i was looking for.

01-16-2008, 10:12 PM
Are the invites still closed on TL?

01-16-2008, 10:15 PM
really don't have a mainstream taste when it comes to movies or music

Polarbearr try to find "Lust Caution" released by scene in TL (just an example) :P

01-16-2008, 10:37 PM

Maybe it's because the scene release was marked iNT?

Then again, FICO and CiMG both made rips too, not sure if they are considered scene groups.

01-16-2008, 10:45 PM
Lust.Caution.2007.REPACK.DVDRip.XviD-CiMG ] got released 32d 7h 29m 39s ago [2007-12-15]

The CiMG (is scene group) version is UNRATED. :naughty:

I only found this release in public trackers!

01-17-2008, 04:45 AM
Are the invites still closed on TL?
permanently. About what u said, i must say that it was somehow hard to understand, because i make TL my homepage, and all those releases 90% of the times show up there.
There are many excellent trackers (content-wise), and then there is TL.

01-17-2008, 05:31 AM
Yes, indeed, you are right that TL seem to be getting quite a few of them... but 90% of the time is still an exageration.

The movie I mentionned in my first post did not show up there anyway.

01-17-2008, 05:34 AM
Thats what I've been looking for lately, scene releases a LOT, all the sites are providing only rambo collections, or will smith collections, or the usual 0day stuff, isnt there need for the other releases, like magazines, or new movies from europe, or the rarer stuff which has been released, but never sees p2p? I definitely think that there are plenty of ppl out there who would like to see these, who dont get erection if they see the new star wars or a rambo collection.

I can hardly say a few sites which are different from the others, either cos the community makes it different by uploading rarer stuff for each other, or cos it has its own collections. And those communities are understandable hard to get, at least for me.

I think there is no sense making just another scene****** named tracker which is trying to be the same

Whats wrong with John Rambo?:huh: I just watched Rambo 1,2, and 3, the other night.

01-17-2008, 06:18 AM
Alot has to be with personal preference. They upload all the popluar stuff first then whatever else they fancy second.

01-17-2008, 11:07 AM
If you see something pre'd recently that hasn't been uploaded anywhere why not request it here or ask if someone has seen it anywhere? I am sure if the right persons sees your thread it will get uploaded.

Uploaders (rightfully so) tend to upload the most popular as they have limited disk space. There needs to be enough seeders on the torrent so he/she can move on and upload something else.

01-17-2008, 09:53 PM
dude just stay with TL, it won't disappoint you ;)

01-18-2008, 12:13 AM
dude just stay with TL, it won't disappoint you ;)

I agree.
In my opinion TL is one of the best.
The good thing is you can maintain your ratio even if you have a slow connection (because of the many users registered).
They don't all have seedboxes like in SCT, so if you're not in the pre-channel all the time and don't have a fast pipe, you have very few chances to keep a good ratio (even with the 3/4 donwload).

06-07-2009, 05:20 PM
Wow, guys, that's really dumb...
Also, can't but agree with SJ,
also - swastika

06-07-2009, 06:33 PM
idk, i think tl does a good enough job getting a lot of the releases...

tl & usenet m8

06-07-2009, 08:37 PM
epic bump...lol

06-07-2009, 08:53 PM
i fully agree with what op said - nothing to add.

06-07-2009, 10:03 PM
Bla bla bla different toilets same SHIT!.Deal with it!

06-08-2009, 03:33 AM
epic bump...lol

It's waaaaay more than just an epic bump!! This thread is 1 1/2 YEARS old ffs...:blink: