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02-19-2008, 12:44 PM
The time has come my fellow fst'ers to move on up the ladder

Im not to sure on how to go about this but im after all 3, as you can see

From this: (All my giveaways)

Im a decent and active member, if anyone wants to ask further questions just pm me and the answer is yours. Im not so good at this request action but im in need of them 3 trackers.

If anyone can help me out - THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH

regards TriviuM

02-19-2008, 12:46 PM
gl man, you deserve to get them

02-19-2008, 12:47 PM
If there's a person who deserve that, that person is you :)

Good luck my friend !

02-19-2008, 12:49 PM
you are a very good guy from this comunity.
i hope you find this invites you deserve.
i hope u got it

i think FTN is closed for invites

02-19-2008, 12:50 PM
thanks all :P

02-19-2008, 12:54 PM
You deserve it than anyone else. My Good luck for u. If u don't get an invite then no one deserves it. FST has always said u give & u get. U have given massive giveaways now if u don't get the invite then everything is a crap.

02-19-2008, 12:57 PM
triv u will get it man u are the best of all

Albo Da Kid
02-19-2008, 01:03 PM
Im more than sure you'll get what you're looking for. You deserve them more than any of us here. Good luck!!!

02-19-2008, 01:19 PM
Really hope you get them Trivium! I don't have any of those or I would immediatelly fulfill your request.

02-19-2008, 01:21 PM
good luck mate :)

02-19-2008, 01:21 PM
good luck :) you need...

02-19-2008, 01:24 PM
i wish u best of luck , unfortunately Ftn , Its closed invitations and i dont have invitation at ScL

02-19-2008, 01:24 PM
The time has come my fellow fst'ers to move on up the ladder

Im not to sure on how to go about this but im after all 3, as you can see

From this: (All my giveaways)

Im a decent and active member, if anyone wants to ask further questions just pm me and the answer is yours. Im not so good at this request action but im in need of them 3 trackers.

If anyone can help me out - THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH

regards TriviuM

Probably not the wisest thing to say "moving up the ladder", makes you sound like a collector. You probably have better chances stating why you want it.

Anyway, good luck to you. FTN invite closed, both iTS and ScL invites are limited.

All the best.

02-19-2008, 01:35 PM
You are really great member here. I wish you luck :-)

02-19-2008, 01:43 PM
good luck dude

02-19-2008, 01:46 PM

What can i say..."good luck " ? :glag:

02-19-2008, 01:54 PM
good luck mate
hope you get what you want

02-19-2008, 01:56 PM

What can i say..."good luck " ? :glag:

Not taking TriviuM side, but everyone does a mistake but it does not mean that he should not be given a second chance.

maddoxro u r a nice user here so please don't have any hard feelings about this.

02-19-2008, 02:01 PM
i was asking it for free ;)

The PM i send was asking it the account ( i had the ideea he is not trading it..later he edited his post,saying "need offers..and TL " ), and he PMed me saying that is doing a trade..not a giveaway...i still don`t know why i had the ideea he is making a giveaway :)) .
BUT,the next day i asked nice an invite ;)...

02-19-2008, 02:04 PM
i was asking it for free ;)

I'm sorry then because the post looked like in a different way.

02-19-2008, 02:05 PM
Probably not the wisest thing to say "moving up the ladder", makes you sound like a collector. You probably have better chances stating why you want it.

And asking for three trackers with 98% the same warez doesn't make him look like a collector? :blink::pinch:

02-19-2008, 02:07 PM
gl m8 you really deserve those invites :)

02-19-2008, 03:51 PM
I gotta say, every since you started making userbars stating how many invites you'd given away...I knew exactly why you were going to so much trouble to do giveaways. And it shows here in your post because you have to mention your giveaways yet again.

I admire people who give to the community, however I'm not such a fan of people who blatantly do it to get attention.

So like kyuuchi said earlier, it doesn't look good for you that your only reasons for needing these trackers is because its time to "move up the ladder" and because you've done lots of giveaways. And I agree with Cruel, it screams "collector."

02-19-2008, 03:57 PM
You make some great giveaway. I hope you get those you need.
Good Luck. ;)

02-19-2008, 04:05 PM

What can i say..."good luck " ? :glag:

yeah man but still he gaveaway many invites here and help many people
so he gave tens invites here and trade 3, you can judge him like that

where you pick all of your avatar girls??

02-19-2008, 04:09 PM
where you pick all of your avatar girls??

I am Maddoxro´s avatars adviser and his design staff chief as well.

02-19-2008, 04:16 PM
where you pick all of your avatar girls??

