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View Full Version : Epic Games to focus on Console Gaming, says CliffyB

02-15-2008, 07:42 PM
http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/2203/epicgamespainkiller1ps8.jpg"Video game maker Epic Games has been known to come for its massively popular Xbox 360 title Gears of War. Then, in an unexpected move came Gears of War for PCs. Now, in a recent interview, Epic Games’ Lead Designer Cliff “CliffyB” Bleszinki explained why Epic is focusing so intensely on development of console games."

“The PC is just in disarray,” said CliffyB. He says that PC gaming simply has no room for the FPS titles his firm has come to be known for.

“What’s driving the PC right now is Sims-type games and WoW and a lot of stuff that’s in a Web-based interface. You just click on it and play it. That’s the direction PC is evolving into,” CliffyB was quoted as saying.

“So for me, the PC is kind of the secondary part of what we’re doing. It’s important for us, but right now, making AAA games on consoles is where we’re at,” he further explained.

If you think that CliffyB and his Epic Games have a hatred for the PC platform, then you might want to consider what he said because they have a good enough reason. Bleszinki pointed out that the most crucial issue is the money to be earned via the various platforms.

“I think people would rather maker a game that sells 4.5 million copies than a million and Gears of War is at 4.5 million right now on the 360,” he confidently said.

The PC gaming market is huge. But, one definitely has to see the bigger picture during this day and age. Next-generation consoles are huge and defiantly have the potential to be channeled into something unexpected. This is exactly what Epic Games seems to be doing.

:source: Source: http://www.techshout.com/gaming/2008/15/epic-games-to-focus-on-console-gaming-says-cliffyb/

02-15-2008, 11:09 PM
I couldn't have put it with better words than him.
Mind though that I am a PC user and do not own a console but the things he said are 100% correct because you have to see the situation from a bussines perspective (thats what it is in the end -you need something, so they charge you for it).

If they don't make money, you won't be able to play games again; the platform you own is irrelevant.
It's sad that GTAIV won't come out in the near future for PCs but it still is a great game (will be, to be more specific).


02-15-2008, 11:35 PM
I use to be a PC gamer until I switched about 6 years ago when I got my ps2, then gamecube, and now both a wii and ps3. I once in a while game on a friend's machine, but my laptop just can't do games past the starcraft years

When I was a PC gamer, I had a different mindset than I do now. I know now that most of my money then was going into hardware, constantly upgrading to make sure I could play games that were coming out. I once in a while bought games, but it was easy to copy them. In moving to consoles, I had a onetime payment for hardware (aside from an extra controller or memory card, but that is a small price to pay cuz there's ebay!) and most of my money went to buying video games.

In the last three PC gaming years that I had with my last machine (it only lasted three years), I spent over $3,000 for the monitor, CPU, two video cards, extra hard drive, better keyboard and mouse, etc. and under $1,000 for games. Each of the four last consoles I have or have had, hardware costs were:
PS2 = $200 w/tax + $25 extra controller + $50 two mem cards + $40 multitap
Gamecube = $150 for system, four controllers, memory card, and two games (ebay)
Wii = $400 for console, two games, two nunchuks, two remotes
PS3 = $500 for console, $50 extra controller, $25 hdmi cable

So hardware alone was about $1500, half of my PC costs, which left me a bunch of money to buy games. I didn't mod my ps2 but I later got a hd installed so I could copy games to it. I have bought maybe 30 games for ps1/ps2, had 5 for gamecube, had 5 for wii (2 sold back, wii sports which comes with it), and 13 ps3 games.

The guys at epic are bright and very well versed when it comes to the gaming market. Sadly PC gaming is not as lucrative as it used to be. When the ps3 is cracked (if it ever will be), sales for the hardware will increase moreso than they have recently but software sales will remain fairly stagnant. I think a lot of this is due in part to being able to copy games. Money drives every market, looks like as a console gamer I'll be enjoying the repercussions

02-18-2008, 12:32 PM
The Pc V of Gears of War sucked ass just a clean port to pc they dint even adjust the camera angle or the movement

no wonder it sold so bad (pc).

