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View Full Version : Removing beat from a song and having only the vocals!!!

03-03-2008, 03:02 AM
Hey am trying to find out a good program that can remove the beat from a song and leaving me with the vocals am trying to do this so i can use it and sample a beat to create my own using reason 3,0 any one with knowledge of a good programs that can do this Pm me please Thx:naughty:

03-05-2008, 09:08 PM
You can try what the user below suggests and see if it works for you.

open original file (A) in a DAW (i.e. soundforge)
select only one channel (left or right) and invert the phase of it
bounce the whole file to a mono track: the left and right track will sum. one will be inverted in phase so resulting in phase cancellation so that now you have a mono file which contains informations on what is on the left and right channel with no trace of what's on both (B).
Bounce the original file to a mono track (C).
You can now sum C and B to eliminate what's on the left and right channel and leave only what's on the middle (hopefully only voice).
may not be as easy as i explained tho, it's been ages since i used this tecnique (like 8 years)

Source-> http://www.em411.com/forum/5727/0//Remixology_101_Vocal_Extraction.html

03-06-2008, 07:54 AM
You can try what the user below suggests and see if it works for you.

open original file (A) in a DAW (i.e. soundforge)
select only one channel (left or right) and invert the phase of it
bounce the whole file to a mono track: the left and right track will sum. one will be inverted in phase so resulting in phase cancellation so that now you have a mono file which contains informations on what is on the left and right channel with no trace of what's on both (B).
Bounce the original file to a mono track (C).
You can now sum C and B to eliminate what's on the left and right channel and leave only what's on the middle (hopefully only voice).
may not be as easy as i explained tho, it's been ages since i used this tecnique (like 8 years)

Source-> http://www.em411.com/forum/5727/0//Remixology_101_Vocal_Extraction.html
nice tip :happy: