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View Full Version : Anonymous file sharing solution

02-29-2008, 12:24 PM
I see a lot of posts on various boards about how to share anonymously, and many times complicated solutions are offered. Pay for anonymisers, proxies, etc.

In Japan, copyright laws are MUCH more strict than in the western world. Therefore, many Japanese P2P programs incorporate functionality that keeps you totally anonymous and all data transfers encrypted.

My question is: why don't MORE people use this all over the world?? Just install the English version of Perfect Dark ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_Dark_(P2P) ) and solve all your problems.

Where does this advice fail?

02-29-2008, 01:11 PM
Hmm well you are right in Japan those WinNY inspired p2p meshes work very well. Not only do they have sophisticated methods for an anonymous but open network, but they are also of practical use in contrary to most other western projects which are mainly of philosophical and theoretical nature.

Most people in the western world are lacking upload ressources, so even usual direct peer-to-peer is rather inefficient. I think in Japan it's more easy to get a 10Mbit synchronous flatrate or higher bandwidth, thus they don't have such a big problem if bandwidth is wasted due to anonymization.

Also many people here ask themselves if they need informational anarchy when what they want is just sharing copyrighted files. Usually the better way to achieve what we want is to aim directly to it, by using Providers which would protect the average filesharer but which wouldn't termless protect every law infringement possible.

But actually I don't have an answer, why anonymous p2p is always doomed to fail establishment in the main filesharing community here, while it is accepted so well over there in Japan. Perhaps we also lack a program which helped the p2p users to get used to anonymous systems?

Then the copyright laws are also more strict there, so it might be in Japan many sincere filesharers really feel the need for such a system, while in the western world most think such strong anonymization is not needed for the legal but copyrighted files.

02-29-2008, 07:42 PM
it fails because Perfect Dark needs a 40GB unity, its A LOT of wasted GB in my HDD btw Share needs only 2GB

03-01-2008, 01:49 PM
it fails because Perfect Dark needs a 40GB unity, its A LOT of wasted GB in my HDD btw Share needs only 2GB

Eh, no.

40GB share? That's ridiculous. You just need to share a fair amount of 2GB (or leech-and-share the equivalent).

03-01-2008, 07:33 PM
Also what's different with hard drive space in the western world and japan?

This can't be the only reason why we don't have it and they do.

But perhaps we have so little need for anonymity that we wouldn't even tolerate the unity cache.

03-01-2008, 11:16 PM
Also what's different with hard drive space in the western world and japan?

This can't be the only reason why we don't have it and they do.

But perhaps we have so little need for anonymity that we wouldn't even tolerate the unity cache.
Um, did you forget about the rampant lawsuits in the usa? I think we do need something like this here, but maybe I'm the only one that doesn't want to get served papers...

03-02-2008, 01:31 AM
Well I would also like to see the establishment of such a system, perhaps we also lack developers that create such a system for our standards?