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View Full Version : Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf should stuff like this be banned

02-07-2008, 10:38 AM
HI i just entered revtt and to my surprise i saw this torrent *Link removed - Read the rules* i think there should be some sort of censorship on torrents that are uploaded especially when it comes to such sensitive subjects like this shout and and post your opinion :)

02-07-2008, 10:51 AM
I'm thinking that a great deal of the world would also need their public libraries' catalogues cleaned out as well.

Guess we'd better get the nuke theory books, too. And after that, The Joy of Sex (even the old '70s edition) just to make everyone happy.

I'm not trying to offend you, but you ought to take into account just how available works like these are in daily, real life before coming down on a general tracker, y'know?

Now, if it was an exclusively Neo-Nazi tracker distributing newly produced racist content, that'd be a different argument. Not an automatic decision, an argument.

I understand how the issue could be very sensitive for you, though.

02-07-2008, 10:54 AM
im not comming down on the tracker just saying theres should be a little thought on what is uploaded after all we aren't talking about mother terrisa here..

Dark Archon
02-07-2008, 11:00 AM
what kind of file is it? documentary? if its for educational purposes, it should be allowed

02-07-2008, 11:02 AM
Not all places are like cina...

Freedom is the most important thing ... even when distributing culture ...

If you do not like a tracker that believe in freedom: /delacc.php and you are done.

02-07-2008, 11:06 AM
it should be allowed :)
i have nothing against ;)

02-07-2008, 11:06 AM
it's part of history, it exists, it's sold in many countries around the world, it's fine. whether you agree with it's content & what context you want to engage it or not is you're own personal choice, but it's the right to have that choice that's most important.

02-07-2008, 11:10 AM
what kind of file is it? documentary? if its for educational purposes, it should be allowed

an audio book

available in written version FOR FREE here:
*link removed*

and here:
*link removed*

P2P != censorship

live with that... or go back to watching tv so you can be sure that everything other ppl do not want ya to see will be censored.

02-07-2008, 11:12 AM
History is a part of the world we live in today so no it shouldn`t be banned .
P.S One retard put a really sick tag on this thread ... can someone remove that pls?

02-07-2008, 11:29 AM
I am against all kinds of censorship. Especially on the internet.

02-07-2008, 11:31 AM
I've not read the book & chances are, i never will . But as it's readily available in most countries, i suspect it isn't quite the outright rabid & hatefilled publication you'd expect . It's probably a valuable historical incite into the developement of a monster , so it should be available .
Chances are, would-be nazis would get bored of it, not enough fire & blood for their stunted brains .

I am against all kinds of censorship. Especially on the internet.

So where do you stand on kiddie porn filth?

02-07-2008, 11:32 AM
HI i just entered revtt and to my surprise i saw this torrent(Adolf Hitler Mein Kamp (http://www.revolutiontt.net/details.php?id=53702&hit=1)) i think there should be some sort of censorship on torrents that are uploaded especially when it comes to such sensitive subjects like this shout and and post your opinion :)

You learn from the mistakes of history, you don't deny that they ever happened ;)

02-07-2008, 11:45 AM
So where do you stand on kiddie porn filth?
I forgot those kind of horrible things for a second I guess. So my statement is terribly wrong I fear.

02-07-2008, 11:51 AM
Mein Kampf (or my struggle) is more a biography of Adolf Hitlers early years than it is a political manifesto anyway, and a fairly disjointed rambling it is, but as others have said this is a part of history. The choice you have to exercise if you do not agree with a torrent is do not download it, but you cannot say that others should not be able to ? This is a text which is studied in Universities, a foundation text of National Socialism which was a historical political movement from a very turbulent time in European history. Do not get me wrong I in no way condone the horrific mass genocide which was the second world war, but that was far in the future when Mein Kampf was written, and it is a historical document.

As barbarossa paraphrased it: Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it. - George Santayana

02-07-2008, 11:57 AM
I think main kampf is interest...

02-07-2008, 12:13 PM
You can´t censor history.
You have to learn from it, as Barbarossa said.

02-07-2008, 01:04 PM
I believe in Theory of attitudinal inoculation...which basically says: if people have never been exposed to weak counterarguments to beliefs they hold, they are especially vulnerable to strong arguments later. Similar to how, injection of stronger from of virus (in the form of vaccination) helps our body to create antibodies and later when the weaker version of virus tries to effect us...the body is ready to defend it.