Like Nemrod said,after the girls make photos for a pictorial they came to me with their best photos and then i ask Nemrod`s opinion which one to use...who has the bigger b00bs,body etc :happy:
What can i see...the girls love to be on my avatar,and they fight for this :whistling

02-19-2008, 04:59 PM
no sorry i know the expression moving up the ladder seems kinda wrong but i just wanted to be part of rarerer communities and content, considering the kindness and good will ive given towards all my invites. i will admit i traded one account when i first came here and their is no wrong in that, because you will soon see i only traded 1 acc and it was outside of fst. not traded in fst to not have any of this negative feedback.

and for mamacita (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/mamacita-164550) go screw yourself

i work so damn hard to provide amazing giveaways to all fst members, so what if im making a statement about it - how many members do you know that have given away such amazing invites and accounts, and requested so little in return. Im happy doing what i do now and so are hundreds of others who take free invites from me and have no problem

but for other people i can truly asure you i am not a collector, im an honest and decent part of fst community.

thanks for all your consideration guys i reli do love to see people who care for others well being.

Peace fst

02-19-2008, 05:26 PM
Giveaways doesn`t assure you a spot on a rare tracker ;)

02-19-2008, 05:32 PM
nobody said it did, espesh me - bit it only shows what kind of person you are and generous i am, along with trustworthy and active. :D

02-19-2008, 05:55 PM
I do think you deserve them. Really. Aside from the trades and recent account giveaways (which I dont really care about, to be honest, with you, the good outweighs the bad), you should really have no trouble getting at least one of them.

I can assure you though, no one is going to hand you an FTN account, so you might as well take that off your list.

Good luck with ScL and/or iTS though!

02-19-2008, 06:14 PM
thanks man

02-19-2008, 06:24 PM
i just read this entire thread and i feel bad for you trivium, i know when i requested SCL and EVERY post was either "good luck" or offtopic that it got so frustrating. so that being said i guess it would be a little redundant to wish you luck lol, but i suppose youre gonna need it. good luck man, you deserve it :]

02-19-2008, 06:56 PM
lol top man ghost716

02-19-2008, 08:21 PM
intresting.... from what i gather it seems that if you giveaway many invites to decent sites, been here awhile and just overall good member the minute you request a high lvl site, everybody's like " goodluck ", " collector " or gives the requester bullshit. K, so you end up creating a trade thread and now their labeled as a " trader ". Funny most of you guys don't even have these sites yet have the most opinions, doing background investigations like if you was the sysop himself.

TBH, i don't see why you need all three. FTN is closed and really they are almost alike in content except iTS has SK/CZ section.

02-19-2008, 08:23 PM
99.9% of the posts here are "you deserve it man, you will get it...." or something in that line.

Let me join those and say, Please, someone give him an invite. he deserves it. :P

02-19-2008, 08:40 PM
what can i say u deserve it , no not enough i guess if i was admin for any of the sites u want i`ll give it to u with pleasure but i guess there is no any of them here what i know that ftn has closed invite sys that mean u need account
last thing i wish u v big amount of good luck not all ppl like u so u will find it hard to get these invites

02-19-2008, 08:41 PM
ohhh man
you choose 3 traker (hard get invites bec invite system now not working at all)
you need big luck to get one of them

Dark Archon
02-19-2008, 08:42 PM
omg TriviuM (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/trivium-181634) if you don't get atleast one of them, i don't see any logic at all as far as i'm concerned.

good luck man, you really deserve them.

02-19-2008, 08:46 PM
Didn't mean to make you feel bad. I just stated what I saw.

As a member of some of the trackers you are requesting, I thought I'd let you know that I could take your request more seriously if you would simply drop the giveaway exaltation and simply tell us why you want these trackers so badly.

You could be a great user on any of those sites, no doubt. It just takes a little more tact when it comes to requesting them.

P.S. - I did not use offensive language nor did I attack you in any way. I would appreciate it if you could do the same.

02-19-2008, 08:51 PM
like others have mentioned.. all the attention you try to bring to your giveaways by making those userbars and referring to your giveaways everywhere makes you look silly.. it made me think that maybe you have not done any free giveaways at all.. it seems like you haven't given the invites to help people but only to score points, for personal gain.. it's kind of the same as trading.. you give invites, you point this out everywhere, and then after you have given enough invites you make a request in which you refer to how many giveaways you have made and hence what a good member you are.. i apologize if i got this all wrong but it sure seems like this is your hidden agenda.

