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View Full Version : Collecting sites.

03-10-2008, 04:15 PM
It's quite common that people just try to get invited to every site possible, just to collect them and look awesome or something, without even using half of their accounts. Do you do that? If so, what's the point? If you don't, why not? Would like to see some opinions on this question. :whistling

03-10-2008, 04:28 PM
I trade loads of SCL accounts!!! :D

03-10-2008, 04:41 PM
Yes, people hoard trackers and it's nothing new. What's the point? Well there really isn't any point. It's just in human nature trying to be better than everyone else and peek into strange places. Some want to run faster than the others, some want to have more trackers - and oh boy if they are rare and noone else has seen em! Well, that's at least how I see things. There were times I was really interested in all kinds of different trackers as well. But thank God it didn't turn into serious mania.

edit: btw it would be fun to make a list of all the symptoms of 'tracker mania'.. maybe seeing that would open up people's eyes to see how silly it is... Symptom no1: One has a number of tracker userbars in the signature in order of the latest rarity!

03-10-2008, 04:43 PM
Naleo : since you seem to be new here, you might not have heard about a concept called as an e-penis. the more trackers you have, the larger the buffers, the larger is the e-penis. most people want trackers for what level they are and not for the content that they actually offer. most of them will want to show it off by putting multiple userbars or favicons in their signature. it gives them a sense of achievement and they feel like they are "l337" just coz they have level x trackers. its more of a self-appraisal thing

03-10-2008, 04:49 PM
That's just foolish. Well, I'm new on FST but I've been active in torrenting since about the day TPB opened publically. E-penis is a joke btw.

03-10-2008, 04:50 PM
Due to my crappy upload, I can "commit" only to a couple of sites if I want to build good ratios and buffers.

03-10-2008, 04:57 PM
probably out of curiosity, and also that they have (no life) nothing better to do with their time.

03-10-2008, 04:58 PM
I trade loads of SCL accounts!!! :D

maybe thats why you don't have any accounts

I don't like to collect accounts, but it happens when i register to a tracker and i don't like the layout, pretimes ,content and i don't use it....hope it's not a crime. There are so many trackers out there every one has something unique:happy:

03-10-2008, 04:58 PM
Another idea I just got is that traders probably collect as many sites they can and later on use them to trade better accounts on their behalf. Either way, it's waste of space on the sites they collect.

03-10-2008, 05:00 PM
Another idea I just got is that traders probably collect as many sites they can and later on use them to trade better accounts on their behalf. Either way, it's waste of space on the sites they collect.Troll on.:frusty:

03-10-2008, 05:01 PM
I have collected a few sites, but it is more a matter of having to sign up to find out their content and less to do with E-penis size......

BTW, what is the average size.....:-)

03-10-2008, 05:09 PM
I don't collect~ :)
Before I register, I find review about that tracker.
but, it's too hard to find everything about private tracker...
So, I register,and then I disappoint.... because it' different as I think.

However, I agree some people collect many tracker for trade... :)

03-10-2008, 05:11 PM
I don't collect~ :)
Before I register, I find review about that tracker.
but, it's too hard to find everything about private tracker...
So, I register,and then I disappoint.... because it' different as I think.

However, I agree some people collect many tracker for trade... :)

I do the same. I take a look on how the layout is, what kind of torrents they have and if the forums/IRC seems to be nice. Then I decide. I'm unfortunately too hooked about when it comes to site layouts, I tend to judge 80% by that fact. I'm probably missing out on a few sites because they don't look good enough for me. :pinch:

03-10-2008, 05:20 PM
Due to my crappy upload, I can "commit" only to a couple of sites if I want to build good ratios and buffers.


03-10-2008, 05:25 PM
No personally um not collecting, for example um not a member of any music tracker cuz I really not that music fan, and I saw lots of music trackers GAs here but didn't particip8 in, btw; from ur own posts, I noticed that u've accounts in lots of trackers ;)

I don't collect~ :)
Before I register, I find review about that tracker.
but, it's too hard to find everything about private tracker...
So, I register,and then I disappoint.... because it' different as I think.

However, I agree some people collect many tracker for trade... :)

I do the same. I take a look on how the layout is, what kind of torrents they have and if the forums/IRC seems to be nice. Then I decide. I'm unfortunately too hooked about when it comes to site layouts, I tend to judge 80% by that fact. I'm probably missing out on a few sites because they don't look good enough for me. :pinch:

Me too, don't like lots of trackers due to their uncomfortable layout

03-10-2008, 07:04 PM
I just want to see them. Make up my own mind about what trackers are worth.

Most are dissapointing and massively over-hyped, or should that be most of the high level trackers are dissapointing and massively over-hyped.

03-10-2008, 07:19 PM
Another idea I just got is that traders probably collect as many sites they can and later on use them to trade better accounts on their behalf. Either way, it's waste of space on the sites they collect.

Actually Not only traders ...but I find many antitraders and good FST members on various trackers with small amount of upload and download in weeks (Required to survive on tracker and do not get disable due to inactivity) r just having the tracker for their collection.......

03-10-2008, 07:31 PM
I'm a member of a lot of 0-day sites, but only use 2 of them on a regular basis. I let the old ones expire, or log in once in a while to keep the account active in the event I need to start using it again.

03-10-2008, 07:51 PM
Well collecting trackers should not really bother anybody who is anybody here to tell me or anybody else how many torrent sites a person should belong to otherwise "?????". if a person signs up or somebody is doing a giveaway clearly the person doing a giveaway does not respect the tracker rules either way it's still a nice thing to do and I like the idea but i tend to invite people via pm rather than in the public eye.

I think everybody is curious at the start and getting started on private trackers those people just want to join many different places i have done it at first and after a while once you know the ins and outs of what's what you start to notice most places offer similar content and slow down and stick to the places your happy with and enjoy to use.

Collect to trade is also another point.
Backup I have heard this excuse before i can see it to be a legitimate reason.
Epenis might be another cause ranking levels ?