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View Full Version : XboX better than PS3??

01-26-2008, 09:41 AM
I have no idea why does almost everybody says that Xbox360 is better than PS3?
I'm asking this question cuz my bro bought yesterday a PS3 and he told me that it's amazing, and what is more interesting is that it has a fantastic controller (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpthPKpyMGQ) .
Waiting for any reply,


01-26-2008, 09:52 AM
This is a unique question, I can't recall ever having a discussion of whether one console is better than another. I will have to meditate on this and get back to you with an answer.

01-26-2008, 10:07 AM
xbox 360 is better :)

u can see on the net the difference ..they are checking wich one is better :)

i'm note sure where i saw that ..but if u search u'll find

01-26-2008, 10:35 AM
That fantastic controller the ps3 doesn't work correctly in most of the games on the ps3. The xbox is better because it has better games, xboxlive, more stable games and accessories. The 360 is pretty much the next gen ps2 lol.

01-26-2008, 11:24 AM
thx for the replies guys :)
still waiting for more convincing replies

01-26-2008, 11:40 AM
This is a topic that's beaten to death by all the fanboys and haters out there. If you do a search, you'll find more than enough of these threads.

It's simply a matter of opinion. Anyone who tells you console A is better than console B is more than likely giving you an opinion based upon trying just one of them. It's much better if they just tell you why console A is awesome. Your brother bought a ps3 and loves it, that's great and he told you why I'm sure. There are people who like the 360 and they'll tell you what they like about it.

Do a google search of "xbox 360 vs. ps3" and you get 184,000 hits. I suggest you try both and make a decision for yourself. But games are always coming out so your opinion might change over time.

This is just a flame war waiting to happen

01-26-2008, 04:58 PM
I have no idea why does almost everybody says that Xbox360 is better than PS3?
I'm asking this question cuz my bro bought yesterday a PS3 and he told me that it's amazing, and what is more interesting is that it has a fantastic controller (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpthPKpyMGQ) .
Waiting for any reply,


This is easy. (I own a PSWii60)

Right now the best console is the 360. Going forward I think it will be the PS3.
The worst is the Wii and it doesn't look great going forward.

I make my opinion based on game selection and online play.

The 360's multiplatform games mostly look better mainly because it is the lead platform. Games are made for it first then ported.

The PS3 has had shit to write home about on game selection until R&C Tools Of Destruction and Uncharted came out late last year. One of it's best games was Resistance Fall Of Man. Looking forward, the PS3 has some killer game coming and the 360s lineup doesn't look as good.

For hardware, the PS3 wins. It is BR player, includes wi-fi, and has free online play which gets better and better (still not as good as XBL).

The Wii gets a great game here and there but it has a horrid lineup in comparsion to the other two. Super Mario Galaxy is damn good and Super Smash Bros Brawl will be killer. However, you probably couldn't find 10 games that you'd really want this year for the Wii. I have a free sub to Nintendo Power mag and it's a shit read. I won't be renewing....even for free.

On the flip, you'd probably find at least 15 for each the PS360.

With the price drops, ease of adding more hard drive space, free online, included wi-fi, BR player, and game lineup going forward, I'd say the PS3 is the best buy. I'm looking forward to Resistance 2: United We Fall (this fall) which will have 2 full campaigns, 60 player multiplayer, 6 player co-op, and more.

If you can get a 360 also though you'll also have killer games from last year like Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Bioshock to keep you occupied.

Mass Effect is a damn good RPG with very few flaws. It's like a feature film.

01-26-2008, 06:37 PM
XBOX360 pad is the best by far.
thus, if you plan buy only original games, PS3 is the way to go.
if you intend to have a big portfolio of "backups" xbox360 without any hesitation.

plus, xboxlive owns PSN.

peat moss
01-26-2008, 06:47 PM
If true that Sony will quit releasing the Ps3 80 gb version after 1/28/08, I'd think long and hard before recommending again . The whole point with me was the backward compatibility .

01-26-2008, 06:58 PM
Thanks guys for the replies,
so for now, i understood from this topic and from other forums that the main problem of PS3 is that there is not enough games for it.. but in hardware PS3 is much better than Xbox360.
i just have 1 question:
if u can't play downloaded games on PS3, why is there a lot of PS3 releases? isn't that stupid?
keep the replies coming and thx again guys


01-26-2008, 10:02 PM
i prefer ps3 any way

01-26-2008, 11:18 PM
thx for the replies guys :)
still waiting for more convincing replies

This is a stupid thread and someone should close it, as it has been done many times before.

To respond: You want an answer to why the 360 is a better "GAMING" system. Someone says cause there are more games, and they are better ones too. And you respond with "I need more convincing replies." Sounds like an oxymoron to me.

