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View Full Version : 700mb file. two private trackers. how do i

03-08-2008, 02:46 AM
download from sources off of both trackers at the same time?

i use utorrent 1.7.7

03-08-2008, 03:01 AM
I wouldn't do it, that would screw the stats wouldn't it? :huh:

03-08-2008, 03:06 AM
copy both announce urls into the same torrent. you might get banned because its called ghosting i believe and it cheats your upload so that both trackers will get your total upload. NO trackers allow this (except pubs of course), and there are probably scripts to catch you if the trackers you're thinking about are decent ones

03-08-2008, 03:17 AM
i tried that for like a second or two b4 i made this topic but when i reopend utorrent to see if the new source would show up i couldnt get any sources. red, access denied. i only trid it for a few seconds tho hope they dont get pissed

03-08-2008, 03:22 AM
Found this on what.cd might help. i dunno


step by step guide using uTorrent 1.6
by: thewimp
thanks to: Tich

This tutorial will explain how to upload an album to two different private trackers.
I have seen some people doing things like adding 2 trackers to the same torrent job, this is a bad thing and
will be flagged as cheating. So I decided to write this tutorial to help people do it the right way. Tich was the first to talk about that on the other thread, so the kudos go to him. http://what.cd/pic/smilies/smile1.gif
The tutorial was made using uTorrent 1.6, but may work with any version.


first you will need some album to upload. I'll use an imaginary one, let's call it "waffos - best hits"


now you have to upload it to the tracker, but first you'll need to create the torrent:
open uTorrent, click on 'create new torrent'.
a window will pop, now follow the instructions:


1 - click on 'add directory' and point to the folder you want to upload.
2 - paste the tracker url from waffles upload page/use your url with the passkey.
3 - since this is the first torrent you will create, it's recommended to leave this option on auto detect.
4 - UNTICK start seeding, TICK private torrent.
5 - click on 'create and save as...' button, the progress bar below it will fill up, and you'll be asked where you want to save the .torrent.

click on 'close' button.

now you can see a new job added to uTorrent, you may want to label it, or just leave it on No Label category.
click on the torrent job, you'll notice some tabs below it, click on the general tab, now you have to check the 'piece size' used by uTorrent .

this is needed because:
1 - the piece size was set to auto during torrent creation so you need to know what size was used.
2 - you will have to select a different piece size for the second torrent



now go to the upload page on waffles and select the .torrent you have created, upload it and start seeding.

ADDITIONAL STEPS: if you have used the standard tracker url (i.e. without passkey), you may have to download the .torrent file on the upload page in order to proper seed it. To do this, just download it from the page, open uTorrent, select the new torrent job you have created, CLICK ON REMOVE BUTTON (otherwise uTorrent will try to add new tracker to existing job), add the new .torrent you downloaded and point it to your album folder (in this case: G:\waffos - best hits).

now you're done with the first torrent, let's create the second torrent to upload to what.cd tracker.


click on create a new torrent, the same window will popup.


As you can see on the pic above, the folder will be the same as the first (YOU DON'T NEED TO MODIFY THE FILES INSIDE THE FOLDER).
Now you have to use the what.cd tracker, get it from your what.cd upload page.
IMPORTANT STEP: this is the where you do the trick, you'll have to select a different piece size for the new torrent. In this example, the first torrent have a piece size of 512 kB, so I'll select a close number, like 256 or 1024 kB.
Untick start seeding, TICK private torrent.
Click on 'create and save as...' and save the new .torrent on a different location, or with a different name (otherwise uTorrent will ask to overwrite the first one). remember to keep your .torrent stored because you may need them on the future.
uTorrent will add a new job and now you can see 2 exactly identical torrents on the job list, but one is for waffles and the other is for what. I strongly suggest that you create labels for better management of your upload jobs.
upload the new torrent to what.cd and start seeding.

that's it, you now have 2 identical torrents on two different private trackers. http://what.cd/pic/smilies/w00t.gif

please suggest corrections or additions to the tutorial.
cheers. http://what.cd/pic/smilies/smile1.gif

03-08-2008, 04:07 AM
he is downloading not uploading..

i think you should just pick the fastest tracker of the 2, and if you think its gonna be really slow then combining them both won't help that much, so find it on a pub or something

03-08-2008, 05:00 AM
If it's only one file pick one tracker. If it's multiple rar files you can have one tracker download part of the files and the other can do the rest. Or you can even use more than two.

