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View Full Version : E**** Request

03-09-2008, 06:59 PM
No heart felt crap, just facts.

1. I am exclusively FLAC oriented, I can give my profile links at Waffles, What and BTMusic.
2. Have tons to upload, especially vinyl. Most of it fun and quite rare. Just got new deck and will be setting up the system to rip soon after I get a better high-end cartridge/needle. Can rip silver with EAC to accepted specs as well.
3. I am uploader and other higher level sites, those who know me from other sites can vouch for me.
4. Have excellent ratios at all sites I belong to.

Im gonna lock it because I dont need opinions. If you think Ive done some good giveaways and have helped people here, as well as being a wiseass at times, and also deserve E****. Pm me and Ill be happy.


03-20-2008, 05:56 PM
1nce again