If you want to buy a gaming system with the better experience, then tell me how in your mind, not getting the system with the most games and better ones makes sense? :dabs:

01-27-2008, 12:24 AM
XBOX360 pad is the best by far.

except for the fact that the d-pad sucks... otherwise, I agree. :cool:

01-27-2008, 12:25 AM
Some reasons for Xbox 360 superiority

Xbox 360's are more simply constructed on the inside than a PS3; therefore:

1. Buy a broken $70.00 Xbox 360, and replace the X-Clamps with bolts and washers for $3.00. BAM! $200.00 game system for $73.00 .

2. Microsoft made it so you cannot really put a mod-chip in the Xbox 360, but they forgot about the DVD drive. All you do is overwrite the firmware on the DVD drive telling it to read writeable DVD+DL discs and viola all the free games you want. Yo do not have to buy anything to mod the Xbox 360.

I am sure it is possible to fix a broken PS3 and I have seen very little about modding the PS3, but I do know that both are much easier and much more cost-efficient on a Xbox 360!

01-27-2008, 12:32 AM
i actually like the 360 controller a lot more then the ps3 one. and xbox has halo so imo it wins so far.

01-27-2008, 03:45 AM
Some reasons for Xbox 360 superiority

Xbox 360's are more simply constructed on the inside than a PS3; therefore:

1. Buy a broken $70.00 Xbox 360, and replace the X-Clamps with bolts and washers for $3.00. BAM! $200.00 game system for $73.00 .

2. Microsoft made it so you cannot really put a mod-chip in the Xbox 360, but they forgot about the DVD drive. All you do is overwrite the firmware on the DVD drive telling it to read writeable DVD+DL discs and viola all the free games you want. Yo do not have to buy anything to mod the Xbox 360.

I am sure it is possible to fix a broken PS3 and I have seen very little about modding the PS3, but I do know that both are much easier and much more cost-efficient on a Xbox 360!

I'd love to get another 360 to mod it.

01-27-2008, 01:54 PM
I don't own either system. I have played them both though. Right now I think Xbox 360 is slightly better sue to the game selection, ease of online play, and the fact that an xbox is a mini pc and if you get it modded then it is a pc that could do more then your pc. Now PS3 has slightly better graphics depending on the game, and a better game lineup due out this year. It's a tough one. It all boils down to which one you like more.

01-28-2008, 07:57 PM
I like the 360 for the fact that it can be modded and of course the better game selection

01-28-2008, 10:47 PM
Xbox Live should be the main reason to get an Xbox.

Anyways, most of the -great- games that come out will almost always be found on both consoles. The PS has a few franchise titles that you wont find on the 360, but unless you are a big fan of those titles I see no reason to get a PS3.

Sure, in a year or two the PS3 games might start looking a good deal better than the 360, but do you want to wait that long? Is potential more appealing than playability?

And then there is Halo. That alone should be enough reason to buy the 360. :D

silent h3ro
01-29-2008, 02:05 AM
Xbox 360

better game selection (bigger library of games than PS3)
more and better exclusive titles than the PS3
Xbox Live (better than PSN, or Playstation Network)
Gamerpoints/ Achievements (this is your own opinion, IMO, I don't really care)
Xbox was made mostly just with games in mind as opposed to the PS3 which is really geared the same towards Blu Ray movies just as much as games at the moment.
Overall more expensive if you want the extras (wireless adapter is not built into the console - $100 extra)


Has better Media Capabilities (most advanced Blu Ray player on the market and the best. (Blu Ray has a huge advantage, as in market share, over Betama...I mean HD-DVD).
More reliable for most than the Xbox 360.
PS3 has third party peripheral support (ex. G25 racing wheel, any webcam support), no proprietary Microsoft bullshit (Xbox only lets you use their 360 wireless wheel and the Logitech wheel made just for the 360).

Both have the same streaming capabilities.

I recommend looking at both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 exclusive games and base your decision off of that if you can only live with or afford only one console.

Rip The Jacker
01-29-2008, 05:08 AM
Let's see,

Xbox 360:
- Bigger game selection, although not better.
- Still uses DVD's for games, HD-DVD is sold separately for $200.
- HD-DVD is dead.
- No built in wireless, that's an extra $100.
- You have to pay to play online.
- 30% failure rate. Google around a bit, some people have gone through like 7 of them.
- About 10 SKU's, do you want the Core? Premium? Ultimate? Supreme? Ultra? Super? or the Godlike model?
- You either get no HDD, a 20gb HDD, or the overpriced one... I think it's 120gb.
- All the little extras, like paying for batteries for the wireless controllers, etc.

