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View Full Version : Need a good seedbox

02-23-2008, 05:02 AM
I need a good seedbox preferably high bw and decent speeds.

I have a limit of £21-$40 and i need something thats easy to set up and use and also i have no experience with linux or anything like that.

Also when i do get one would anyone mind helping me set it up or whatever you have to do ? :happy:

02-23-2008, 05:04 AM
I need a good seedbox preferably high bw and decent speeds.

I have a limit of £21-$40 and i need something thats easy to set up and use and also i have no experience with linux or anything like that.

Also when i do get one would anyone mind helping me set it up or whatever you have to do ? :happy:

Ill post ya a link in two seconds...



Those are in your price range, have unlimited bandwidth, and let you choose whichever operating system you want.

Go with windows server web edition.

Then it is just remote desktop, you use the ip addy they give you along with username and pass, and it brings up a desktop just like your home pc. you install utorrent and you are good to go.

Jonny has one of those and it destroys my vectoral dedicated server. Pm him if you want more info, i set his up for him and could help you set yours up too once you get it.

02-23-2008, 05:13 AM
Don't know if you know this but £21-$40 really means about $42-$40. A GBP runs a little over $2 a piece. You might want to re adjust your values.

02-23-2008, 05:41 AM
Agree with fatcat for once :D

I'm going to get a Raptor 5 just so that I can stick Fedora on it and play around with it. Doesn't cost that much and I get a seedbox out of it ;)

Anyone doing this currently (or done it) and can give their experiences on Linux on a VPS? Is it worth the shot?

02-23-2008, 06:21 AM
Wtf O_o

How are those so cheap? Is it because of the lame hardware?


02-23-2008, 06:23 AM
have fun on hosting-ie's vps. I dont know if you have sct but there are pages of horror stories with them.

02-23-2008, 10:08 AM
Meh, minimum 3 month's contract. LOL^^^^

02-23-2008, 02:24 PM
I signed up for hosting-ie last night and although it says 3 mo minimum it allowed me to pay for only 1 month as the default option on the order form.

As long as the traffic is unlimited and my upload is 2x or 3x better than the 225-235kB/s I get now that would make uploading a lot easier and faster.

02-23-2008, 02:39 PM
I think i'll sign to hosting-ie for 3 month...

02-23-2008, 02:46 PM
have fun on hosting-ie's vps. I dont know if you have sct but there are pages of horror stories with them.

Ya and they promote vectoral like its high king.

Vectoral is crap, lol outdated hardware. all their systems have IDE hard drives all the way up to the $150 a month range.

So, from someone who has more then one seedbox, has used seedboxes on every provider, and has used them not just for torrenting. I can tell you right now that hosting ie has 10x better bang for the buck.

You can ask Artemis, SgtMajor, and plenty of other...more experienced file sharing users...how good hosting ie is. I switched from vectoral, paying $107 a month for a 80gb IDE hd with 3tb bandwidth to a dual core with 2gb ram, 700GB of space, unlimited bandwidth (I easily do 7-10TB a month) and I pay less then I did for my vectoral.

So you can read fan boy all you want until you test it yourself and realize how crappy it is. All your reviews on ScT are from years ago...read the dates on the forums. Then there are a few from noobs who didnt know how to set up a seedbox and then cried wolf.:lol:

If it sucked so bad why would some of the most experienced users on the forum preach them so much and recommend them.

If you think they really suck, for those of us who use them for torrenting, the only thing that comes close to my set up is an OvH set up. Which I also have used in the past, yet this is cheaper and more bang for the buck...

The VPS is not meant for a 1 time buffering, most people who have seedboxes keep them as it keeps your personal IP out of the torrenting and you can download anything you want off your server when you want. At $40 a month it is cheaper for me to have a VPS instead of upgrading my home internet connection.

Here is a FAQ I have posted on a few sites....

The Non-Owner FAQ

So you are curious about seedboxes but not sure where to start?

This is information collected to help you understand how they work before jumping into the swarm.

What is a seedbox?

