View Full Version : AutoUnpack

02-17-2008, 05:32 AM
No Usenet Geek should be without: AutoUnpack http://www.see-and-be.com/AutoUnpack/index.php

02-17-2008, 08:28 AM
I just use the auto unpack and repair in Alt.Binz, works great.

02-17-2008, 09:54 PM
I just use the auto unpack and repair in Alt.Binz, works great.

I agree.. why use another program. Also Alt.Binz will only download the pars you need, with this software you would have to download all pars to ensure you have a complete download.

02-18-2008, 01:02 AM
Autounpack is a great program. I used it for a very long time.
But, unpacking has become standard in almost all clients.

I no longer have any use for it.

02-18-2008, 02:32 AM
Yes I've noticed now Newsleechers latest beta is putting in unpacking apps, and I guess Grabit now has it too in the latest versions.

I've never used Alt.Binz before, just Grabit and Newsleecher

02-18-2008, 08:21 AM
AutoUnpack has a feature were you can E-mail an NZB file of your favorite movie, and
AutoUnpack will make sure it gets downloaded (with your favorite newsreader), repaired and extracted before you get home in the evening... wonder if this feature really works?
Anyone tried this before?

02-18-2008, 08:45 AM
AutoUnpack has a feature were you can E-mail an NZB file of your favorite movie, and
AutoUnpack will make sure it gets downloaded (with your favorite newsreader), repaired and extracted before you get home in the evening... wonder if this feature really works?
Anyone tried this before?

I have used it a lot and I liked it. Created a new mail box on my domain and it downloads and places the files in the right folder so Alt.Binz grabs them.

I don't use it now but Autounpack was only able to deal with plain txt mail, and not html.