- Game selection isn't the best, but it's getting better and better.
- Built in Blu Ray player, the most advanced one too.
- Blu Ray profile updates will be available through firmware updates.
- Built in wireless.
- Free online play.
- Upconverts normal DVD's to 1080p.
- Depending on model, you can play PS1 and PS2 games, upconverted to 1080p.
- Plays everything from AVC to Xvid video files.
- Rechargeable bluetooth controllers.
- The smallest HDD you get is 40gb. The PS3 is designed so that you can change the HDD easily. Sony allows it, it does not void your warranty. My PS3 is using a 250gb HDD right now.

I'm sure there are things I missed for both consoles. I'm also sure that at least one person will flame me for this post... then go back to his RRoD.


Found it, this guy went through 7 of them:

Here's another interesting article, this guy waited forever, and they sent him a refurb:

This guy went through 11 of them:

Red Rings of Death, overheating, scratching discs, oh my! :dabs:

01-30-2008, 03:02 AM
Xbox 360

better game selection (bigger library of games than PS3)
more and better exclusive titles than the PS3
Xbox Live (better than PSN, or Playstation Network)
Gamerpoints/ Achievements (this is your own opinion, IMO, I don't really care)
Xbox was made mostly just with games in mind as opposed to the PS3 which is really geared the same towards Blu Ray movies just as much as games at the moment.
Overall more expensive if you want the extras (wireless adapter is not built into the console - $100 extra)


Has better Media Capabilities (most advanced Blu Ray player on the market and the best. (Blu Ray has a huge advantage, as in market share, over Betama...I mean HD-DVD).
More reliable for most than the Xbox 360.
PS3 has third party peripheral support (ex. G25 racing wheel, any webcam support), no proprietary Microsoft bullshit (Xbox only lets you use their 360 wireless wheel and the Logitech wheel made just for the 360).

Both have the same streaming capabilities.

I recommend looking at both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 exclusive games and base your decision off of that if you can only live with or afford only one console.

Good post.

I'd add that M$ controllers use batteries while the PS3's are rechargeable.

The downside is I don't know what happens when the PS3 battery flames out.
I use 2 sets of Energizer NimH rechargable batteries.

Let's see,

Xbox 360:
- Bigger game selection, although not better.
- Still uses DVD's for games, HD-DVD is sold separately for $200.
- HD-DVD is dead.
- No built in wireless, that's an extra $100.
- You have to pay to play online.
- 30% failure rate. Google around a bit, some people have gone through like 7 of them.
- About 10 SKU's, do you want the Core? Premium? Ultimate? Supreme? Ultra? Super? or the Godlike model?
- You either get no HDD, a 20gb HDD, or the overpriced one... I think it's 120gb.
- All the little extras, like paying for batteries for the wireless controllers, etc.

- Game selection isn't the best, but it's getting better and better.
- Built in Blu Ray player, the most advanced one too.
- Blu Ray profile updates will be available through firmware updates.
- Built in wireless.
- Free online play.
- Upconverts normal DVD's to 1080p.
- Depending on model, you can play PS1 and PS2 games, upconverted to 1080p.
- Plays everything from AVC to Xvid video files.
- Rechargeable bluetooth controllers.
- The smallest HDD you get is 40gb. The PS3 is designed so that you can change the HDD easily. Sony allows it, it does not void your warranty. My PS3 is using a 250gb HDD right now.

I'm sure there are things I missed for both consoles. I'm also sure that at least one person will flame me for this post... then go back to his RRoD.


Found it, this guy went through 7 of them:

Here's another interesting article, this guy waited forever, and they sent him a refurb:

This guy went through 11 of them:

Red Rings of Death, overheating, scratching discs, oh my! :dabs:

Wow, a genuine PS3 fanboy.:O

Observe the above quote and how it fails to mention almost anything bad about the PS3. There's no mention of the PS3s multiple SKUs, the fact that for both systems all the SKUs are barely sold anymore, or that it matters one jot.

No mention of PSN not being as good and XBL is a little more than $4 a month.

No mention that, on a whole, the PS3's games don't look as good (Burnout Paradise I heard does though by a smidgen).

No mention that the newer PS3 SKUs (it's hard to find a 20 or 60 GB, they are no longer produced) either have NO backward compatibility with PS1/2 or have limited software emulation.

Fanboys are not objective at all. I'd if he owns both consoles or is it "I play my friend's 360 all the time".

Oh mine hasn't RRoDed....yet. I wish it would but then again I might have to go through more than one console.

I did forget to mention that there are people hoping to get newer Falcon chip models and/or ones with HDMI that are purposely fucking their 360s up.

Leaving the bitch on forever wrapped it in a towel.:lol:

One thing of note: Whichever one you buy, DON'T PUT IT A CABINET. LEAVE IT IN THE OPEN AIR.

I have both systems on a tall metal rack. The 360 gets hot but the PS3 get hotter. Either way heed the warning. They have hard drives ffs.

Rip The Jacker
01-30-2008, 08:21 AM
Wow, a genuine PS3 fanboy.:O

Observe the above quote and how it fails to mention almost anything bad about the PS3. There's no mention of the PS3s multiple SKUs, the fact that for both systems all the SKUs are barely sold anymore, or that it matters one jot.

No mention of PSN not being as good and XBL is a little more than $4 a month.

No mention that, on a whole, the PS3's games don't look as good (Burnout Paradise I heard does though by a smidgen).

No mention that the newer PS3 SKUs (it's hard to find a 20 or 60 GB, they are no longer produced) either have NO backward compatibility with PS1/2 or have limited software emulation.

Fanboys are not objective at all. I'd if he owns both consoles or is it "I play my friend's 360 all the time".

Oh mine hasn't RRoDed....yet. I wish it would but then again I might have to go through more than one console.

I did forget to mention that there are people hoping to get newer Falcon chip models and/or ones with HDMI that are purposely fucking their 360s up.

Leaving the bitch on forever wrapped it in a towel.:lol:

One thing of note: Whichever one you buy, DON'T PUT IT A CABINET. LEAVE IT IN THE OPEN AIR.

I have both systems on a tall metal rack. The 360 gets hot but the PS3 get hotter. Either way heed the warning. They have hard drives ffs.
Haha, I felt like a huge fanboy typing up that post. :p

You have to admit though, a lot of the negative things about the Xbox 360 are true... although I don't really see too many negative things about the PS3.

- Sure, the PS3 does have a few SKU's, but compared to the Xbox 360... c'mon now. They had everything from the Legendary Halo edition to the random ass Xbox 360 "Arcade" edition.

- I don't understand why people keep saying XBL is better than PSN. Why? What's so much better about it? I play COD4 and Burnout Paradise online. Everything is awesome. They have demos, downloadable games, HD movie trailers. The usual. I remember seeing the "blades" interface on my friends 360... and it looked okay I guess. What I can't seem to understand is why on earth there are ADS inside of the menus. :blink:

- The backward compatibility isn't bad on the 80gb models, it's probably the same as the Xbox 360's... its supposed to work with around 98% of games. I'm not sure, I bought the 60gb one.

- Xbox 360 games look better than PS3 games? You sure? =/

You should feel lucky yours hasn't RRoD'd yet. Sure, a lot of people bring it on themselves by leaving it on forever, or putting it into a cabinet, but face it... a lot of people get the RRoD for no reason. Shit just happens I guess.

Honestly, I don't hate Xbox 360's. I loved my original Xbox more than my PS2. Xbox 360's have a few things I'd like the PS3 to have, like in-game XMB, and custom soundtracks for all games, not just some. Oh well. I was going to get an Xbox 360, but that 30% failure rate is what scared me off...

01-30-2008, 12:58 PM
X0 isnt very durable. They break if you even look at them wrong way. I had one a while and sometimes I would get 3 RROD when booting up the box and sometimes I didnt. And then the dvd drive broke while I was playing. Got new one from warranty and sold the piece of crap. Never looked back.

But I gotta say X0 controller is way better than PS3's. That small thing just dont fit my hand and some of my friends said same thing.

Games, X0 wins hands down.

01-30-2008, 10:52 PM
Wow, a genuine PS3 fanboy.:O

Observe the above quote and how it fails to mention almost anything bad about the PS3. There's no mention of the PS3s multiple SKUs, the fact that for both systems all the SKUs are barely sold anymore, or that it matters one jot.

No mention of PSN not being as good and XBL is a little more than $4 a month.

No mention that, on a whole, the PS3's games don't look as good (Burnout Paradise I heard does though by a smidgen).

No mention that the newer PS3 SKUs (it's hard to find a 20 or 60 GB, they are no longer produced) either have NO backward compatibility with PS1/2 or have limited software emulation.

Fanboys are not objective at all. I'd if he owns both consoles or is it "I play my friend's 360 all the time".

Oh mine hasn't RRoDed....yet. I wish it would but then again I might have to go through more than one console.

I did forget to mention that there are people hoping to get newer Falcon chip models and/or ones with HDMI that are purposely fucking their 360s up.

Leaving the bitch on forever wrapped it in a towel.:lol:

One thing of note: Whichever one you buy, DON'T PUT IT A CABINET. LEAVE IT IN THE OPEN AIR.

I have both systems on a tall metal rack. The 360 gets hot but the PS3 get hotter. Either way heed the warning. They have hard drives ffs.
Haha, I felt like a huge fanboy typing up that post. :p

You have to admit though, a lot of the negative things about the Xbox 360 are true... although I don't really see too many negative things about the PS3.

- Sure, the PS3 does have a few SKU's, but compared to the Xbox 360... c'mon now. They had everything from the Legendary Halo edition to the random ass Xbox 360 "Arcade" edition.

- I don't understand why people keep saying XBL is better than PSN. Why? What's so much better about it? I play COD4 and Burnout Paradise online. Everything is awesome. They have demos, downloadable games, HD movie trailers. The usual. I remember seeing the "blades" interface on my friends 360... and it looked okay I guess. What I can't seem to understand is why on earth there are ADS inside of the menus. :blink:

- The backward compatibility isn't bad on the 80gb models, it's probably the same as the Xbox 360's... its supposed to work with around 98% of games. I'm not sure, I bought the 60gb one.

- Xbox 360 games look better than PS3 games? You sure? =/

You should feel lucky yours hasn't RRoD'd yet. Sure, a lot of people bring it on themselves by leaving it on forever, or putting it into a cabinet, but face it... a lot of people get the RRoD for no reason. Shit just happens I guess.

Honestly, I don't hate Xbox 360's. I loved my original Xbox more than my PS2. Xbox 360's have a few things I'd like the PS3 to have, like in-game XMB, and custom soundtracks for all games, not just some. Oh well. I was going to get an Xbox 360, but that 30% failure rate is what scared me off...

Yeah the people that I know that get a 360 NOW get the Elite and haven't heard of RRoD with those.

I only comment cause I own both systems have played them for awhile. I own the 60 GB as well. Imo, this is the best version, you get all the ports plus full backward compatibility. No other SKU has that.

What's weird is only PS3 fanboys tend to mentions the ads. I either barely notice them or notice them because it's letting me know of something that I didn't know.

In essence, the ads work and it's not done in a bad way.

Btw, I in no way make excuses for RRoD. I just know that the failure rate might be skewed a bit in favor of people trying to get an updated 360. I also know there a PS3 fanboys posting about their RRoD and don't even own a 360.:dry:

That's why I said fanboys lack objectivity. They say all that's right and glorious which with their precious system even calling other fanboys "brother".

It's quite sickening.

I think the problem is worse than when folks had to buy a second PS2 cuz they were messing up but at least M$ extended the warranty by sending another fucked up 360 for free.:lol:

I wouldn't worry about getting 360 now that you have a PS3. Why front the money?

I had mine for awhile now and have enjoyed the exclusives.

I am hearing No More Heroes is great for the Wii but it looks like a shit button masher to me. I have enough games to play so I'll hold off.

My motto is that if you stay behind the curve of buying games when they come out that by the time you are ready to play said game, it'll be at bargain bin prices.

I found Full Auto 2 and Untold Legends Dark Kingdom for $16.

Are they at least slightly above average games?

I thought Heavenly Sword was a rental and Lair should have offered full analog control.

I still have to play Uncharted and R&C TOD but again....one game at a time.

01-31-2008, 12:11 AM
My friend got another firmware fixed cd samsung rom and burns the games downloaded in usenet or copied from videothek simply as image on verbatim media with clone dvd for example
and runs nice- but now without online-he is a bit angry that icrosoft fuck his console online
sorry for my english.this friend will get his 8800 gts 512 and i think he will forget his console after littlte time.Sorry my english is baad
PS3:blueray-nice.see on youtube or myvideo one half of the screen xbox360 other half PS3 and make your own choice..

silent h3ro
01-31-2008, 12:33 AM
- I don't understand why people keep saying XBL is better than PSN. Why? What's so much better about it? I play COD4 and Burnout Paradise online. Everything is awesome. They have demos, downloadable games, HD movie trailers. The usual. I remember seeing the "blades" interface on my friends 360... and it looked okay I guess. What I can't seem to understand is why on earth there are ADS inside of the menus. :blink:I can think of a few ways: Xbox Live Arcade, full downloadable T.V. shows and movies (which I doubt many people on this forum does since it costs $$), better friend options (I guess you could count this as a plus for the console O/S itself), and more players. Also the ability to use prepaid Microsoft points on Xbox Live, in addition to a credit card, the latter is only what PSN lets you use. Xbox Live lets you purchase last generation (Xbox 1) games where as with PSN they only allow you to download PS1 games - Sony is still marketing their PS2, rightly so I guess.

Rip The Jacker - Btw, Microsoft has a 3 year warranty on all Xboxes and the new boxes have 65nm cpus (cooler, more efficient) as opposed to 95nm and will eventually move to a 65nm GPU as well and possibly down to a 45nm manufacturing process. The 30% failure rate is going down but you need to pay the price/ wait it out if you are really worried.