A seedbox is the term for when users of the torrent community use a dedicated server or VPS to increase their upload on trackers. A seedbox normally has a very fast connection (anywhere between 10Mb/s to 1000Mb/s) and is accessed remotely by the user. They can be rented on a month by month or yearly basis. The fast speed allows for users to achieve high ratios on torrents very easily, thus increasing their upload to the tracker.

Seedboxes can range anywhere from ~$40 a month all the way up to however large your check book is. The cream of the crop servers are the latest technology processors with terabytes of hard drive space and a 1Gb/s (1000Mb/s) or even a 2Gb/s connection.

Do I need a seedbox?

Seedboxes aren't just for buffering an account, a large number of users use them in order to keep their home IP address out of the swarm. They also use them if their home connection cant handle the stress caused by the large amount of BT traffic. They are very beneficial to users who have poor home connections where it would cost more a month to upgrade your home internet connection then purchasing a seedbox to do the work for you.

How large a buffer can I get my accounts in one month?

If you are using a dedicated server, you can get anywhere from 500gb to 8tb on a single account. It all depends on how you have your box set up.

With VPS you can expect 500gb to about 3.5TB.

This all depends highly on how active the tracker is and how fast you seed the torrents. Hence why RSS/irc filtering is highly recommended for sites that have it.

Whats the difference between dedicated and VPS?

Dedicated Serves are a computer that only you have access to. You have your own individual connection to the network, have complete control over resources, and pay a premium for it.

VPS is a virtual server, meaning there is 1 computer and 4 users have access to that computers resources. Each user has its own hard drive space and own desktop, however system resources are shared between them all. These usually have 2 100Mb/s lines connected to them in order to deal with the extra traffic generated by the added number of users. These setups are very cheap compared to the dedicated boxes.

Whats the best provider for seedboxes?

To help users here decide which company to go with, there will be a ranking system, with reviews, for most of the major dedicated server providers. There will be a separate thread for VPS (Virtual servers, shared connections)

Level 1 = Not Recommended
Level 5 = Highly Recommended

Level 1


Level 2


Level 3


Level 4

Vectoral leaseweb

Level 5

OvH Hosting-ie

Explanation of ranks:
Few updates:

Hosting ie has moved to level 5, the value of the boxes through them is amazing. A few members have let me use their boxes to test them out and I give them a perfect rating (just as good as OvH when we ran 100mb test files between servers).

Pros: Bang for buck: You get really good hardware for what you spend
Cons: Support isnt that good, not offering 1gb/s

Vectoral will stay at level 4:
Pro's: Fast setup, reliable, good support
Con's: hardware is ancient and outdated, you pay too much for what you get

OVH will stay at level 5:
Pros: Very fast speeds, decent set up time, good bang for buck
Cons: only available in certian countries, french data center

Leaseweb level 4:
Pros: very nice setups, good support
Cons: way too expensive.

Dedibox down to level 2:
Pros: dirt cheap
Cons: Their datacenters are raided every other day, hardware isnt that great, support doesnt exist.

Keyweb level 1:
Pros: I cant think of any
Cons: Everything, support, cost way too much for what you get, limit bandwidth on you, not reliable.
What type of seedbox should I get?

The thing about seedboxes is they are addictive. It is nice to keep your home connection out of the swarm by using a seedbox and connecting to your seedbox using FTP. If you are going to use it for one month, the set up you will want will be very different then if you want to keep a server for a while. Usually when people use a server just for a month, they want to do a great deal of traffic in a very short amount of time. This is called buffering accounts.

If you are using it for a 1 time deal, you'll want to get very good specs and you will pay a premium.

Recommended set up:
Dedicated, not VPS
100mb/s connection
SATA Hard drive (at least 80gb)
2gb of ram is recommended however you can survive with 1gb

Total traffic per month~ Easy 4-7TB

If you are going to keep it for a while, you can do lower stats as you will not be needing to seed every torrent to 15.0 ratio, your serve wont be as good as the above, but it will easily do 6mb/s uploading and keep seeding away. It also will be a great deal cheaper then the above.

