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View Full Version : One Way To Beat The Riaa (spit). Maybe

08-03-2003, 04:13 AM
This may only work for dialup users.

Find a way to open an account with an ISP with payments being not tracable to you, eg- bank account not in your name.

When dialing, withhold your number. Some ISP's in the UK allow this, I don't Know about the USA or elsewhere.

They will not be able to trace you through your payments or the phone line you connected with.

Like I say, its just a thought,, or is anybody already doing this? :alien: :'(

08-03-2003, 04:25 AM
um I already do that?? :blink:

08-03-2003, 04:27 AM
lol we all cant get swiss bank accounts.

08-03-2003, 06:20 AM
that idea is just too crazy

08-03-2003, 07:21 AM
yea i know we shouldnt have to go through all of that.

08-03-2003, 07:43 PM
they can trace watever # you call from .... if they get on to you , they will have you unless your willing to run. :blink:

08-03-2003, 07:50 PM
Do you really think it is that easy to open a bank account in a false name.

There are such things as the money laundering regulations in the UK. These require banks to obtain copies of documents which prove your name and home address.

Anyone who tries your idea will probably get into more trouble than if they get caught sharing files.

Thanks for the effort, but this is not a good plan

08-03-2003, 10:00 PM
i pay cash to my isp and they are so happy they dont care who i am :D

08-04-2003, 12:48 AM
all isp's index the phone #'s your calling from in their files, so unless your running around from phone booth to phone booth , they will have you unless your willing to run......but for a fine, i doubt i would run. the max fine so far is $7500. i d pay that just to still be part of this sic society we have created.
FUK THE RIAA!!!!! :blink:

08-04-2003, 02:24 AM
I think there is one way, although not very convenient. In the US, there are coffee shops that allow anyone to plug in their laptops to their servers. I guess if you wanted to just beat the RIAA for the sake of it, inspite of the inconvenience, that might work. The only thing that might be a problem is that one's mac could be identified. If that was not traceable, I can't see how one could be identified. The other problem with this would of course be that one could not stay in one place too long or visit too often. Impractical, but possible.

08-04-2003, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by iHadYourMomLastNight@KaZaa@4 August 2003 - 00:48
all isp's index the phone #'s your calling from in their files, so unless your running around from phone booth to phone booth , they will have you unless your willing to run......but for a fine, i doubt i would run. the max fine so far is $7500. i d pay that just to still be part of this sic society we have created.
FUK THE RIAA!!!!! :blink:
You could, of course, go to the trouble of buying a pack of male phone heads (analog), and run from payphone to payphone, severing the connection between the the phone cord and the headset. Then you'd simply attach the cord to a phone head, and then plug into your computer, after inserting 50 cents into the payphone of course... :ph34r:

08-04-2003, 02:31 AM
doesn't matter we can sue back it's illegal for the RIAA to check on us

we can beat them on their own game

08-04-2003, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by Hogster@4 August 2003 - 02:31
doesn't matter we can sue back it's illegal for the RIAA to check on us

we can beat them on their own game
There is a difference between what is legal and illegal for them to do. They do quite a bit of LEGAL brow-beating, but they have not as of yet attempted anything illegal.
If they attempted to implant, for example, trojans on end-users computers, they could then get in deep water, but they wait until they can successfully subpeona end-users and get legal access to peoples' computers.
One thing to point out is that if they did begin to launch trojans, they'd do fairly well, because trojans don't do as well on *nix platforms, and that's where they'd run into trouble, as a great deal of the black-hats live on *nix platforms.

Right now, the hacking that has been done to modify sections of the RIAA website has been fairly "kiddieish" in nature.
If black-hats wanted to bother and attack the RIAA website, they could shut it down for months, and remove any chance of the RIAA maintaining a credible facade.

08-04-2003, 08:28 PM
WOW.......who are the black hats?
i wanna party with those dudes haahaha! :blink: