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View Full Version : Yet another seedbox question....

02-05-2008, 04:21 PM
New to the site but not bitTorrent. Its now come time were I would like to get a seedbox (don't we all). My connection is 40 -50kb's right now. So you can see why I would want one. Done a ton of reading on this site over the last few days. There is a lot of great imformation here regarding hosts and such.

I have narrowed my search down to leaseweb. Going by everything I have read they seem to be one of the best rated for speed and such. Some concerns I have ...
Being I'm new to seedboxes should I start out with a smaller cheaper host to get my feet wet? I'll be learning as I go and would hate to think I wasted the first month costs learning how to set my seedbox up correctly.. I would like to stay in the $50 to $85 range to start off with. :happy:

One thing I did not see mentioned.. Do I need a domain name to get a seedbox?

Will this take the load off my home network system because I seed 24 seven now? :O Looking to get away from that.

I'm sure I'll have more questions as I continue to get this rolling. Many more for actually setting it up with my computer. I know from reading going with windows is the easiest. Not the cheapest but the easiest. :)

Thanks for any help you can shed on this.....

02-05-2008, 04:26 PM
I'm quite new to the seedboxes as well, but I can answer some of your questions...

Yes, having a seedbox with take the load off from your home network. All the seeding and uploading speed, is done by another physical computer in another country.

No, you do not need a domain name to get a seedbox. (At least at Hosting-ie)

That's I can help with, but surely someone who knows better about this stuff will post.

Good luck with the seedbox, once you get it... it changes the definition of seeding or "keeping the ratio 1:1"

02-05-2008, 04:39 PM
Of course you don't need a domain name to get a seedbox. Just find a good dedicated server with a good price, and if you have budget from $50 to $85, you can try rapidswitch.com, they have a good deal and their connection is fast.
Having a seedbox will let your computer rest :)
And do not only think about the easiest, but you must also think about how stable is the OS, or how much does it eat the resources if you're running a dozens of torrents.
At this time I think many will agree that Linux does all the job better, combine with rTorrent, that would make your days perfect :) Trust me, I proved that, you could look at my postings and find why I suggest you to use rTorrent with Linux :)

02-05-2008, 05:08 PM
But from the reading I have done here most were quoted as saying "If you don't know any Linux stay with windows to make life easier" I just don't know linux in any shape or form. That's not to say I can't / won't learn it. Because I will if its more stable and less taxing on the resources.

I'm going to give your rTorrent tutorial a read in your posting. Thank you for the help. I'll post with more questions soon.. Off to read...

fstokebanget after reading your rTorrent tutorial I can honsetly say my head is spinning... :huh:. I know nothing about what was in that tutorial. What a noob I am!

Also I already signed up with Leaseweb for a window based server. I also checked that host company you mentioned Rapidswitch. Seems like a very good site for price and gigs. Cheaper and more gigs then I got. Maybe I'll change when my month is up. But lets see what leaseweb does for me for the first month.

I'm waiting for my information from them now. Then I can honestly say I have no idea were to go or what to do next..LMAO... :lol: Learning on the fly...

Oh and I use uTorrent as my client now will I be able to continue using that as I'm comfortable with it? Thank you for further help...

02-05-2008, 06:39 PM
you'd be probably more stunned if you know the price of OVH, for the budget $85 you could get this : http://www.ovh.co.uk/products/superplan2008.xml :)
of course Linux has been proven to be more stable than Windows,

anyway, you've purchased a Windows server and I'm sure you'll gonna use uTorrent as the torrent client, don't forget to read my thread about how to avoid disk overloaded in uTorrent, this always happens to Windows users :P

02-05-2008, 07:27 PM
Yeah OVH looks good too. Now you tell me.. ;) I'm sure I'll learn by trial and error. Several members have changed providers I'm betting.

Just found your thread about disk overload good read and thanks for the heads up. I will probably go to Linux when I get comfortable with seedboxes. I see reading that disk overload post you started with Windows as well... Happy you switched? I bet you are..

Have you ever used Leaseweb as a host? Just curious is all. I went with a dedicated server. Maybe should of started with VPS from somewere but what the heck.. Dive in I say.....

02-05-2008, 07:36 PM
That's why I said b4 that I really suggest you to use Linux + rTorrent, besides the problem with disk overloaded, also somehow because the uTorrent get unstable and got shutdown itself several times, and in that time I'm sure the peerid was resetted many times, the cheat detector script on ScT detected my client as a false client and caused my account got banned immediately, and not only on ScT, but also on CZone. Thank God I managed to explain and gave some proofs to those tracker staffs and got my account back, but this surely cause me to loose some time and got an head ache :)

I never rent Leaseweb server, although I know that their speed is good, maybe because my budget isn't as high as their price :)

Yeah, VPS is a good start to learn using seedbox

I wish you good luck my friend, tell us your experience, and if you need a help with your seedbox, just PM me anytime and I'll do my best to help you :)

02-05-2008, 08:00 PM
Thanks for all the help. I sure hope that horror story dosen't happen to me. The last thing I want is to be banned by my sites. damn...

I'm sure I'll be taking you up on that PM offer for help once I get my info from leaseweb. The journey continues.......

02-06-2008, 05:02 PM
Ok I received my info from my host. I'm trying to login into my server using Remote Desktop Connection. But I keep getting the same error.

My question is this I did some reading I'm using Windows Vista the Ultimate edition. RDC was already installed on my system. My server is using Windows Server 2003. I should or shouldn't be able to connect to my server using RDC? If not what are my options? Am I missing another program.

Just got all my info and of course I'm eager to get my seedbox all setup.... I'm not looking for someone to do it for me via the pms I have received. I need to learn this for myself.. LOL Just looking for some help is all. I seen several tutorials but need to make sure I'm following the correct one. Thanks for any help..

02-06-2008, 05:40 PM
could you tell us what exactly is the error message from RDC ?

02-06-2008, 06:09 PM
The error says... "Remote desktop cannot verifiy the identity of the computer you want to connect to. Could be the following 2 reasons"...

1) The remote computer is running a version of windows that is earlier then Vista.

2) The remote computer is configured to support only the RDP Security Layer.

I have no idea what number 2 means..LMAO..

02-06-2008, 09:01 PM
at the bottom, there's a msg : Do you want to connect anyway ? ....... just click yes

02-06-2008, 09:15 PM
You should be able to connect through the RDC.

As fstokebanget say what happens when u try to connect?

02-06-2008, 10:31 PM
When I continue on I get to the Windows Server 2003 screen. A login box asks for username and password. When I enter my info I get "The system could not log you on." Make sure username and domain are correct. Also verfify the password is typed correctly.

So I'm thinking I'm not doing anything wrong. I have a email into my host now to verify my username and password. I'll keep you posted.... Thanks for the help

02-06-2008, 10:45 PM
this won't apply to you now, seeing that you have already bought a windows box, but one thing that i found helps with linux is to setup vmware on your pc and load the server version of the linux os you will get on the seedbox. Then you can practice getting used to the os and setting up your client without messing up a server or your own computer.

02-06-2008, 10:49 PM
i hate rtorrent its like nothing, im a utorrent or nuttin............... hated rtorrent

open your firewall on your comp and your router and or your antivirus prog

02-06-2008, 11:07 PM
I opened my firewall up to allow "remote desktop, and Scene" And turned off my antivirus to see and still I am unable to log into the server. I get the same error as above. I'll have a look at my router now... Oh and also I'm using utorrent. Thats what I should be for Windows correct? Thanks for the suggestions..