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View Full Version : Riaa Is Trying To Mess With Us! Don't Give In!

08-02-2003, 05:24 AM
Lately theres a lot of fake movie files from users that seems to be from a "group" this could be a trap from RIAA in which if you downloaded it, it will give away your ip. Also theres a lot of damn messed up mp3 songs, like if you donwloaded it it just plays the same thing over and over and thers this very loud annoying sound. We can't let RIAA do this shit to us, fuck them motherfuckers, we need to start sharing a lot more and start uploding like crazy and never buy shit from them gay ass people until they stop harrasing us. Hopefully, SBC will sue the shit out them. :rolleyes:

08-02-2003, 05:50 AM
im with you bro! Fight the power! :angry:

08-02-2003, 07:56 AM
How many peopel do I have to tell that its not the RIAA that puts these shit fakes out it's a rumoured bullshit myth

08-02-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Hogster@2 August 2003 - 07:56
How many peopel do I have to tell that its not the RIAA that puts these shit fakes out it's a rumoured bullshit myth
:huh: How do you know ? or are you working for them as well? :unsure:

08-02-2003, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Hogster@2 August 2003 - 08:56
How many peopel do I have to tell that its not the RIAA that puts these shit fakes out it's a rumoured bullshit myth
Then who might be AVIFaker, looks its all over the web, some sites have come out and said it flat out, were flooding fakes to discourage users. Many companies have been hired by the AA to flood, gather and scare.

08-02-2003, 03:23 PM
well this might be a good idea, how we put secrect code with the file description telling the downloader is a real file. well if RIAA want to out smart us than we out smart them. i don't have to worrie about getting cought because i am being biggest pirate here :pirate: Arr!,

08-02-2003, 06:52 PM
Holy shit that is what exactly what I was thinking about last night. Like a little temporary secret code among us users. I say temporary b/c sooner or later the asholes will find out! ;)