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View Full Version : Riaa Hit List

07-29-2003, 09:09 PM
hello i just wanted some information on the RIAA hit list, i was searching the list of subpenas that have been issued to certain users. I was using this version of kazaa lite, till i found out it was being sued as well. Taking no chances with my pc at all. Anyway's not to stir anything up or what not, i was just curious as to what kazaa lite is going to do once the subpenas are issued, y'all are listed on the hit list which can be read, here: http://www.techtv.com/news/culture/story/0...3484600,00.html (http://www.techtv.com/news/culture/story/0,24195,3484600,00.html) As u can see, its on the very bottom of the list. As i said before, i really did like kazaa lite it rocked.!! iIt worked really well better then the real version of Kazaa, and took up less space on harddrive too.Sad to see the RIAA is giving people crap about downloading at all i dont think they realize, that people buy the music first then upload i dont really think its copy right infringement at all if they bought the music to begin with i will be writing about that!! but paranoia has sunk in, so i deleted kazaa lite :( Please keep me up -to-date as to what y'all are gonna due about the subpena's. Thanks!. and Good luck!! :unsure:

cosmic doobie
07-29-2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by la_gurl_34@29 July 2003 - 21:09
Please keep me up -to-date as to what y'all are gonna due about the subpena's.
i am told they make good toilet tissue :lol:

07-29-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by la_gurl_34@29 July 2003 - 16:09
hello i just wanted some information on the RIAA hit list, i was searching the list of subpenas that have been issued to certain users. I was using this version of kazaa lite, till i found out it was being sued as well. Taking no chances with my pc at all. Anyway's not to stir anything up or what not, i was just curious as to what kazaa lite is going to do once the subpenas are issued, y'all are listed on the hit list which can be read, here: http://www.techtv.com/news/culture/story/0...3484600,00.html (http://www.techtv.com/news/culture/story/0,24195,3484600,00.html) As u can see, its on the very bottom of the list. As i said before, i really did like kazaa lite it rocked.!! iIt worked really well better then the real version of Kazaa, and took up less space on harddrive too.Sad to see the RIAA is giving people crap about downloading at all i dont think they realize, that people buy the music first then upload i dont really think its copy right infringement at all if they bought the music to begin with i will be writing about that!! but paranoia has sunk in, so i deleted kazaa lite :( Please keep me up -to-date as to what y'all are gonna due about the subpena's. Thanks!. and Good luck!! :unsure:
Good....im not on the list.....continue the sharing till death!

07-30-2003, 08:45 PM
How stupid are the people at the RIAA, dont they know that they could be busting one "mike@kazaa" and really be arresting some other dude with the same ID who has no fucking clue how to share files, lmfao. It also cracks me up that "www.k_lite.tk_Kazaa_Lite@Kazaa" is on there :) .

07-30-2003, 09:42 PM
Well thats pretty funny... i see a couple of names i have used before.... i change my name every so often to give people a little something different to look at, and since we dont have a buddy list it doesnt hurt anything.... right now i am using the name "ISHAREtoo" just t o let people know that i DO actually share files, before they cut me off... of course who knows if im honest and actually DO share files??? just because my name says i do....hehehehe... well anyway i am bored waiting on T3 to finish, i have viewed up to where i have downloaded (using AVI Preview-great way to know if u r getting what it says) i pesonally think whiney fuckin musicians like metallica and the such should really just shut the fuck up.... SOMEBODY is buying their shit.... and i remember back in the day when they first started... i bet they dont.... but if it wasnt for bootlegging and the likes i would never have heard of them until the Black album came out probably... they used to have the words "cameras and recording devices welcome" on the tickets i had bought years ago.... but i guess when you get old, realize you wasted the millions of dollars you earned off of kids, and cant get a sweet record deal like Aerosmith-Sony... then you forget what got you started and you say piss on the rest of the world i want to be on top again..... i had for a while blacklisted metallica (just 1 of many whiney ass groups) and wouldnt have any of there music at all.... but then i said FUCK THAT!!!! that would be giving in and them winning... so now i hustle as best i can to get all their songs.... even the 1s not on albums.. out to the public.... hell i even burn the cds and GIVE them away as party gifts..... i make it know to people i work with, friends, enemies, and just total fucking strangers, that if there is an album or just a collection of songs out there that people want but dont feel like buying....... piss on the record companies!!!!!!!!!.... get KAZAALITE make it public and share your ass off!!!!!!!!!!! damn i didnt realize this was soooo long... got a little carried away, but you all knwo where im coming from.... just remember

KEEP ON SHARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!