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View Full Version : .exe manipulation programs

03-08-2008, 08:34 AM
Hey, i used to have couple simple programs to change .exe icons or bind .exe together and stuff like that.

Does anyone know anything good i could get to do those?

I don't want any installing programs or anything, i want those simple programs you just run, load the exe and do stuff with it. No professional complicated programs that cost money (even though you can get crack) and have alot of useless features.

as simple as possible.

03-08-2008, 11:27 AM

03-09-2008, 07:30 AM
Meh, i used this in the past, but not quite what i'm looking for now, this is for REALLY fully modifying really the program itself.

What i need is a simple program where you select a icon and a exe and press a ok and patchs it. Or select two .exe and binds it together, and stuff like that. I searched everywhere, i can't find that program i had -_-

03-10-2008, 06:29 PM
Meh, i used this in the past, but not quite what i'm looking for now, this is for REALLY fully modifying really the program itself.

What i need is a simple program where you select a icon and a exe and press a ok and patchs it. Or select two .exe and binds it together, and stuff like that. I searched everywhere, i can't find that program i had -_-

Hey man, this seems like the thing you are looking for:

However, i am not taking the responsibility! :)

What do you need to bind two .exe file for? If you are planning on creating a trojan than you'll 99% get detected.
Let me know what you need it for and i'll try to help. PM if you need anything... Best of luck!!!

03-14-2008, 07:52 PM
Meh, first, it was installing program, i want simple program that just runs, no need of installation and thousands crap.

I used to use it for creating trojans, but now, i need it for other stuff. Mainly changing .exe icon.