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View Full Version : Is There An App That Could Intercept Your Mic?

Dr. Watson
07-30-2003, 01:32 PM
Hey all
I was wondering if there was some kind of program that would 'take over' your microphone and emulate it so that you could output sound to it (kind of like Elaborate Bytes's Virtual CloneDrive)


07-30-2003, 01:36 PM
why would you want to output sound to your mic? i dont think the mic has a standard plug, (3bits) i think it only has the 2.

Dr. Watson
07-30-2003, 08:17 PM
It's mainly for live conversations on things like GPhone/WebPhone, where i could output sounds generated by TTS apps to the mic which are effectively sent to the remote participant. It would mainly be for having a laugh but after seeing a voice changer style thing used in that film "True Lies" and then the software that does it on download.com I thought surely there's something that would do it for TTS as well?...:)