Recommended set up:
100mb/s connection shared
IDE or SATA...obviously SATA is better, but IDE is fine for this set up
1gb ram is recommended however you can survive with 512mb

Total traffic per month ~2-4tb

I heard Linux is better for seedboxes, should I go learn it instead of just using windows on mine? Will it really make a difference?

If you don't know linux, then just use windows. There is no point in attempting to learn linux if you can just use remote desktop. Linux and windows both work about equal as far as the average user needs to be concerned about. You will seed just as much with both, as long as your settings are correct.

If I am on a tight budget, what is the most important factor for my seedbox?

Tight budget seedboxes need memory. At least 1gb memory for any seedbox is highly recommend. A lower priced seedbox will have an 40gb IDE hard drive, therefore you will also need to cap your downloading in order to prevent data corruption issues. Usually 4mb/s for any files over 3gb is good. Anything lower can be uncapped.


Note the rankings are pulled from a site where there are about 30 or so users who are UPLOADERS to other sites. So if all the uploaders to your favorite sites agree with this, then obviously the crap about hosting ie/OvH is just junk generated by users who either just dont know how to use a box (ie...getting 256mb or ram and thinking they are going to do any seeding) or just people who got resold boxes back in the day when this company was just starting off.

02-23-2008, 02:54 PM
FatCat, thats a great guide. I think it should be stickied, especially with the half dozen seedbox questions that seem to pop up here every day from noobs like me. :D

I really appreciated this guide and read through it 2 or 3x.

02-23-2008, 04:01 PM
FatCat, thats a great guide. I think it should be stickied, especially with the half dozen seedbox questions that seem to pop up here every day from noobs like me. :D

I really appreciated this guide and read through it 2 or 3x.

Thanks mate, I did submit it and once it is approved it will be in my sig.

Here is the rest of it:

The Owner FAQ

I just got my seedbox log in information...what do I do now?

(This is for windows, if you have linux and could make a tutorial, pm me and Ill edit it in and credit you :-D, preferably one with wine/utorrent and then one with rtorrent)

For either operating system, please do this:
Keep that OS safe!

Encrypt that hard drive:

1. Log in using remote desktop using the IP address and log in information given to you by your provider.

2. Download and install the latest version of uTorrent. Click Here (http://www.utorrent.com/download.php)

3. Set the connection settings to these:


4. Adjust any other settings that you want via personal preference.

5. Download some torrent files and begin!

How do I get my files off of my seedbox to my house?

You use an FTP. There is a complete guide for this. (see my sig)

I have a seedbox, but I keep getting disk overload and my speeds drop off the charts. Why Does this happen and how do I fix it?

What is happening is that your bit torrent client is downloading faster then your hard drive can write to the disk. This usually happens with IDE hard drives when the memory set aside to buffer the disk becomes full. The data comes into the server too fast and the server doesn't know what to do with it so it just loses data.

How to fix it.

1. First, do a clean install of utorrent to clean out any custom settings you may have adjusted. As something might be corrupt. Then set the connection settings to how they are in the picture below if you have a dedicated box. If you are on VPS, start at the default recommended settings for xx/100Mb. Check to see if it still happens. If it still does, proceed to step 2.


2. Check all the boxes like they are in the image below. If you have 1gb of ram in your server, set the cache to what it is in the image. If you have 512mb. Set it to 150mb. Check and see if it happens still. If it does Proceed to step 3.


3. If the first two options didnt work, then it is a hard disk issue. Run various hard disk analysis tools to see if the disk is working 100% correctly. If it is, your download speed just is too much for the disk write speed. So you will have to limit your download on large files such as anything over 4gb limit the global download speed to 3mb/s and watch it for a while.

If you start to see all your uploading approach zero, then decrease the download speed to 2.5mb/s. That is a sign that the disk cant keep up.
If everything is stable at 3Mb/s, try 3.5Mb/s and continue tweaking back and forth until you are stable.

I have found that with my vectoral box, 4.3Mb/s seems to be the sweet spot where I will still be able to upload/download at the same speeds for anything over 4gb.