02-19-2008, 08:59 PM
like others have mentioned.. all the attention you try to bring to your giveaways by making those userbars and referring to your giveaways everywhere makes you look silly.. it made me think that maybe you have not done any free giveaways at all.. it seems like you haven't given the invites to help people but only to score points, for personal gain.. it's kind of the same as trading.. you give invites, you point this out everywhere, and then after you have given enough invites you make a request in which you refer to how many giveaways you have made and hence what a good member you are.. i apologize if i got this all wrong but it sure seems like this is your hidden agenda.

lol. sowwy but i must comment here.

so let's say he did giveaway invites to show he was a " good member " so ? Some spam like hell to get high post count to make it seem like they trusted members other kiss ass like no tomorrow. Almost every request thread i've read are full of complete BS and really everybody here has a hidden agenda.

02-19-2008, 09:05 PM
Maybe everyone does have a hidden agenda. Be that as it may, there are ways to tactfully go about it.

Who would you chose for your invite? The guy who wrote a 250 word post about how iTS suited his needs and how, through extensive research he has found it to be the most promising fit for his set of bandwidth/torrent needs/community & forum tastes?

Or the guy who gave away some ScT and NB invites, blaring it across the forum everywhere he possibly can, with no real reason for wanting the site other than its popularity/rarity?

I'd pick the first guy any day over the second. The first one, whether he be a suck up or not, at least shows he knows and cares a little about the tracker, not just the level or rarity. Trivium, bless his heart for all his giveaways, has given us no reason for his search for these trackers save that they are "higher up" on the list.

02-19-2008, 09:13 PM
how many members do you know that have given away such amazing invites and accountsThat last word unfortunately makes you a huge risk to the trackers you want to get into. No reputable member will invite someone who so blatantly flaunts the trackers rules.

02-19-2008, 09:16 PM
To all the people wishing the OP good luck...does no one find it suspicious he can give away so many SCT invites I think it's obvious what's going on here so I'm not going to bother spelling it out. But seriously use your brains people.

02-19-2008, 09:20 PM
like others have mentioned.. all the attention you try to bring to your giveaways by making those userbars and referring to your giveaways everywhere makes you look silly.. it made me think that maybe you have not done any free giveaways at all.. it seems like you haven't given the invites to help people but only to score points, for personal gain.. it's kind of the same as trading.. you give invites, you point this out everywhere, and then after you have given enough invites you make a request in which you refer to how many giveaways you have made and hence what a good member you are.. i apologize if i got this all wrong but it sure seems like this is your hidden agenda.

lol. sowwy but i must comment here.

so let's say he did giveaway invites to show he was a " good member " so ? Some spam like hell to get high post count to make it seem like they trusted members other kiss ass like no tomorrow. Almost every request thread i've read are full of complete BS and really everybody here has a hidden agenda.

spamming to increase your post count is just as bad... i'm just saying, why would anyone pay for this many ScT invites just to give them away? Just because he's generous? Or is there a hidden reason there? besides, he doesn't even say why he want to join the trackers.. just that he wants to and that he is awesome because of all the giveaways he has made. anyway, i'm out :)

02-19-2008, 09:37 PM
Just to let everyone here know, invites to Scl and iTS are very scarce and the way to go about getting one isnt by making a public request. The Admins at both those sites hate public requests and believe it or not they monitor very closely who gets in.


02-19-2008, 09:41 PM
To all the people wishing the OP good luck...does no one find it suspicious he can give away so many SCT invites I think it's obvious what's going on here so I'm not going to bother spelling it out. But seriously use your brains people.

I agree this is a suspicious but unless we have proofs of that, we have to give him the benefits of the doubt

I will leave you on this : Is giving with the evident idea of getting something in return can really be called giving?

02-19-2008, 09:45 PM
To all the people wishing the OP good luck...does no one find it suspicious he can give away so many SCT invites I think it's obvious what's going on here so I'm not going to bother spelling it out. But seriously use your brains people.

I agree this is a suspicious but unless we have proofs of that, we have to give him the benefits of the doubt

I will leave you on this : is giving something with the evident idea of getting something in return is really a gift?

Well I say we do give him the benefit of the doubt, No explanation is neccasary but its up to you if u want to offer one.....

02-19-2008, 09:54 PM
u gave me BCG anyway? what's the deal here?...u said ur afraid of ip change...i believe a giveaway is an ip change am i wrong? You don't deserve ANYTHING! btw public request? man u were so close, till this came around.

02-19-2008, 10:18 PM
how many members do you know that have given away such amazing invites and accounts, and requested so little in return.

Quite a few actually, loads before you and many will after you, 5 months here does not make you an expert, and you still have a lot to learn.

When sysops read your thread title, none of them will invite you, and when you begin to have an understanding of why, then you will be more successful in future requests. And sysops have the power to say yay or nay to your request more so than their members.