I think everyone should read this (except those who easily get influenced by other people's ideas). I believe knowing these stuff will help prevent us from creating another Hitler. The past is there to be learned from, not to burn.

P.S. i will grab it later...just so i can get further glance to his sick mind.

02-07-2008, 01:04 PM
Banning and burning books ( as history as showed us time and time again )of any kind is one of the exact foundations of ideologies like nazism and in which institutions like the Inquisition were based.

I completely understand your concern but we just have to deal with our history.

As someone already said, if a site/tracker is dedicated to spreading hate and, in the process, releases only material to support that objective that would be, IMO, different. I think this is not clearly the case.


02-07-2008, 01:15 PM
People are required to read it in some history courses etc...

Censorship ironically was a big thing for the nazis... Why are you suggesting that torrents sites become more like them?

02-07-2008, 01:16 PM
Banning a book is no solution. Everything has some value, and this book is one of the popular biographies(autobiography?) out in the world. You will find out there are a lot of things you would know from the book, and if you are as responsible as you say, you will take a lesson from that piece.

02-07-2008, 02:03 PM
This kind of books are important because people need to read and understand that the nazis ideas are wrong, ban a book is not a solution.

02-07-2008, 02:09 PM
The true sign of a free system is that people can say or do, within reason, what they like. We do have some cursory rules, otherwise we would have people driving on both sides of the street, but with some simply guidelines in place, society works reasonably well.

Censorship is abhorrent. The moment someone decides what we can, and what we cannot, read/watch/listen to, restricts our right to judge for ourselves.

None the less, there are those in authority who honestly believe that we, as individuals, are incapable of rational judgement.

We have games censors, who decide that Manhunt is too violent to allow us to play. They believe that these sort of games would encourage us to emulate the behaviour in real life. I am sure that most of us can distinguish between a virtual release from the stresses of the real world (the game) and the real world itself (driving on the correct side of the road, or not suffocating someone with a plastic bag).

As for the Nazi literature, I am sure that most of us could read that, and reflect how stupid it seems now. Often, the value of these works is in the laughter department, knowing that the author actually believed in those values he held so dear.

As for history, we need to be reminded of the mistakes of the past, so that we, hopefully, won't make the same mistakes in the future.

Recently, the church urged the UK government to apologise for the Slave Trade, and Tony Blair formally apologised for this.


This sort of message makes me sick. Firstly, this trade happened many generations ago, and the people who benefited from are long dead.

Secondly, every action has a reaction. There are many prominent black Americans who would not be prominent if their ancestors had not been slaves. In other words, the slave trade managed to create quite a mix in many countries, and has set the stage for today, where black and white work together without regard for their skin colour.

What has happened, has happened, and we cannot turn the clocks back. We learn from our past, to hopefully create a better future. Mistakes have been made, but those mistakes make us stronger.

Finally, would Hollywood be better if we didn't have Samuel L Jackson, or Eddy Murphy, or Danny Glover, or many other stars of African descent. Would the first Iraq war been better if Colin Powel had not been at the forefront. We live in a world where achievement is not related to colour, but to intelligence. Colour is just the wrapping, and the slave trade has allowed some excellent intelligence to filter out of Africa and into the other continents.

02-07-2008, 02:39 PM
There has never & will never be an entirely free system, devoid of all censorship . There will always be a certain percentage of sick & twisted feckers that would take advantage of such freedom, society has to be able to regulate against the worst excesses (paedo's & the like) .
Wishfull thinking/moralising isn't going to make the bad men disappear from the equation .

02-07-2008, 02:50 PM
i think stuff like this sould be removed! and i am not saying this just because i am Israeli
buy because people should NOT read stuff like this!

02-07-2008, 03:00 PM
i think stuff like this sould be removed! and i am not saying this just because i am Israeli
buy because people should NOT read stuff like this!

with all due respect, who do you think you are to make such a call?

02-07-2008, 03:01 PM
i think stuff like this sould be removed! and i am not saying this just because i am Israeli
buy because people should NOT read stuff like this!
How on earth would you expect somebody to study 1940s german history without being allowed to read Mein Kampf?!

02-07-2008, 03:18 PM
I totally agree...