01-31-2008, 01:05 AM
That fantastic controller the ps3 doesn't work correctly in most of the games on the ps3. The xbox is better because it has better games, xboxlive, more stable games and accessories. The 360 is pretty much the next gen ps2 lol.

Thats a fairly uneducated statement you got thar:dabs:

01-31-2008, 11:51 PM
Here's a response to the people saying the PS3 controller is better

GamePro tests the wireless stamina of Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 controllers in comparison.

Microsoft's Xbox 360 controllers are the most weighted when compared to either Wii or PS3 -- by far. They also pack the most rumble punch, shaking profusely during intense gaming moments. So it would make sense to think the added density and tactile feedback would drain batteries with haste, but our lab results proved quite the contrary. The Xbox 360 controller endured an impressive 56 hours and 56 minutes, the most of any wireless controller we tested.
The dashboard battery meter isn't as accurate as PS3 or Wii, but for maximum gaming on a single battery charge, the Xbox 360 can't be beat.

So which battery setup works best? That, like the consoles themselves, is entirely subjective. The PS3 controller is rechargeable, the Wii Remote customizable, and the Xbox 360 long-lasting. Now that's playing with power.

1. PS3 has no rumble (yes you can get use to it I give the ps3 fan boys that, but it does get you into the game more)
2. Xbox 360's controller has a better battery life
3. "Size" How tiny are your hands? Mine are in no way big but PS3's controller is so small and uncomfortable because of that.
4. The controller does not make the fact that there is nothing to play on the PS3 any better.

02-01-2008, 12:12 AM
Here's a response to the people saying the PS3 controller is better

GamePro tests the wireless stamina of Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 controllers in comparison.

Microsoft's Xbox 360 controllers are the most weighted when compared to either Wii or PS3 -- by far. They also pack the most rumble punch, shaking profusely during intense gaming moments. So it would make sense to think the added density and tactile feedback would drain batteries with haste, but our lab results proved quite the contrary. The Xbox 360 controller endured an impressive 56 hours and 56 minutes, the most of any wireless controller we tested.
The dashboard battery meter isn't as accurate as PS3 or Wii, but for maximum gaming on a single battery charge, the Xbox 360 can't be beat.

So which battery setup works best? That, like the consoles themselves, is entirely subjective. The PS3 controller is rechargeable, the Wii Remote customizable, and the Xbox 360 long-lasting. Now that's playing with power.

1. PS3 has no rumble (yes you can get use to it I give the ps3 fan boys that, but it does get you into the game more)
2. Xbox 360's controller has a better battery life
3. "Size" How tiny are your hands? Mine are in no way big but PS3's controller is so small and uncomfortable because of that.
4. The controller does not make the fact that there is nothing to play on the PS3 any better.

Ehh??? What kind of batteries were used in the 360 controller? What brand?

If you use regular alkalines, they last longer than NimH rechargeable (on a single charge) for instance.

02-08-2008, 02:22 PM
I don't like ps3,i think xbox 360 have much better games and i like a look of 360

02-09-2008, 08:24 PM
Xbox 360
better game selection (bigger library of games than PS3)
more and better exclusive titles than the PS3
Xbox Live (better than PSN, or Playstation Network)
Gamerpoints/ Achievements (this is your own opinion, IMO, I don't really care)
Xbox was made mostly just with games in mind as opposed to the PS3 which is really geared the same towards Blu Ray movies just as much as games at the moment.
Overall more expensive if you want the extras (wireless adapter is not built into the console - $100 extra)PS3
Has better Media Capabilities (most advanced Blu Ray player on the market and the best. (Blu Ray has a huge advantage, as in market share, over Betama...I mean HD-DVD).
More reliable for most than the Xbox 360.
PS3 has third party peripheral support (ex. G25 racing wheel, any webcam support), no proprietary Microsoft bullshit (Xbox only lets you use their 360 wireless wheel and the Logitech wheel made just for the 360).Both have the same streaming capabilities.

I recommend looking at both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 exclusive games and base your decision off of that if you can only live with or afford only one console.

I like the comparison chart you presented to us. Honestly if i had the money which i don't, I would buy both systems. There are always going to be advantages and disadvantages to both systems. There are obviously pro's and cons to both. To make it up for it, I would invest in both, then you don't have to worry. Thats what i did with xbox, gamecube, and ps2. Unfortunately i don't have the money right now to invest in Xbox 360, PS3, or the Wii. Way to expensive.

02-15-2008, 08:25 PM
xbox 360
i have it from 7 month
i didnt have any problems + easy to use

02-18-2008, 11:38 PM
Depends what your looking for. If its to play games for free than go with the xbox. If you want a blu-ray player and sony's cell technology (who knows what they will do with it in the future) and a fairly decent media player, and free online server play than go with the ps3. It just depends what you are looking for in a game machine. I personally chose the ps3 because of the blu-ray player and its media player technology, not to mention you can install linux on it and use it like a computer.

