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View Full Version : Antec Performance One P182

01-26-2008, 12:52 PM
was looking at this case but cant see any rear usb ports or ethernet connection am i being dumb or do cases not have these anymore?

01-26-2008, 01:29 PM
Take a look here : http://www.cluboverclocker.com/reviews/cases/antec/p182/index.htm . there are 4 pages regarding this case check them all.
Very GOOD choice if u ask me. Take It!
P.S It has Front USB ports. And the USB ports from the back off the case are from the MOBO.

01-28-2008, 06:32 PM
Yes, you will not see the back connections until you get a motherboard for the case, then the mobo comes with cover plate that goes over the cover plate hole on the case (cause each mobo can have different conections and positions for them the mobo supplies the plate). The case will have either top or front connections and wires inside that will go to the motherboard to activate those.

On the link posted above on the second page you can see the front usb connections and in the Seventh picture down on the same page you can see where the cover plate will go on the top left. Actually if you look at the last picture on the second page you can see they have a plate installed in that photo but all you can see is the keyboard and mouse plugs.

There is actually a plate installed in the case but 90% of the time you will have to knock that one out and use the one that comes with the mobo.

01-30-2008, 12:50 PM
I have made few builds into these cases and I must say it's very nice case. Although a bit heavy compared to Antec P160 which is mostly aluminium and therefore weights very little. I would go with P182 anyway.