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View Full Version : 150kb/s +

08-02-2003, 04:16 AM
This was mayde by 0xtreme from ZEROPAID forum

MY TEST Result
On my system: 150.7 KB/S Average and cloud do better.
Download 120 movies, result: 100+ in progress
All the files that you wan to Download, Download!
Accelerator:Ptrack but not indispencable.

My bandwitch is 3000 dl/ 384 ul.
I download only :) at 150Kb because my ISP block all port the
for P2P. I neerly finish to bypass that, by using HTTP-Tunneling
but that for another revue.

How to?

You have to make of few change in your registry. I prepared it for
you so u just have to CLICK (see file attach).

This work with K++ 2.40 and 2.41, this is why there is twice the
same setting in different folder. and work with windows 95 to
XP... I guess U not using K++ on a 3.1 system 3

This is what it included in the reg file


; For Kazaa like K++ Only





The only thing about it, is that every time you open K++ or
change the options or change supernode, kazaa reset some
setting to it original value.

SO everytime you change 1 of the above, u doubble click
again on the .Reg file

PS: u can change a few staff manually in the reg file u
downloaded by openning it with a simple notepad to change
the uplaod, ... then save it--> Apply


08-02-2003, 11:13 AM
This reg file is total bullshit.

MaxSearchResult is controlled by the supernodes. So changing this doesn't help.

CacheDiscoveryTime is changed when you connect. Setting it to 0 is useless.

All other settings are already default or don't help speeding up your downloads.