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View Full Version : req: BitMeTV please

bosse de nage
01-22-2008, 10:03 PM
hey guys,
anyone got a BitMeTV invite they can spare?
are invites open over there?
thanks a lot,
Bosse de Nage

01-22-2008, 10:04 PM
They are open. I would suggest just remaining active, making friends, and you may end up lucky.

01-22-2008, 10:11 PM
Proove you are a good person here and you may find an invite. There are plenty around, people are just very very picky on who to invite, very risky to invite a stranger there.

01-22-2008, 10:19 PM
Proove you are a good person here and you may find an invite. There are plenty around, people are just very very picky on who to invite, very risky to invite a stranger there.

Very true. It's hard to keep up a decent ratio without donating or having access to a seedbox.

01-22-2008, 10:23 PM
I've never donated, have no seedbox, and had 40kb/s most of my time at bitmetv. Its not hard, but it takes a lot of restraint to not download all that great older stuff they have available at your fingertips. Trick is to download new stuff as it comes out, build up ratio, or reseed from other sites. Doesn't take long, but it is hard to wait. But once you get a good enough ratio, oh the treasures!

bosse de nage
01-22-2008, 10:31 PM
hey Tokeman,
my band just played at a Ron Paul rally and we spent some time with him..really great guy to talk to.

thanks for the advice...i am still relatively new around here...it's a little harder for me since my interests seem a lot different than most people around here...i don't have time to spare talking to people on IRC for instance. Is it good enough to just build big ratios at the places where i am a member..or do i need to be on the boards everyday trying to make friends? this time next month my friend is turning over his seedbox to me..I figure that will help in getting into better places. any more advice though?
thanks guys

01-22-2008, 10:33 PM
Just try and find some topics on the board that interest you. The bittorrent section isn't the only one here, lost of threads for lots of interests. People just want a feel for who you are, then the invites are easier to recieve.