02-07-2008, 04:30 PM
if you dont know what is wrong? and what is right?, you will never know what you r doing is wrong ?....i meant to do right you need to know what is wrong

02-07-2008, 05:14 PM
ok im not suggesting to burn books or to start banning literature in general all im saying is that this is a very sensitive subject and was surprised to see something like it show up on a 0day torrent tracker. im not going to ban this tracker because of what some uploader uploaded it just it seemed a little out of the ordinary thats all.....

02-07-2008, 05:26 PM
but the point is that it's not out of the ordinary. it's a very common book to read and i can't imagine getting through any type of history on the background of WWII and the holocaust without mentioning mein kampf. nazis bruned books in the middle of the street. and although you say that you are not rpomoting book burning that is EXACTLY what you are doing. book burning is done to limit the availability of certain works. you are saying that you feel the availability of mein kampf should be limited. you are entitled to your opinion, i just think it's dead wrong. if you don't like it don't download it. it is a powerful book in history, just because you don't find value in it, does not mean shit.

02-07-2008, 05:28 PM
i think stuff like this sould be removed! and i am not saying this just because i am Israeli
buy because people should NOT read stuff like this!
How on earth would you expect somebody to study 1940s german history without being allowed to read Mein Kampf?!

What are you talking about? You don't need to read a single word of Mein Kampf to know an all encompassing amount of 40's German history.

It was published in the 20's, ffs. Get your facts straight. :dabs:

02-07-2008, 05:32 PM
How on earth would you expect somebody to study 1940s german history without being allowed to read Mein Kampf?!

What are you talking about? You don't need to read a single word of Mein Kampf to know an all encompassing amount of 40's German history.

It was published in the 20's, ffs. Get your facts straight. :dabs:

yes, but it is the thoughts of the man who would go on to lead germany in the 30s and 40s, so although it does not reference the 40s, it does give a rare glimpse into the mind of one of the most powerful men of the 20th century. it offers a personal background outside of what any history book could tell you, because rather than offering someone else's assessment, we can see his ideology forming long before he even came to power.

02-07-2008, 05:35 PM
Limiting this information goes against everything p2p and the internet is about: sharing information. The minute you start limiting it, more people want more things limited, and it never ends.

02-07-2008, 05:38 PM
lol, the tags are great. why are people always so damn serious, its the fucking internet people, loosen up. im not saying be a dick everywhere you go but have a little bit of fun, and save your lectures about it for someone who is willing to actually listen. i for one, do not give a shit and will not give a shit what someone thinks about me on the internet so giving me advice is pointless if i dont know you. i guess im constantly forgetting that fst is the only forum in the world where opinions are expressly forbidden. wonder how many infractions ill get for this opinion....

02-07-2008, 05:53 PM
you arent going to convince a bunch of p2p'ers that censorship in any way shape or form is a good thing.

02-07-2008, 05:58 PM
lol, the tags are great. why are people always so damn serious, its the fucking internet people, loosen up. im not saying be a dick everywhere you go but have a little bit of fun, and save your lectures about it for someone who is willing to actually listen. i for one, do not give a shit and will not give a shit what someone thinks about me on the internet so giving me advice is pointless if i dont know you. i guess im constantly forgetting that fst is the only forum in the world where opinions are expressly forbidden. wonder how many infractions ill get for this opinion....

For expressing your freedom of speech, none...

I think that your paragraph sums it up just nicely. We should be able to express ourselves without the fear of recrimination. There is only one drawback with the freedom of speech, but most people accept that, and that being we should treat others as we expect to be treated (flame others, and thalt shall be flamed)...

Whether to read, or not read, Mein Kampf is no different to whether we are Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or any other religion. It's down to personal choice at the end of the day.

As for Mein Kampf, it is just part of a large literature collection that could be construed as sensitive, and it should be down to the reader to use their better judgement when browsing this material.

Censorship must not prevail...

02-07-2008, 06:28 PM
The absolute freedom of speach crew really are onto something, i think it's called the Paedo's Credo .

02-07-2008, 09:10 PM
all information should be allowed... you can choose to avoid it

02-08-2008, 12:44 PM
i think stuff like this sould be removed! and i am not saying this just because i am Israeli
buy because people should NOT read stuff like this!
How on earth would you expect somebody to study 1940s german history without being allowed to read Mein Kampf?!
Maybe by studying the real facts and not this crap?