02-19-2008, 02:40 AM
You should feel lucky yours hasn't RRoD'd yet. Sure, a lot of people bring it on themselves by leaving it on forever, or putting it into a cabinet, but face it... a lot of people get the RRoD for no reason. Shit just happens I guess

You are a jinx.

I hadn't played mine forever and the moment I turn it on, it RRODed.:ermm:

I guess it's time to get that RMA number and play my PSWii.

Funny enough, I have seen "evidence" of towel trick working. However, I am not that pressed to have my 360 work for 4-5 days and have to do the trick all over again.

Maybe I'll get a newer 360 with HDMI and Falcon.:whistling:

03-20-2008, 08:27 PM
X-Box 360 is better than PS3 in my opinion

03-21-2008, 02:07 AM
I think the future is or ps3 cuz it's the newer one

03-22-2008, 01:59 PM
i think PS3 better in HD games

03-22-2008, 06:15 PM
The 360 has better games over PS3 but in the upcomming months there will be some really good games coming out for the PS3 only like GT5 and Metal gear solid but I'll still choose the 360 over the PS3 any day :)

03-23-2008, 10:27 PM
in my opinion the X-Box 360 is better than PS3

03-26-2008, 05:11 PM
xbox is beta then ps3 imho atm

03-26-2008, 07:18 PM
ps3 has better grafics but xbox has the best games ever!

04-01-2008, 09:25 PM
in my opinion
xbox 360 the best

04-01-2008, 10:45 PM
the number one reason the PS3 will never be hacked is the bluray tecnology. and the fact that no one wants to try with taking it a part because of the price!
just get a 360 and flash it! that way you can back up games and by ones you want to go online with since they only detecte the bad backups and not the flashed drive itself!

04-02-2008, 01:11 AM
It is simple...if you want to PLAY GAMES you go for 360.
If you want to WATCH HQ MOVIES you go ps3.
Enough said...

04-07-2008, 08:06 PM
depends if you worried about getting 3rl on 360 get the ps3
if you want more games get the 360
if you want better online play get 360
if you blue-ray get ps3
if you want better linux get ps3

04-08-2008, 09:55 AM
The XBOX360 currently has a much bigger library of games, but the PS3 has more exclusives, and usually, when it comes to Sony, that exclusive will usually be a very good game - and it won't come to PC or XBOX360, not even in ten years. Examples: Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted, Warhawk. Usually, every exclusive released on the 360 is timed, and it will appear on the PC or PS3 sooner or later (Mass Effect). However, the 360 moddable, so I would get it.

04-08-2008, 09:59 AM
i dont care much abouth who is better,i have always love and still love playstation brand more then microsoft xbox brand,but still i have xbox1,360,ps1,ps2,soon ps3 the games are what is most important to console..

so the best is to have in u can both..i dont like wii much its for kids :P

04-08-2008, 04:40 PM
This is a unique question, I can't recall ever having a discussion of whether one console is better than another. I will have to meditate on this and get back to you with an answer.


although I've had my differences with Cheese over the years, he still cracks me up consistently.

Why haven't the mods locked this thread yet? This is like the thousandth thread about a console war....

Oh and 360 > PS3, just my opinion, I'm too lazy to back up my claims.

ps3 has better grafics but xbox has the best games ever!

If this is true, then Sony has been lazy for the past 2 years or so, I've yet to see a PS3 game outshine its 360 component, or for that matter PS3 exclusive games (outshining the 360). I agree the PS3 has huge potential, but is it just me or have the game developers stopped trying to make the PS3 versions (or exclusive sony games) as good as they can get, I mean come on, all that hype about the Cell processor and the 360 still owns in the graphics department. Only time will tell I guess.

You should feel lucky yours hasn't RRoD'd yet. Sure, a lot of people bring it on themselves by leaving it on forever, or putting it into a cabinet, but face it... a lot of people get the RRoD for no reason. Shit just happens I guess

You are a jinx.

I hadn't played mine forever and the moment I turn it on, it RRODed.:ermm:

I guess it's time to get that RMA number and play my PSWii.

Funny enough, I have seen "evidence" of towel trick working. However, I am not that pressed to have my 360 work for 4-5 days and have to do the trick all over again.

Maybe I'll get a newer 360 with HDMI and Falcon.:whistling:

Double jinxed bud. I posted I think yesterday actually, not sure which thread, but my post went along the lines of something like "I've had my 360 since dec 05 and it has yet to RROD on me"

I went to play some guitar hero 3 last night at around 930ish, boom RROD, tried all the methods I know, then called xbox services, they told me a bunch of stuff to try, nothing works, they finally gave in and said to ship it off to get fixed, god damn, I should keep my mouth shut from now on lol

04-09-2008, 10:11 AM
ps3 has better grafics but xbox has the best games ever!

