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View Full Version : i has advice!

01-24-2008, 05:53 PM
im not new to the torrenting world, but ill give random advice for no reason.

1. dont ask for high level trackers, because it pisses everyone off
2. i dont trade, however antitraders are stupid imo on principle, leave people the fuck alone. i mean seriously, you guys are like the hippies who boycott shit with picket signs.
3. be nice to the ops at fst because they give out delicious cake
4. the cake is a lie.
5. ?????
6. FTN/SCT/FTWR/UK-T (instead of profit)

i did this post for the lulz.

01-24-2008, 05:55 PM
LOL, What do you mean in line 6? Can you please clarify as I dont understand.

Either way thanks for the advice


01-24-2008, 05:58 PM
how was any of his post good advice? that post about n00bs giving advice, or anyone giving advice, should def be stickied.

01-24-2008, 06:00 PM
I never said it was good advice, I just thanked him for the advice. If nothing else he is entitled to post his opinion and Im not gonna argue with it :)


01-24-2008, 06:01 PM
im not new to the torrenting world, but ill give random advice for no reason.

1. dont ask for high level trackers, because it pisses everyone off
2. i dont trade, however antitraders are stupid imo on principle, leave people the fuck alone. i mean seriously, you guys are like the hippies who boycott shit with picket signs.
3. be nice to the ops at fst because they give out delicious cake
4. the cake is a lie.
5. ?????
6. FTN/SCT/FTWR/UK-T (instead of profit)

i did this post for the lulz.

So then if we anti traders are stupid then what does that make you?:whistling

Also enough of these useless advice threads, cause obviously your biased advice ain't helping anyone.:noes:

01-24-2008, 06:02 PM
Yes yes we need much more advices..please open few more thread just to give advice
i lulz :lol:...good advice...again
its not all that hard,there is enough space to walk without stepping on each other....

01-24-2008, 06:02 PM
7.learn english well before torrenting
8.dont hit n' run on the threads you created

01-24-2008, 06:06 PM
Yes yes we need much more advices..please open few more thread just to give advice

01-24-2008, 06:08 PM
7.learn english well before torrenting
8.dont hit n' run on the threads you created


01-24-2008, 06:10 PM
Yes yes we need much more advices..please open few more thread just to give advice

Only if it's good advice. This thread makes my eyes bleed.:whistling

01-24-2008, 06:11 PM
What's with all this advice in the last few days you live and learn and learn from those that made mistakes lifes instructions are not written everybody is different.

I'm sure if these little bits of info were useful staff members here would sticky them.

Read the bloody rules of the site simple theres no need for advice only guidance for those that don't understand even then it is for staff members of that site to deal with not here. If you can't read the rules of the site then all of a sudden you don't know why you're banned or have been warned you are the idiot nobody else plain and simple and you don't belong there. So don't go crying about it when it's nice and clear in their rules when you get banned from a strict site for asking something you were told not to.

These threads are becomeing more and more ridiculous so just going away and read the fucking rules for once on the site you join and quit this trolling.

01-24-2008, 06:17 PM
wow did you guys just join the internets

01-24-2008, 06:18 PM
What's with all this advice in the last few days you live and learn and learn from those that made mistakes lifes instructions are not written everybody is different.

I'm sure if these little bits of info were useful staff members here would sticky them.

They don't sticky them cause you have two different types of movements (anti-traders) who live by their views, ways, opinions on how to act or carry yourself in this forum and you have the (traders) they live by different rules. So both groups oppose each other, and thats why i think the staff members on here don't have stickied advice threads. Their advice to us all is to probably just read the board rules thread and how to act. (thats their advice to us all):whistling

wow did you guys just join the internets

Yes i'm a noobs.:rolleyes:

01-24-2008, 06:29 PM
They don't sticky them cause you have two different types of movements (anti-traders) who live by their views, ways, opinions on how to act or carry yourself in this forum and you have the (traders) they live by different rules. So both groups oppose each other, and thats why i think the staff members on here don't have stickied advice threads. Their advice to us all is to probably just read the board rules thread and how to act. (thats their advice to us all):whistling

wow did you guys just join the internets

Yes i'm a noobs.:rolleyes:

That's a different matter again

At the end of the day why should i care if somebody is tradeing ? It does not effect me directly and even if i did hate that person what good does it do besides make me look, an asshole i can't do nothing so why would i work myself up over other person as most people do. It's another persons job to deal with those that break the rules not mine and this applys to everybody in that position.

Also this forum is built up of traders, and non trader both are wellcome here so why can't they get along with each other what the hell are these people doing here in the first place if they cant. Plain and simple you don't like each other ignore each other and don't act like savages.

A person will work out quickely how things work in certain places and it's trends so i see no point in writeing 5/6 threads of advice what and what not to do both groups of people are welcome so it means nothing. If a person does something that is not liked by a bunch of people most of the time it is pointed out to them in 5 minutes if that person cares to search the forum im sure they will find what they are looking for regarding what's like and what's not.

01-24-2008, 06:33 PM
[This comment is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Church of Scientology International]

01-24-2008, 06:44 PM
Like i always say to folks on here i personally don't have anything personal against traders, will help them with positive constructive advice non related to any trackers (getting invites stuff like that) but i do like my accounts and will protect the people that invited me and gave me an opportunity to have an account at said tracker(s).

Why should you care sleepyy? Cause potentially that could effect certain trackers your on and also hinder future good users from obtaining invites or the opportunity at all to become a member at said trackers. Why do you think sites like Pisexy and TL closed invitations? Cause of people selling, scamming, and trading their invites(selling and scamming is not okay) and accounts.

01-24-2008, 06:48 PM
the same people who are against trading are against gay marriage. im not gay, and gay marriage doesnt effect my life. im not a trader, and trading doesnt effect my life.

fatbob = win.

01-24-2008, 06:50 PM
im not new to the torrenting world, but ill give random advice for no reason.

i did this post for the lulz.

Excellent, another shit thread in the bit turds section, we need more.

Let's hope this one dies as quickly as all the others did, funny thing that, the others have disappeared as quick as they were created, ah well, that's the interwebz for yer.

01-24-2008, 06:50 PM
Like i allows say to folks on here i personally don't have anything personal against traders, will help them with positive constructive advice non related to any trackers (getting invites stuff like that) but i do like my accounts and will protect the people that invited me and gave me an opportunity to have an account at said tracker(s).

Why should you care sleepyy? Cause potentially that could effect certain trackers your on and also honder future good users from obtaining invites or the opportunity at all to become a member at said trackers. Why do you think sites like Pisexy and TL closed invitations? Cause of people selling, scamming, and trading their invites(selling and scamming is not okay) and accounts.

I understand what you mean. your job is to invite those that you feel you can trust and you'ew looking out for your favourite sites. those people that are tradeing scamming and selling invites and accounts whatever is nothing to do with you or me if you have never even spoken to the person before this is how i was looking at it Unless you are conetected to the site in the position of staff. So why do people on here get so worked up over something that is nothing to do with them this is what i can't make sence of.

You can report those user's speak to staff bla bla bla but calling each other names does nothing when many different kinds of groups are wellcome here.

01-24-2008, 07:11 PM
I understand what you mean. your job is to invite those that you feel you can trust and you'ew looking out for your favourite sites. those people that are tradeing scamming and selling invites and accounts whatever is nothing to do with you or me if you have never even spoken to the person before this is how i was looking at it Unless you are conetected to the site in the position of staff. So why do people on here get so worked up over something that is nothing to do with them this is what i can't make sence of.

I don't. I only go into request threads and occasionally may stumble into the trader threads to give them my two sense, like the ones that come here and try to trade black cat invites, when the owner has stated many many times that invites are DISABLED. The caps are for the people who still don't get that. Like i said many many times and probably will have to say many more times is i have nothing personal against traders ( i will treat them like i treat anybody else) as far as respect, and how I talk to them. I obviously know this forum is for both traders and non traders and don't have a problem with that or i would no longer be here. Like everybody else i learn to deal with these things. (even if i don't like what i have to deal with). Nobody is perfect.;)

01-24-2008, 07:12 PM
I guess people look at it this way. The reason I post advice threads is just to help people out. Most people here are looking for Ftn,Fsc,Its. Alot of them think to get in these sites you have to offer something valuable---This isnt that case. These sites value good non trading members.

I just want people to know that trading does more harm than good. It is not up to me what they decide to do with there acts/invites but I do have the right to offer my opinion. I guess its as simple as this.... If you like to trade you are going to trade no matter what someone else says, if you dont you wont. My thread wasn't for these people, but for the people on the fence; the ones that dont know you can get into the higher sites with out trading. I am only trying to help them out. If you dont like that no one is forcing you read the posts.

I would just like to see more people go about getting invites, participating in the community here, and being proactive rather than causing harm to the better trackers out there.

I think we can all agree that most of the top sites dont want traders and cheaters--- I did not make these rules, I just follow them. I also feel it is my responsiblity not to encourage people to break these rules.


01-24-2008, 07:46 PM
where is the cake ?

01-24-2008, 07:49 PM
where is the cake ?

I'll give you all some advice. I want some of that cake that homer got.:yup:

01-24-2008, 07:51 PM
Grimms i did not mean you specifically ii was just speaking in general.

01-24-2008, 07:58 PM
Where as I am truly at a loss that so many here want everyone to just get on ?, the most repetitious single comment in any of these threads starts out 'I don't trade (yeah right) but I don't see anything against it, followed by various forms of we should all live together in peace and harmony speeches.
To simplify this by saying you don't find anything wrong with trading, means that you condone it, along with the scamming and cheating (hit & run etc), that goes with it.
You are also saying that you don't like the rules of the trackers that you belong to, and find no problem with breaking them. So from the trackers point of view why exactly would they want you as a member ? I mean everyone can seed, that is the point of the bit torrent protocol so saying simply that I can keep a good ratio isn't enough since virtually everyone does the same and keeps positive ratio's.
Just sitting in the middle of the debate and saying why can't everyone get along and allowing trading to continue and just get on is to say that I don't believe in the tracker rules, or I only believe in the ones I agree with.
The problem I have with trading is everything else it brings along with it, scamming, cheating, hit & running and invite selling. The thrill in trading then becomes the thrill of ripping off a n00b for his a/c because he wasn't careful enough during the trade, or the fun of hit & running on a buffered a/c because who cares it wasn't your a/c anyway...........
A line has to be drawn somewhere, and the line that the tracker community has drawn is that trading of accounts is against their rules for these reasons and to protect the security of the trackers themselves, without account trading , account theft would be greatly reduced, people would take more care of a/c's because they signed up for them in the first place and the community will be more secure.

01-24-2008, 08:04 PM
too much words to read ,those essays should post in a journal
i guess some people choose the wrong career :)
why don't we stop talking and live in peace :(

I'll give you all some advice. I want some of that cake that homer got.http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../images/smilies/yes.gif

here you go

01-24-2008, 08:06 PM
I like the advice, not shitty advice like the original post in this thread was. There should be an official advice thread that's sticked and a mod should clean it up everyday of all the non-advice posts.

01-24-2008, 08:09 PM
I like the advice, not shitty advice like the original post in this thread was. There should be an official advice thread that's sticked and a mod should clean it up everyday of all the non-advice posts.
and we call it "the advice of the day"
and when you get banned because of trading , instead of giving you this sentence "your account is disabled" they change it to "you've been advised "

01-24-2008, 08:16 PM
very serious people on the internetz :ermm:


now come on guys , take it easy :lol:

01-24-2008, 08:19 PM
this pic really make me sad :(
let me light up the day

01-24-2008, 08:42 PM
[This comment is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Church of Scientology International]

omg you just made my day :D

01-24-2008, 08:56 PM
Grimms i did not mean you specifically ii was just speaking in general.

I know sleepyy. I respect everyones views man no need to fret. I think your point was very clear, concise, and valid man.:P

01-25-2008, 01:32 AM
wow, thank you

01-25-2008, 03:50 AM
Great advice. Esp 2. Bloody hippies.

[This comment is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Church of Scientology International]

omg you just made my day :D

Invite this guy srsly. Need more funnies in the irc funnies thread.

Dark Archon
01-25-2008, 04:40 PM
hey wth man. I only found 8 dot points of "advice" in this thread and half of the dot points are not genuine advice...

thought this thread was gonna be useful, more like a spam...ZOMG

01-25-2008, 04:44 PM
im not new to the torrenting world, but ill give random advice for no reason.

1. dont ask for high level trackers, because it pisses everyone off
2. i dont trade, however antitraders are stupid imo on principle, leave people the fuck alone. i mean seriously, you guys are like the hippies who boycott shit with picket signs.
3. be nice to the ops at fst because they give out delicious cake
4. the cake is a lie.
5. ?????
6. FTN/SCT/FTWR/UK-T (instead of profit)

i did this post for the lulz.

Great advice! I think everyone here will learn from your wisdom. :rolleyes:

01-25-2008, 07:40 PM
dude you saved my life!
now i know my way to get an invite to gmail !!

please guys if you have it pm me..
ps: no trading :P

01-25-2008, 07:53 PM
"i has advice"??

Maybe he's a lolcat?

01-25-2008, 08:03 PM
This thread will end up just being a spamfest like the other 25 advice threads buried somewhere within this forum.

01-25-2008, 08:40 PM
"i has advice"??

Maybe he's a lolcat?
what if the poster is Borat?

01-25-2008, 09:11 PM
im an loldog actually. anyone has a hot dog for me?

01-25-2008, 09:18 PM