View Full Version : Have Rancid Sold Out?

Proper Bo
07-31-2003, 05:14 PM
I just heard theire new album and it sounds very "pop". Lots of happy sing-along moments etc. This is very different from their earlier stuff IMO.

I know this'll get replies saying stuff like "why can't bands get big?" etc. I don't mind if bands get big, it's when they change their style just so it will sell is what I don't like.

This album is very radio friendly, whereas IMO older stuff such as "lets go" and "out come the wolves" weren't.
Any thoughts?

07-31-2003, 05:46 PM
its bound to happen when they start popping the albums out too quickly.
i love the way they progressed, and branched off.
operation ivy were class, and transplants are fantastic.
yeah, "lets go" and "out come the wolves" are not only their best albums, but two of my all time faves also. :D

07-31-2003, 05:56 PM
Maybe its a one off thing, im waiting to see what Limp Bizkits new albums gonna be like...

Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water...Comeon, you can't argue with that being pop (Keep Rollin' anyone?)

Proper Bo
07-31-2003, 05:57 PM
Aah that was at the time of the great "hoody explosion". When millions of children across the country bought hooded sweatshirts, limp bizkit alubms, slipknot albums and all began skateboarding. Yes, that truely was pop music.

07-31-2003, 06:07 PM
their sound started getting commercial with Life Won't Wait, and they'll never top Lets Go - but who could? Except Op Ivy of course ;)
i guess people are buying their new stuff coz of the name. I wonder how many people buying their new CD actually heard it first...

Proper Bo
07-31-2003, 06:15 PM
what's this "buying" you speak of? :lol:

07-31-2003, 07:24 PM
i dont think there selling out. they might want more fans or possibly more air play. and I havent heard a thing about any member of rancid crying over pirated music. just a change of influence maybe?

07-31-2003, 07:35 PM
Speaking as an avid Rancid fan, i thought that this "departure" was not a bad thing at all. If a band consistantly sounded they same album to album, that would get old very fast. Basically you buy one album and you have them all. When a band adds new elements, whether it be poppish" or what have you, it shows that the band is growing in ability and want to share with it's fans their new skills. Perhaps they respect their fans enough to not say "you will only buy the same old thing because you are not bright enough to be able to understand anything new". I say good job Rancid!

07-31-2003, 10:23 PM
Rancid has always been Pop....once you get played on MTV you are Pop.Alternative Pop/Rock if you want to call them.Always has been and always will be.

And as far as Bands selling out nowadays.....so what.They have to make Money some how with all us Pirates stealing their shit.If I was in a Band I would be selling my shit to all kinds of companys that I liked.

Look at Lynyrd Skynyrd and them selling a Song to Budweiser.....thats the way to do it.

When will Iron Maiden sell a Song for Colt 45 Malt Liquor.....we can only dream. :D

08-01-2003, 02:16 PM
I think all bands change their sound as they become popular, (eg. NOFX - The War On Errorism). I like the new Rancid album however, especially the song David Courtney. Admittedly the sound will never be the same as it was, but all bands have to progress, and if Rancid want to make more money then its up to them.

08-01-2003, 02:46 PM
It's Pop for your life ;)