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View Full Version : Wmp Problem

08-03-2003, 07:05 PM
it just wont go full screen, its been like this for months but im finally trying to fix it... it just goes back to regular window size after flashing full screen or something.. anyone else have this problem?

Rip The Jacker
08-03-2003, 07:32 PM
What version of WMP are you using? If using an older version, try upgrading to WMP9 and see if that fixes it. Or use a different player, there are many players that are a lot better than WMP, like ZoomPlayer, or BSPlayer.

08-04-2003, 12:43 AM
Ive stuck with wmp 9 through thick and thin...it does everything u can think off..it supports all the codecs,windvd5 plugins,nero6 plugins,roxio plugins..theres not much u cant do with this

if you already have this version i might be able to help with your problem..please post which version u have

08-04-2003, 02:37 AM
As general rule of thumb, IMO, it is always best to uninstall problem software and then re-install after a reboot. This will rule-out (not completely but damn close) the possibilities pertainig to whether or not the problem is hardware or software related.

In your case, I would go to microsoft.com and download a fresh version of WMP9 and uninstall your current one. Reboot then install the new copy. If the problem persists, then you may have bigger issues than just a faulty application.

Before you try anything however, I would test out the full-screen feature on several different movie clips/file types.