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View Full Version : Trading better than giveaways?

02-11-2008, 08:53 PM
Firstly I'm not a trader, mostly because I'm scared of being ripped off and partly because it feels better to recieve invites/give invites from/to people you know and trust.

But after giving the trading.non trading debate some thought I have come to the conclusion that giveaways are more damaging to the trackers than trading for the following reasons:

* If you were a one of the bad guys (RIAA, MPAA etc) trying to gain access to private sites to gather evidence, surely the easiest way would just be to request a site or wait for a generous giveaway?

* If you have built up a good ratio at a site that you love and would hate to lose by inviting a cheater, wouldn't the best thing to do for your own sake and for the sake of the site, be to invite a similar person -ie someone that has been awarded an invite for their efforts? Isn't the trader much more likely to be someone you can trust to bring into the site?

Like I said I'm not a trader but the more I think about these people giving away invites and accounts to just about anyone who provides a couple of screenshots (very easy to simply take someone elses screenshots by the way, especially as the details are allways blocked out) the more I think that trading may be the more secure way to get the right people into the right sites!

Maybe I'm totally worng, would like to hear your thoughts on this.


02-11-2008, 09:14 PM
* If you were a one of the bad guys (RIAA, MPAA etc) trying to gain access to private sites to gather evidence, surely the easiest way would just be to request a site or wait for a generous giveaway?


if they want an invite do u REALLY think they will ask for an invite? They are the people with money...and sad but true "money is everything" in todays world. Take # of invite selling over ebay for example.

* If you have built up a good ratio at a site that you love and would hate to lose by inviting a cheater, wouldn't the best thing to do for your own sake and for the sake of the site, be to invite a similar person -ie someone that has been awarded an invite for their efforts? Isn't the trader much more likely to be someone you can trust to bring into the site?

i have to disagree again.

I agree that [public] giveaway doesn't guarantee cheat free but what gurantees cheat free user anyway? Not trading for sure. In fact, if you want to be 100% safe from inviting a cheater or a bad user, have my advice and don't invite anyone...not even real life friends.


1. Almost all tracker discourage trading while only few discourage giveaways.

2. If you are trading for "community" as FSC, wheel or wabbit...changes are you WILL get caught.

3. What guarantees you that your trade partner won't trade/ sell his account/ invite and risk you further? Correct me if i am wrong but when u trade you have likely rank offers as: #1, #2, and so on....i.e. you have very limited choice. However, if you are giving away, you at least have choice to give it to a person who you precieve as right. Yes, the person your though as right might not be as you thought but that's not the point. The point is: with trading you have very few choice but with giveaway you have bunch.

4. The person you might be trading with already might have had an account.

5. and the worst part: scamming comes with trading.

Disclaimer: excludes smart trader...if there is such a thing as smart trading.

02-11-2008, 09:23 PM
* If you were a one of the bad guys (RIAA, MPAA etc) trying to gain access to private sites to gather evidence, surely the easiest way would just be to request a site or wait for a generous giveaway?

they can get invite by trade too, they will do anything to fulfill their purpose
as the guy above my already said, they are the one with the money

"money is everything"

are you for sell??

02-11-2008, 09:29 PM
i dont think giveaways. trading etc is the real problem for trackers.

its doing it on public sites that is the problem.

Most trackers have external invite threads in their forums, not all but some.

but this means that you can check the persons history on that site, because they posted on that site saying they wanted an invite.

in public sites, they could say they are anyone like you said.

and from the trackers point of view, hopefully by inviting PU or above on site A:, you bring a good user to your site.

Doing it on a public site means you could be bringing anyone in.

My view on this, if you cant giveaway, and you cant trade, then whats the point in giving your members invites to start with.

I would rather have a member thats been using trackers for years, who is on 5-10 sites be brought into mine with an invite, than someones personal friend that has never used torrents before and has no clue how the ratio system and hit and runs work.

but on the other side of the coin, trackers might think you are stealing their members for your site, so its a catch 22 situation.

02-11-2008, 09:39 PM
"money is everything"

are you for sell??

not me but someone from my family "Sciuridae"


02-11-2008, 09:43 PM
to expensive
I thought your family would be much cheeper :D

02-11-2008, 09:45 PM
to expensive
I thought your family would be much cheeper :D

you thought wrong :huh:

02-11-2008, 09:47 PM
are you for sell??

not me but someone from my family "Sciuridae"



02-11-2008, 10:00 PM
Maybe I'm totally worng, would like to hear your thoughts on this.

in the end there are only two kinds of people:

1. those who respect tracker rules.

2. those who don't.

it's up to you to decide which path to take.

1. may lead you to free invites to great trackers without even asking for them.

