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View Full Version : Safe place to host a tracker

02-03-2008, 03:33 AM
Does anyone know of a good, safe place to host a tracker? I was thinking a VPS, though I could do a cheap dedicated server. Anyone know of anything? Thanks.

02-03-2008, 03:42 AM
what sort of content, how many members, how many torrents, how many peers etc etc.

some sites are in the USA and are fine, personally i would never go there.

Sweden for Europe is pretty safe atm.

Asia is pretty safe as well but expensive.

02-03-2008, 03:45 AM
You are thinking of running a tracker on a VPS?

02-03-2008, 04:08 AM
what sort of content, how many members, how many torrents, how many peers etc etc.

some sites are in the USA and are fine, personally i would never go there.

Sweden for Europe is pretty safe atm.

Asia is pretty safe as well but expensive.

Non-scene, and as of right now, 0, 0, and 0. I have not actually started this tracker yet, but I want to start one, and put it out in a safe place.

I have found a place in Hong Kong? How safe is that? I have also found many places in Germany, how safe is it there?

I do know of one in Malaysia (it's listed in the ST seedbox thread), but the cheapest is $69 a month, and that's not great. I was hoping for something cheaper.

With the raid on TPB is Sweden really safe?

02-03-2008, 04:29 AM
Lots of trackers are in Sweden so its safe for now.

We are in Germany and have had no problems but are moving very soon (not sure where to yet though)

We were in HK, great for a startup tracker but expensive.

again for Malaysia, very expensive.

just to give you some idea, this is what BCG runs on (you wont need these beasts though if your just starting out, but if you do get big you might have to)

2 servers

2*3.8ghz xeons on each
16gig ram on the db server, 8 gig ram on the Web server
2*250gig sata hdds on each.
full 100meg connection
3000gig bw on one, 4500 on the other (special deal so cant downgrade this at all)

We also have a server in malaysia which we have for a new project we are working on.

IBM INTEL Dual Core Xeon 3000 series/2 GB RAM/250GB HDD x 2/2000GB Bandwidth but only 1meg international bw

and the malaysian server cost the same (if not a little more) than the german one with 16gig ram.

so its a ? of how big do you want to become.

02-03-2008, 04:48 AM
I don't have a limit on how big I want it to become, but due to the content, and the methods I plan on employing when running the tracker, it will never be near as big as BCG. I have no idea as to how big it will eventually get though, but I don't think very big.

I found this in HK: http://spaceasia.com/en/vpshosting_standard.php (that's about $25 a month)

Would that be good enough to get me started, up to maybe a few hundred users, and a thousand torrents or so? Any idea how far that will get me?

02-03-2008, 04:57 AM
well we started off on a shared host in sweden, was very cheap but it crashed all of the servers we were sharing when it got to 2000 peers on the tracker.

its a hard decision mate if you just want it on there until you get enough donations to cover something else, then go for it, but you will be hard pushed to keep it running on there for longer than a month or 2.

02-03-2008, 05:00 AM
All i can say as a starter just get http://www.giga-hosting.biz/angebote.php
giga-hosting cheap ;)

02-03-2008, 05:10 AM
damn, wish i had seen them when i moved to germany, just a pitty we are leaving the country now.

btw one of my users in Germany claims that come 1st Jan 2009 all servers in germany have to log every IP going into them. its supposed to be for terrorism but it might start with that and spread to other things.

02-03-2008, 05:19 AM
Thanks, I think I'll go with the space asia. Thanks for your help Stoi.

That gigahosting might be good when it gets larger but to start off there, paying $90 a month is too expensive for me.