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View Full Version : whats scl and scl (the flower)?

01-23-2008, 12:55 AM
So your telling me their different??!!

01-23-2008, 12:57 AM
There are 3 scl lol :D


scl (flower)


its forbiden to post or show url for last two scl in public :)

01-23-2008, 12:58 AM
ohh... i was giving the .ro one... which one is better, the flower or .ro?

01-23-2008, 12:59 AM
wait in my give away, I was giving away the .ro one.... thats the flower, right?

no that is not flower,scl.ro is ok to give

for now much better is Scl.ro

01-23-2008, 01:00 AM
SCL is a very good Romanian site. I guess it is not forbidden to write the name: S*********. It is also one of the most beautiful trackers. The other one (ScL) is a new, wannabe "0-day" tracker, where u can get banned easily just about talking of the tracker (assuming u are a member). They explicitly forbid to write down their names, URLs publicly. Some think they have a bright future - some think it otherwise. They even have Staff members here lurking, like Lords.
My bad...So even The Romanian is prohibited mentioning. Welcome, Paranoia!

01-23-2008, 01:01 AM
the flower is "uber 3l33t" so it's really hard to get in

01-23-2008, 01:01 AM
You forgot me Sylar666 ^^

01-23-2008, 01:03 AM
U have such an awful name, man...

01-23-2008, 01:04 AM
Haha... and i cant still believe that u are 42 yr old and have kids..

Sorry was forced down to your level.. wont happen again

01-23-2008, 01:05 AM
the flower is "uber 3l33t" so it's really hard to get in
Yes, but as for content, they are nowhere near to the top-players. As for content, ask The Staff. As for rarity...but again, who cares for rarity? U are in a tracker for its content, right? Not for chit - chat.

Haha... and i cant still believe that u are 42 yr old and have kids..

Sorry was forced down to your level.. wont happen again
What a sad little kid u are...I really don't care what u believe or don't -and i don't care about your supersecret tracker as well. I really cannot memorize Your name, because i cannot link it to anything, honey. It was not meant to offend U. No need to flame.

01-23-2008, 01:08 AM
Let me remind you Sylar.. that we are just 13weeks in..
and already improved more then most trackers thats have been around a bit longer.

but yet again.. i dont know why i keep on replying you..

This will be my last post in here..

regards z7x

01-23-2008, 01:09 AM
the flower is "uber 3l33t" so it's really hard to get in
Yes, but as for content, they are nowhere near to the top-players. As for content, ask The Staff. As for rarity...but again, who cares for rarity? U are in a tracker for its content, right? Not for chit - chat.

hehe its always good to read your post,but i dont no what is happend to u..u just keep criticize these (new) sites not just this one also iTS, but most of u have said i agree except abouth community things:)

01-23-2008, 01:09 AM
Just I think u ain't gonna make it, that's all. No matter how "secret" u are. U will be blown away in the wind. This is my opinion. And SCL.ro is the original , U are merely impostors.

Yes, but as for content, they are nowhere near to the top-players. As for content, ask The Staff. As for rarity...but again, who cares for rarity? U are in a tracker for its content, right? Not for chit - chat.

hehe its always good to read your post,but i dont no what is happend to u..u just keep criticize these (new) sites not just this one also iTS, but most of u have said i agree except about community things:)
They ain't worth a dime, Bro. ;) They are not needed. But I don't force my opinion on anybody. Look at RTS and SCn. They were much more professional trackers - or at least seemed. They are gone. Just like this one will.

TORRENt - market is saturated. And I do not see any innovation with these wannabes. I dont hate them - just why all this secrecy, viral - marketing? maybe i am wrong and they survive.

01-23-2008, 01:18 AM
sylar, i respect you, but dude, no need to hate, if thats your opinion keep it to yourself, no need to bag on other sites it makes you seem self-centered and from what I heard, i dont believe thats true.....:/

01-23-2008, 01:21 AM
Just I think u ain't gonna make it, that's all. No matter how "secret" u are. U will be blown away in the wind. This is my opinion. And SCL.ro is the original , U are merely impostors.

hehe its always good to read your post,but i dont no what is happend to u..u just keep criticize these (new) sites not just this one also iTS, but most of u have said i agree except about community things:)
They ain't worth a dime, Bro. ;) They are not needed. But I don't force my opinion on anybody. Look at RTS and SCn. They were much more professional trackers - or at least seemed. They are gone. Just like this one will.

well u are right abouth RTS and Scn,but i dont no if u been there on flower and if u havent they really have potential to be something in *torrent world* and u cant (at least i cant see) any connection between RTS and Flower...i dunno abouth SCN since i havent been there at that time..

i have also criticize Flower in other thread for lack or leechers and torrents,but at least they are doing something unlike on RTS and trying to get more people to be active

but we will see all very soon where will this tracker go anyway..there is no point of runing site just because of 50 or 100 people:)


i dont agree with u its much better to tell (ours) opinion on something..so other can see what is going on and is site good or bad

01-23-2008, 02:16 AM
Sylar is just pissed because his sons a little bitch that broke rules and got banned.

