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View Full Version : f*** req to staff

01-22-2008, 08:52 PM
Hi I'm interested in joining your fine tracker. I am under the impression that your invite system is closed but I'd imagine staff could invite me anytime. I have never made a request for f*** before and will not make one again. I have been in the game for about 8 months now which isn't a lot in the big picture but I have exceled as a user and my interests have grown. I enjoy the bt culture and wish to stay involved forever. I am well into my 30s so I don't think I'm going anywhere. I use the same name everywhere and I can send links from current lvl 8 and 9 trackers. I am not a trader or an active giveaway user. I have made many good friends torrenting and that's where any invites i have go. I don't think i have met anybody who has told me they are a part of your tracker so I honestly don't know any specifics but I think it will make for a huge surprise if I get in.
Thanks for your concideration :happy:

01-22-2008, 09:12 PM
I tried hunting for the rabbit but failed. Good luck, hope it works out for you.

01-22-2008, 09:49 PM
so I honestly don't know any specifics but I think it will make for a huge surprise if I get in.

You fail. If you are requesting the rabbit you should know whats going on inside.

01-22-2008, 09:51 PM
No point in asking an admin publicly.