03-08-2008, 05:56 AM
Just upload the files and make sure to rename the torrent file. Example, ScT torrent file for the movie "The Mist" would be labeled "The Mist". If you wanted to upload the same exact file on Revtt you would name the second torrent file "The Mist 2008" The torrent file that is. You still would have to create a torrent and upload the same movie twice. It's just done from the same file(Movie file not torrent file). Also you would use a different piece size. Never have one torrent file announce to two different trackers. Thats called cheating.

03-08-2008, 08:22 AM
Stupid question maybe, but isn't it possible to add the two torrents, if their name somehow differ and choose the same directory to download to?

Not that I have ever tried this, so really this is just speculation.

The idea with splitting the rars down the middle is best though

03-08-2008, 11:13 AM
one will write, the other will delete...

03-08-2008, 12:47 PM
Open the torrent from the 1st tracker, save the first 20 (half) of the .rars into directory X on your hard drive. Then open the torrent for the same movie on 2nd tracker, save the remaining .rars into a *different* directory.

I think even if you split the .rars between the two torrents but try to use the same folder for saving them the data will partially overwrite itself and cause problems.

So, once you get the download(s) complete, open the .rar and start unraring.. when it gets to the missing file, browse and give it the location of the 2nd folder and it should pick up where it left of and continue to unrar the movie.

Then leave both seeding as long as you like.

?? Dunno, seems like a stupid idea.. just use one tracker. But if I HAD to try to do this.. thats the method that jumps to mind.


03-08-2008, 02:00 PM
I think even if you split the .rars between the two torrents but try to use the same folder for saving them the data will partially overwrite itself and cause problems.
I do it quite often with all the .rars in the same folder. As long as you set the right files to "don't download" on each torrent it's not a problem. This is with utorrent at least.
One reason for doing this is when one tracker doesn't max out your download and you want more speed. Or if you don't want to download too much from one tracker, you just divide it over two or more.

03-08-2008, 02:08 PM
I think even if you split the .rars between the two torrents but try to use the same folder for saving them the data will partially overwrite itself and cause problems.
I do it quite often with all the .rars in the same folder. As long as you set the right files to "don't download" on each torrent it's not a problem. This is with utorrent at least.
One reason for doing this is when one tracker doesn't max out your download and you want more speed. Or if you don't want to download too much from one tracker, you just divide it over two or more.

Interesting.. The reason I suggested using different folders is that if you select to download only 1 file and skip on everything else.. it always downloads a little chunk of the file before & after the file you're snatching.

03-08-2008, 02:15 PM
Yes, you're right. I usually keep one .rar file as a buffer between the groups i'm downloading from different trackers. I only download that one in the end after i've stopped one torrent. Then just re-check both torrents and you're seeding the whole thing on two trackers.

03-08-2008, 02:26 PM

03-08-2008, 05:43 PM
Yes, you're right. I usually keep one .rar file as a buffer between the groups i'm downloading from different trackers. I only download that one in the end after i've stopped one torrent. Then just re-check both torrents and you're seeding the whole thing on two trackers.

that's pretty smart, although normally 0day trackers would be the ones with matching files, and i still would rather download the whole thing from 1 tracker and then just download the torrent file from the other to start seeding from. your way seems like a lot of unnecessary work, when in the long run you are still getting the same total amount of download on your trackers

03-09-2008, 12:00 AM
unfortunately the file was not archived. it was just a 700mb avi file. i just thought there might of been a way to tell utorrent to only garb the packets at the begining. and then to tell the other tracker to start grabing the packets at the end of the file, whilst sharing the same directory

another prob ive been wondering about since ive upgraded to utorrent 1.7.7 is whenever i try to delete torrent + data the files end up in my Recycle bin. how do i make them delete permanently when i choose to delete torrent + data?