He came to our IRC and i told him that straight out.

01-23-2008, 03:28 AM
sylar, i respect you, but dude, no need to hate, if thats your opinion keep it to yourself, no need to bag on other sites it makes you seem self-centered and from what I heard, i dont believe thats true.....:/

Let him post his opinion here if he likes, this is after all a public forum. Personally i think scl and its have been overhyped but thats not there fault, its the users here who start doing things like getting 20 members to respond to one request thread, all saying the same thing "blah is secret, and does not like publicity" or people who for some reason unknown to me, have started doing things like putting in their sig usersbars or smiles of great 0day sites like ftn,fsc, sct etc with its and scl, which leads to most users assuming that those sites are as good as the foremention ones.

01-23-2008, 03:41 AM
@panda let him post? you like reading all of that flamming? go ahead and be my guest @Lords get a grip there was no need for that, if yall have beef take it through pms nobody wants to read how you think hes a little bitch or whose site is superior, its quite childish if you ask me or anyone reading this.

01-23-2008, 03:48 AM
how about a new policy on fst...people provide proof that they googled first before making threads about what tracker abbreviations stand for....okay?

01-23-2008, 03:48 AM
People asked why he was banned, I told them.

01-23-2008, 03:51 AM
@LordS (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/lords-191799) u could talk in more nicely way and more adult as u are an tracker MOD no need to use language like this i hope u edit ur post though


01-23-2008, 03:53 AM
I'm not an owner, I'm a mod.

01-23-2008, 04:00 AM
well hopefully your churlishness does not express the wishes of the sysop

01-23-2008, 04:04 AM
Everything I say and do is 100% backed by the rest of the staff.

01-23-2008, 04:15 AM
haha you say that, but i seriously doubt thats true, unless your staff are a bunch of pimple faced teenagers who lulz randomly, i suggest you get a girlfriend or attempt a social life for that matter, at least then she doesnt see glowy blue stars

01-23-2008, 04:17 AM
No we are just not n00bs who have double standards etc

We set rules and we stick to them, that's it.

01-23-2008, 04:20 AM
Everything I say and do is 100% backed by the rest of the staff.

well im not suprise by that after i have seen what other staff member think abouth this community..


01-23-2008, 04:23 AM
No we are just not n00bs who have double standards etc

We set rules and we stick to them, that's it.

even if a case has morality? thats pretty weak, you sound like george bush, which is a pun for an idiot, your rules are weak and unesccary -sorry for the flame that everyone has to read-

01-23-2008, 04:24 AM
Can u blame us though forumas?

This along with many other sites harbor users who's only intention is to disadvantage our site and it's privacy.

01-23-2008, 04:25 AM
The "clover" is a really nice site, with nice content and great community. I don't know why everybody keeps talking trash about them.

Staff is really nice. You just don't see them like that because in here they are trying to make their members go by the rules they accept to follow when they joined the site (non trading and don't mentioning their url as an example).

You'd never say someone is nice if they caught you breaking a rule and being dealt with accordingly. But I bet if you play by the rules you'd find them to be really nice people.

So, you don't like following their rules... you trade because it is allowed to do so in FST (that's a really lame explanation... but still), you mention their url because you think it is stupid not to do so... then don't come and complain about you being punished because of that.

I'm not trying to flame anybody, just trying to give another perspective as to why everybody is saying bad things about the site and their staff...


01-23-2008, 04:33 AM
Sylar is just pissed because his sons a little bitch that broke rules and got banned.

He came to our IRC and i told him that straight out.

Why even defend any comments about it? Nothing against Sylar (I don't know him). Your site is wonderful and has alot of potential.;)

01-23-2008, 04:53 AM
Thankyou guys.

We do our best to make it the best we can (if that involves keeping rule breakers and general riff raff out we will)

01-23-2008, 04:58 AM
LordS just a suggestion though (You probably heard this 30 times already though) I would let all members know via the rules or faq that "*** can't be mentioned at all period or it's an automatic ban* Then members will learn to respect the rules. But then again, I think the real problem is, the members on here that don't have accounts on your site. They mention it (having no idea it's breaking the site rules) anyways. Too bad people on here continue to not listen to what trackers really want and their respective community rep. Oh well. Anyways good luck, love the site once again.

01-23-2008, 04:59 AM
<3 scl, i made the category icons, lol

01-23-2008, 05:03 AM
Seems the OP has an answer... sort of.
