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View Full Version : Could y'all do me a small favour?

03-03-2008, 04:31 AM
Hi all of FST, this is actually a request for a SCT invite. I know many people have promised me that they would give me one once yadayadayada, but I wait, and wait, and I never seem to getone. I might not be "the greatest FST member" but I would really like the oppotunity to 1) say sry to any members i may have pmed just one too many times and 2) for not perhaps making enough giveaways.

SCT is definitely a must have tracker due to 1) its phenomenal speeds and 2) it’s decent if not awesome pre times. I have been looking for SCT for a while now, but sometimes one can become impatient after many people had “promised” to give invites, but never did (i.e. stupid Trivium) I really regret friending up Trivium because he seemed so nice at first, but this is only because he wants something from you.

Honestly, if anyone has an SCT invite to spare for me, I would greatly appreciate it. I have made some friends on FST and I know that FST is a good community. I’m not looking to trade or to have buffered accounts on SCT. I just want MY OWN account on SCT from an invite.

If FST could kindly consider a decent member at FST, I would greatly appreciate it. One might say that this is too early for a request, but a n00b can have dreams, can he not? I am always nice to new kids on the block at FST because I remember when I was first registered in FST and I felt that some people did not like newcomers. Everyone deserves a chance and I hope you guys will come to understand that I want a chance at SCT!

*special shout out to Jonny81985! Hope u get that FTN! and FalconAce (earlier request by Jonny for that SCT invite for him which didn’t work out and he still doesn’t have cuz u noe, some peeps r shy, while some go all out in requests; hope u get one too bro!)*

If you have a invite and you are willing to gimme, please don't hesitate to pm me!

03-03-2008, 04:34 AM
You're asking someone to give you 30 bucks.

03-03-2008, 04:35 AM
You're asking someone to give you 30 bucks.
it's a favour no? I really want dis

03-03-2008, 04:40 AM
you're a collector. ive seen you get into sooo many accounts through our invites. heck, someone who borrowed my thors land account invited you with it. why do you deserve Sct to add to your collection

03-03-2008, 04:42 AM
you're a collector. ive seen you get into sooo many accounts through our invites. heck, someone who borrowed my thors land account invited you with it. why do you deserve Sct to add to your collection
if u went through my so called "collection" u would have to say i am one really crappy collector.

03-03-2008, 05:24 AM
You're asking someone to give you 30 bucks.


03-03-2008, 05:26 AM
i think that you really don't deserve SCT, and you know why ;)

03-03-2008, 05:28 AM
seriously, the above is what it comes down to.? Still want it...For personal.