2. may get you scammed, banned, disabled or a hidden temporary membership.

every single tracker, even those who are extremely hard to get, needs new members from time to time. some need more, some need less.

private bittorrent trackers have rules. without those rules an efficient, well-oiled sharing community could not exist.

be a part of it, respect the rules of those communities and enjoy filesharing


break rules, try to sneak in, hide and hope they won't catch you.

your choice.

02-12-2008, 03:33 AM
If you want to be completely safe.. don't give out your invites to people you don't know.

That's one thing experience will teach you.
It's also written in most sites rules... what a coincidence.

I've done my share of giveaways and I have to tell you, in most cases it wasn't worth it. People rarely use the tracker, they get banned, they don't follow rules, and in result, I rarely ever give my invites anymore. Sometimes if someone makes a request and I find it genuine, I'll help them out, but even that has grown even more rare.

It's unfortunate because I think many people have benefited from receiving invites from someone they didn't know at one point, but there are so many people that take advantage of it, and it's ruining the system.

So overall my recommendation, if you still want to give invites out is to:
a.) Only give invites out to friends or people you truly trust.
b.) Fill genuine requests, ask for info, profile links, reasons for the request, etc. You can never be too thorough. And if the person really wants the invite, they'll definitely comply.
c.) Use invite forums on other private torrent sites that allow it to members with a decent ratio, a good number of posts, possibly someone who donates, etc. And don't be afraid to check their username on other sites.

02-12-2008, 03:35 AM
very true.

02-12-2008, 03:58 AM
Usually, traders get what they want.

While others sitting with "Waiting to be invited to bla bla bla" in their signature.

The Wanderer
02-12-2008, 07:41 AM
Unfortunately, this is very true.

Usually, traders get what they want.

While others sitting with "Waiting to be invited to bla bla bla" in their signature.

02-12-2008, 08:12 AM
Giveaways are just trades for goodwill. If they weren't there wouldn't be the whole rep system. It doesn't make sense to me that people think someone is worthy of an invite to their leet tracker because they collect trackers, build up ratios to get invites, and then give them away on boards. Someones motivation is more important than their actions. How many people here would give away invites if there weren't a rep system? And this nonsense I read about, "you need to be more active in the community"...the ass kissing community? "Oh you're a good guy *name*, thats a good giveaway."

02-12-2008, 08:33 AM
I've done my share of giveaways and I have to tell you, in most cases it wasn't worth it. People rarely use the tracker, they get banned, they don't follow rules, and in result, I rarely ever give my invites anymore. Sometimes if someone makes a request and I find it genuine, I'll help them out, but even that has grown even more rare.

This post pretty much sums up what I mean, the person receiving the 'Giveaway' is usually just a curious opportunist, they often only want the site because of the rarity or because they hear lots of requests for it etc. Once in there they all too often think, hmm this site isn't so fantastic after all, but I may as well download the entire Lost series in HD, bollox to the ratio.

The trader on the other hand is almost garaunteed to take good care of the account once he's invited however, He'll make sure he downloads the right thing straight away, only new torrents with plentyt of leechers, part download large files, use a seedbox and even upload his own stuff simply to get the ratio where he needs it for his precious invite!

Obviously I'm generalising here, I've been given invites to fantastic sites that I now love, I wouldn't be there without the blind faith of the guy passing it on to me.

Maybe there needs to be a different system completely? ;)

02-12-2008, 09:27 AM
Giveaways are just trades for goodwill. If they weren't there wouldn't be the whole rep system. It doesn't make sense to me that people think someone is worthy of an invite to their leet tracker because they collect trackers, build up ratios to get invites, and then give them away on boards. Someones motivation is more important than their actions. How many people here would give away invites if there weren't a rep system? And this nonsense I read about, "you need to be more active in the community"...the ass kissing community? "Oh you're a good guy *name*, thats a good giveaway."

nicely put,couldn't have said it better!

02-12-2008, 09:41 AM
just be careful and you'll be fine. I only give invites on the BCG forum because only power users can access it and I can trust power users :D

The Wanderer
02-12-2008, 12:06 PM
How many people here would give away invites if there weren't a rep system? And this nonsense I read about, "you need to be more active in the community"...the ass kissing community? "Oh you're a good guy *name*, thats a good giveaway."

Amen to that! :yup: :yup: :yup:

02-12-2008, 01:45 PM
Also one more thing... did you know that the first giveaway here was made by a trader ?!

02-12-2008, 02:53 PM
Also one more thing... did you know that the first giveaway here was made by a trader ?!

didn't know that but i am not surprised

as far as i know most people here traded....i am not 100% sure though.. may be some old member can confirm or deny it?