If this is true, then Sony has been lazy for the past 2 years or so, I've yet to see a PS3 game outshine its 360 component, or for that matter PS3 exclusive games (outshining the 360). I agree the PS3 has huge potential, but is it just me or have the game developers stopped trying to make the PS3 versions (or exclusive sony games) as good as they can get, I mean come on, all that hype about the Cell processor and the 360 still owns in the graphics department. Only time will tell I guess.

that is the true and fact,i have read somewhere few weeks ago that ps3 use only 30-40% of his power and xbox360 abouth 70% so there is only matter of time when will that happend,but dont expect some major differents than,maybe something in previous consoles(xbox and ps2)...

also u should know that ps games have 1,2,3,4 and 5 generations of games and now ps3 is on 2...

hype for cell processor was true and they cant just right now get all benefit from him also its not the same with x360 where is much easier to create game,same situacion was with ps2,just look first gen of games and last one...

i woudnt call anyone lazy for not doing they best,but as time goes we will see more and more stunning games for ps3.MGS4 is probably the start of new games that will arrive on ps3..

this all what i have said is true,im not any fanboy of sony or microsoft..i love both console:)

04-10-2008, 02:55 AM
Games are better IMO for Xbox

04-10-2008, 06:46 PM
I think games are played better on Xbox :)

04-13-2008, 01:27 AM
i agree with bucktoof

04-13-2008, 03:43 AM
of course ps3 is better....for about $100 more, you get a game console which is capable of playing blu-ray disc...

04-13-2008, 03:52 AM
XBOX 360 wayyyyyyy better

04-13-2008, 01:18 PM
Different stokes for different folks.

04-13-2008, 11:59 PM
yep becuase xbox360 has better games..

04-14-2008, 12:05 AM
Different stokes for different folks.

Qft. Each console has its own features for it's consumer's needs.

04-14-2008, 07:14 AM
Different stokes for different folks.

Qft. Each console has its own features for it's consumer's needs.

Which is why I always feel like I need to invest in them all. :ermm: :lol:

04-14-2008, 06:55 PM
i love my 360

04-14-2008, 09:48 PM
I like the X better.

04-21-2008, 06:07 PM
well, xbox has the advantage of being hacked, lower price and more games.But ps3 may take the lead after 2-3 years as there will be great exclusive gaems for it like god of war 3 and a sequel(maybe two) to the shadow of the colossus.but i will never get near ps3 till it's hacked...

04-21-2008, 06:34 PM
You say that PS3 will take the lead in 2 or 3 years but by that time Xbox will be getting ready to or already have released the third xbox console. But I too won't buy a PS3 until they become moddable.

04-22-2008, 11:50 AM
I like xbox360 better.

07-12-2008, 06:59 PM
I'd say that the PS3 is the way to go. Because almost all the games that come out for xbox360, come out for Windows. (Same company) I'd say the PS3 is better, but thats just my opinion. Although if your looking for a fun battle with friends, Xbox Live has a much more interactive online experience. The 360 has a better way to message people, where the PS3 has the most horrable way to communicate between players, because you have to leave your game in order to even tell who is online, let alone send messages. So in conclusion...
Looking for a party? Looking for fun with friends with great games? -- Xbox360
Looking for a hardcore gaming experience and a Blue Ray player? -- PS3

07-13-2008, 01:17 PM
i have a PS3 and i find it great.. i think its better than the Xbox 360

07-13-2008, 03:17 PM
I love both my 360 and my PS3...

They both have things that make them special.

07-14-2008, 10:04 AM
I totally agree with you markupmaster. (I own a Xbox 360 console :-D)

08-27-2008, 03:41 AM

08-27-2008, 10:39 AM
xbox 360

08-27-2008, 10:43 AM
The Xbox 360.

It has more titles that the PS3 doesn't have, regardless if it is on Windows or not. Not everyone wants to play on a PC. And, it's online play is superior. Plus, the hardly noticeable difference in graphics between the PS3 and Xbox 360 isn't worth the extra price. The only thing the PS3 is good for is for playing Blu-Ray movies.

08-28-2008, 07:48 PM
if u can wait for a while..u sure go for the ps3..the x360 might have a gr8 library..but personally..x360 gr8sts hits mostly get ported for pc..(gears of war..Halo)..plus the fact that the ps3 is gettin some nice titles..MGS 4, Little Big planet..God of war 3..this should make things better for the ps3..trust me..75% of the time i spend on pc is on gamespot...am talkin outta experience !