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View Full Version : looking for good guys/girls with S*T invite

01-28-2008, 10:04 PM

recently, my S*T account was disabled. Support tell me that was inviter fault and nothing more.
Could someone have a spare invite for me ? PLEASE ! :fst:

01-28-2008, 10:13 PM
Be sure you get your IP changed before attempting anything, or you risk getting your new inviter ban'd for inviting a ban'd member.
Not that I recommend this, but if your telling the truth, then I don't really care.

01-29-2008, 07:53 AM
Be sure you get your IP changed before attempting anything, or you risk getting your new inviter ban'd for inviting a ban'd member.
Not that I recommend this, but if your telling the truth, then I don't really care.

hey, thanks for the hint regarding IP address.

so, is here someone who could give me an invite ?
Thanks in advance.

01-29-2008, 07:54 AM
:lol: GL, man....

01-29-2008, 08:18 AM
Good luck getting in! :)

01-30-2008, 08:17 AM
anyone ?

01-30-2008, 10:10 AM
P.S. I against account trading but I have few accounts (don't use it anymore) which I could change for S*T. Just PM what are you looking for and maybe I could give you away?

Isnt that the exact thing called trading?

02-02-2008, 11:49 PM
P.S. I against account trading but I have few accounts (don't use it anymore) which I could change for S*T. Just PM what are you looking for and maybe I could give you away?

Isnt that the exact thing called trading?

it isn't ... but whatever ...
it's sux that my S*T acc was disabled because of another man (inviter) fault. I was member for more then 10 weeks.
If you don't believe it then you can check by your self

u: KiNdZiUs
p: 4Apaw3q8DDjYvp

Don't tell me that there's no FST member who could help me to find an invite to get back there ? How should I prove that I deserve it ? Giveaway invites to TDC, LinkoManija, HDBITS, *PLAY, TL or something ?!

02-03-2008, 12:08 AM
Begging here won't help you a bit ;) And to be little more precise. You weren't invited by the inviter's account owner. His account was compromised and both invites he had were used to invite you and someone else. When the owner got his account back he noticed that and you got disabled :) Which is obvious, considering you didn't get your invite in a fair way.

02-03-2008, 12:47 AM
Begging here won't help you a bit ;) And to be little more precise. You weren't invited by the inviter's account owner. His account was compromised and both invites he had were used to invite you and someone else. When the owner got his account back he noticed that and you got disabled :) Which is obvious, considering you didn't get your invite in a fair way.

yep, you are right that begging won't help ... I just ask.
I agree that if it happend that way as you said so it's not fair way I agree but if invited person didn't do anything wrong/bad I think that S*T support could look in that side too.
Anyway, I'll try to forget about invite to S*T for now.
Thanks for comments guys.