I get to 99.9% and my internet traffic stops for a few minutes and then once that file says 100% it comes back, how come and can I fix this?

This happens because your memory is buffering the download when you are downloading faster then your hard drive can write. There is no known fix, however, you can limit your download speed accordingly to remove it. Personally, I just deal with it for the 1 minute on the rare occasion it happens as downloading it faster is more important to me, so I can share it on other sites, not just where I downloaded it from.


02-23-2008, 04:17 PM
Thanks again. You're a great help.

Btw, are you the same fatcat @ bitsoup?

02-23-2008, 04:20 PM
Thanks again. You're a great help.

Btw, are you the same fatcat @ bitsoup?

Na I use a different nick on trackers, to avoid filling my pm box here lol :lol:

02-23-2008, 06:50 PM
If you're willing to start with something, I suggest you http://jmhservices.com/seed.htm It's obviously not the best one, but it's something you might want to start with. PS: Great guide fatcat69

02-23-2008, 07:18 PM
If you're willing to start with something, I suggest you http://jmhservices.com/seed.htm It's obviously not the best one, but it's something you might want to start with. PS: Great guide fatcat69

Thanks mate,

But I wouldnt recommend torrentflux services. All this is, is a box with about 10-20 people using it. Why pay and make someone rich and have junky service, when you can have your own desktop and do what ever you want on the computer. Torrentflux is never good to pay for in any situation.

Id recommend vps to wet your feet and then dedi once you get addicted to the speed :lol:

Never Torrentflux based pay to use.:dry:

02-23-2008, 07:37 PM
I think im gonna buy an OVH one because people have told me theres problem with hosting-ie and installing utorrent.

But the problem is i have no experience on linux and the cheapest box on OVH is linux unless i want to pay an extra £10 ontop of the £20 for the seedbox.

So im not entirely sure what im going to do yet but thank you everyone for the help and suggestions

Much appreciated.

02-23-2008, 07:42 PM
If you are in the UK, then sign up for a free KimiSurf for 12 months:


You need to order a KimiSurf for 12 months from ovh, do not pay, post in the forums with your order number, sit back and wait and hope you were in the first 100, I was :D

Thanks to the person that sent me the link, I got one :w00t:

Now I need to get to grips with Fedora a little bit :lol:

05-19-2008, 02:06 PM
For 12 month ??

Is that not too much ?

Do no , I prefer hosting-ie at list you can cancel the server anytime with 30 days notice
no matter when, and speeds are grate as well.

05-20-2008, 11:03 AM
try this : http://www.ovh.co.uk/products/kimsufi08.xml

05-20-2008, 11:12 AM
I need a good seedbox preferably high bw and decent speeds.

lol as opposed to low bandwidth and poor speeds

05-20-2008, 01:05 PM
i think i will have http://hosting-ie.com/content/view/27/64/ a try. It's not that expensive

05-20-2008, 06:36 PM
Well, if there is no such thing as a dumb question, I'm about to test that theory.

Here goes:

- it seems hosting-ie is available for US residents, but OVH is not. Are there any other providers that offer an unlimited feature for a reasonable price?
- aside from the reported three week setup time, is ie-hosting generally reliable?
- when the site says "25.000 MB," should I assume that's roughly 25 GB?
- even though it says a three month contract, you can choose just one month, but has anyone successfully canceled before three months were up?
- for someone just starting out (that would be me), is the VPS Raptor 2 a good choice?


05-20-2008, 06:48 PM
Fatcat - Thanks for making a guide, gonna have a good old read of it now. :)

05-23-2008, 06:15 AM
they do cancel it without any complications if you give them 30 days notice, tel them the same day that you want the server just for 1 month.

VPS Raptor 2 a good choice?
depends for what. I would advice to go for them http://hosting-ie.com/content/view/29/66/

05-23-2008, 01:12 PM
Wow those look pretty tempting.
I have large 6TB+ home fileserver that I'm completing now and I believe these could come in handy in more than one occasion.

Thanks for the link Fatcat69:)