02-18-2008, 01:36 PM
He says that PC gaming simply has no room for the FPS titles his firm has come to be known for.As I'm utterly bored to death of FPS games this isn't really bad news to me personally. Even a brilliantly done FPS game, like Bioshock, once completed doesn't entice me back (part of the reason being they are just so heavily scripted). The PC games he says are starting to dominate the PC market, "Sims-type games and WoW", are actually just the kind of games I really enjoy now as they offer (or will offer) fresh and new gaming experiences, with truly open-gameplay.

LOTRO, I've been playing for 6 months now and I know I can find something exciting, challenging and new to do on there even now. Be it raiding, pvp or soloing; all this coupled with a strong lore-base and great interactive community. With Spore coming out on the sims side of things I've got a lot to look forward to.

Anyhow, on-topic, they did a piss poor job of porting Gears of War anyhow. If they can't get the job done properly probably best off they concentrate on the console side of things.

02-18-2008, 03:56 PM
He says that PC gaming simply has no room for the FPS titles his firm has come to be known for.As I'm utterly bored to death of FPS games this isn't really bad news to me personally. Even a brilliantly done FPS game, like Bioshock, once completed doesn't entice me back (part of the reason being they are just so heavily scripted). The PC games he says are starting to dominate the PC market, "Sims-type games and WoW", are actually just the kind of games I really enjoy now as they offer (or will offer) fresh and new gaming experiences, with truly open-gameplay.

LOTRO, I've been playing for 6 months now and I know I can find something exciting, challenging and new to do on there even now. Be it raiding, pvp or soloing; all this coupled with a strong lore-base and great interactive community. With Spore coming out on the sims side of things I've got a lot to look forward to.

Anyhow, on-topic, they did a piss poor job of porting Gears of War anyhow. If they can't get the job done properly probably best off they concentrate on the console side of things.

I thought your entire post was on-topic. Good post, btw.

I agree that PC satisfies a certain market that right now is not tapped as much with consoles. However, there's no reason that MMOs can't be done on consoles.

I think as it is now, PCs and consoles have good separation with one not being than the other when taking into account the type of games that shine on them.

02-18-2008, 04:13 PM
However, there's no reason that MMOs can't be done on consoles.

Funnily enough the main obstacle they face harks back to the old FPS games on consoles argument. Something more "twitch-based" like Age of Conan will work (I think the 360 is getting a version iirc). However, you would most likely need a mouse for LOTRO and WOW. I've got 3 x 10 quickslots full of skill/pots/items which would be too clunky to get to with gamepad controls.

However, I'm trying to figure out if something like a Wii controller could work (with nunchuck attachment).

02-18-2008, 08:06 PM
However, there's no reason that MMOs can't be done on consoles.

Funnily enough the main obstacle they face harks back to the old FPS games on consoles argument. Something more "twitch-based" like Age of Conan will work (I think the 360 is getting a version iirc). However, you would most likely need a mouse for LOTRO and WOW. I've got 3 x 10 quickslots full of skill/pots/items which would be too clunky to get to with gamepad controls.

However, I'm trying to figure out if something like a Wii controller could work (with nunchuck attachment).

The reason I said there's no reason is simply due to console makers refusal to support mouse control. Once that's done, the argument is out the window.

The Wiimote would easily work since it is a pointer. How fast you move your hand is how fast the pointer moves.

Managing all my weapons in Mass Effect was total shit and could have been better with mouse/pointer control.

With PC graphics beating consoles now by smaller margins and mods starting to catch on for consoles, the only thing left is mouse/pointer control and PC gaming would go further downhill than it's current state.

Btw, the PS3 does support keyboard and mouse.

02-20-2008, 01:06 PM
I'd love to see COD4 match - PC vs console.
Gamepad insted of laser mouse ? no, thanks :P