Learn to be humble, to have a sense of humility and to appreciate what you have, you may then be invited to other places without having to resort to open requests for multiple trackers.

Good luck, and above all, have fun.

02-19-2008, 10:22 PM
how many members do you know that have given away such amazing invites and accounts, and requested so little in return.

Quite a few actually, loads before you and many will after you, 5 months here does not make you an expert, and you still have a lot to learn.

When sysops read your thread title, none of them will invite you, and when you begin to have an understanding of why, then you will be more successful in future requests. And sysops have the power to say yay or nay to your request more so than their members.

Learn to be humble, to have a sense of humility and to appreciate what you have, you may then be invited to other places without having to resort to open requests for multiple trackers.

Good luck, and above all, have fun.

perfectly put SgtMajor.
Trivium, no one here is in a position to judge your intentions including myself. but in any case, there are quite a few people here who have benefited because of you and that does make you a good member. take the advice from the above post and you should do just fine

02-19-2008, 10:26 PM
to start off i would not have to time nor place in a public thread to explain what a rare tracker means to me. with every aspect of the site is not taken for granted nor abused. if anyone was to offer me an invite i wouldnt hesitate in telling that person how much it ment to me personally. i am a trusted and genuine member and the last time i checked it wasnt a crime to be generous, but it feels like im being attacked and accused of unlawful conduct because of my generosity in helping those ppl who are a position of wanting trackers where i once was. i was helped out by alot off very kind ppl to get to where i am now, and i feel the need to help those in the same situation as i was. i didnt realise i would get attacked as i am for being so kind to a great community.

yeah fair enough bragging about givaways isnt a good thing but when i think about the amount of ppl i have helped out with decent invites it makes me happy to know that my extensive dedication to helping others is greatly beneficial

anyone considering giving me an invite please pm me and i can truley express my feelings for my request.



02-19-2008, 10:28 PM
how many members do you know that have given away such amazing invites and accounts, and requested so little in return.

Quite a few actually, loads before you and many will after you, 5 months here does not make you an expert, and you still have a lot to learn.

When sysops read your thread title, none of them will invite you, and when you begin to have an understanding of why, then you will be more successful in future requests. And sysops have the power to say yay or nay to your request more so than their members.

Learn to be humble, to have a sense of humility and to appreciate what you have, you may then be invited to other places without having to resort to open requests for multiple trackers.

Good luck, and above all, have fun.

Listen to the Sarge :), he knows what he is talking about. Either way i would remove the banners about your giveaways, just a suggestion ultimately its up to you. Either way I did a little research into some of the people you have dealt with and I came across some very negative things. I was considering your request before but I honestly now can say that I wouldnt want you on my invite tree


02-19-2008, 10:40 PM
to start off i would not have to time nor place in a public thread to explain what a rare tracker means to me. with every aspect of the site is not taken for granted nor abused. if anyone was to offer me an invite i wouldnt hesitate in telling that person how much it ment to me personally. i am a trusted and genuine member and the last time i checked it wasnt a crime to be generous, but it feels like im being attacked and accused of unlawful conduct because of my generosity in helping those ppl who are a position of wanting trackers where i once was. i was helped out by alot off very kind ppl to get to where i am now, and i feel the need to help those in the same situation as i was. i didnt realise i would get attacked as i am for being so kind to a great community.

You should always give without expectation of grace or favour in return, that is what makes a trusted & genuine member, whereas you keep going on about how much you have given, I say again, it's not about what you give, it's about who you are.

I'll give you another hint, you still see nothing wrong in asking for 3 trackers in one post?

02-19-2008, 10:45 PM
no i dont as i would not recieve any of them if i didnt ask

02-19-2008, 10:51 PM
Well what Sarge means is, its sending the message you want them to have them and not because you truly want/need them. Whether that's true or not, thats the message that sysops and other people with invites gets.

Take Brandon for example. He doesn't have invites but I'd bet he has the ability to create accounts. If he saw this post of FTN or iTS, OR ScL, why should he fill your request over someone who really and truly expresses why they want FTN (and only FTN)?

I'm not saying you did wrong, it just doesn't look good. And the fact that you manifested 7 ScT invites and 9 NB invites to give says to me dupe accounts.

Not accusing, but that's what it looks like.

02-19-2008, 11:00 PM
Aye, I think Kyl3KK put it in better words than I did.

02-19-2008, 11:01 PM
Good Luck M8 ..
I think that U deserve to Get what U want

02-19-2008, 11:10 PM
Right to put all your minds at rest i recieved and SCL invite from a former FST member who shall remain Anon has kindly inivted me.

so this is closed thanks dude