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02-10-2008, 03:49 PM

Software is posted in the nzb section all the time and I'm wondering if the above video is true for all of them or just for the particular website mentioned in the video.

02-10-2008, 04:18 PM
I saw the same video months ago and got spooked too, but after making a thread on FST and learning more on my own I've discovered that there's nothing to worry about.

Sites like keygen.cc (where this guy downloaded the keygen) are riddled with real cracks/keygens that are packed with a malware installer. ZWT (the original keygenner) did not include the malware in their release, it was added by a third party. Did you notice when he ran the keygen it launched the browser and displayed an ad? No real keygen EVER does that. Also, the icon for the keygen was NOT a ZWT icon. ZWT uses a black square with a stylized, white Z.

So as long as you acquire your cracks/keygens from reputable places, you won't have any problems.

Also, just be smart about it. I know you're a usenet gal, so when you read the headers pay close attention to the header wording. Headers that are composed of keywords like "crack serial keygen full version complete" scream malware.

02-10-2008, 04:43 PM
yeah, I'm really careful about filenames - that's always how I decide what to download and don't get from the websites like that - nfo's usually say don't download "webshit" and is why they have those CRC checks, but I was concerned b/c files I've had for a long time are all of a sudden coming up infected by my AV. I know there can be false positives, but how can I be sure. I figure with a firewall nothing can communicate without me allowing it. Guess I got spooked, like you said.

02-10-2008, 05:12 PM
I use avast, and a few months ago it started recognizing some of my cracks and keygens as malware. I was alarmed and performed a boot-time scan of my pc; no infections were found other than the flagged cracks/keygens. Some of the cracks that avast flagged were the ZWT photoshop keygen, the Windows XP keygen and one of the vista boot loaders. These are 3 HIGHLY pirated apps published by 2 VERY powerful corporations. I wouldn't be surprised if MS/Adobe "convinced" some AV companies to flag the keygens as malware.

But in the end, there is no 100% protection. All you can really do is think before you execute. Using that strategy, I've avoided all infection for over a year.

02-10-2008, 05:54 PM
I figured the big groups couldn't continue to release stuff if they were infected or spyware. I just needed some reassurance about the situation. I did delete a bunch of stuff that was "infected", b/c they weren't all that important to me. Just tired of seeing it on my weekly scan.

02-13-2008, 06:58 PM
I would think that if you download key-generators by themselves off of sketchy-ass websites, then sure there is an extremely large risk of getting shit-ware installed onto your computer. However, if you get a keygen that is bundled with software your download, or if you download it by itself off of a private tracker, the risk is probably extremely low, perhaps even nil.

peat moss
02-15-2008, 02:10 AM
I use cracks and key gen 's all the time but I'm carefull where I get them from . Off a site like this for NZB or a Rapidshare site I frequent I would n't give it a second thought . I always read the threads about what people think about the program first on torrent trackers .

Let others be your guide , I don't think most members would post a virus and have their reputation ruined at any cost . So I look at the Uploaders history and rank on any site and go from there . Nothings fool proof of course but depends on how badly do you want that program ?

02-21-2008, 01:52 AM
just be aware from here did you download this, because anyone can change a .exe file create a site and give it to the world as a solution